The Average Salary of a Professional Pool Player


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
When compared with the average earnings of many Americans, it's not a bad living, because you will be working only for a few hours. However, if you compare it to a golf pro, for example, you will not be making in one year what they could potentially earn in one tournament.

I hope this is satirical...

Please cite your source when quoting from another author, or else it seems like you're trying to pass it off as your own (which in this case is a bad idea).


Retired Road Player
Silver Member
I hope this is satirical...

Please cite your source when quoting from another author, or else it seems like you're trying to pass it off as your own

I share information, I found this and believed it would be helpful, that is all. I share things on the internet all the time, I have no idea who wrote it and I don't find it important whatsoever.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You really don't think it's misleading to post something in this way and not provide a source? That's called "plagarism". If you really wanted to be helpful, you would have provided the link to where you copied the information from. Your intentions don't matter when it comes to other peoples intellectual property. Give credit where credit is due.

I wouldn't have know that you didn't write the post if other members here hadn't pointed it out.
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george canon

It is a shame, a disgrace, the top 25 pros don't all make a million a year, like in all the other top sports. They put in the same amount of time, years of practice and pain, a Tennis or golf pro does, and all they get for it, is the shaft. Tiger Woods made a billion dollars. TV, pays these sports millions to air them. Pool only got on ESPN, and paid them. The failure of pool, to hit prime time TV, and rake in those millions, is why the pros get so little today, and their pro tour, even collapsed a few years ago. Wanting to become a pool pro today, is not a smart thing to do. There is simply, no reward for the effort and time, a decade you have to put in, before it even begins to pay out. This is why so many kids, went into Poker instead. You could hit the big time, in 3 months. :(

Tramp Steamer

One Pocket enthusiast.
Silver Member
I apologize if my replay was harsh, Rhea. I believe your intentions are perfectly honorable. You saw something you thought the members might like reading, and you put it out there.
Galipeau is correct, however. You must cite the sources. At least use quotation marks where needed.
Hang in there, you're doing fine. :)

Tramp Steamer

One Pocket enthusiast.
Silver Member
It is a shame, a disgrace, the top 25 pros don't all make a million a year, like in all the other top sports. They put in the same amount of time, years of practice and pain, a Tennis or golf pro does, and all they get for it, is the shaft. Tiger Woods made a billion dollars. TV, pays these sports millions to air them. Pool only got on ESPN, and paid them. The failure of pool, to hit prime time TV, and rake in those millions, is why the pros get so little today, and their pro tour, even collapsed a few years ago. Wanting to become a pool pro today, is not a smart thing to do. There is simply, no reward for the effort and time, a decade you have to put in, before it even begins to pay out. This is why so many kids, went into Poker instead. You could hit the big time, in 3 months. :(

But, poker will fade in time, as well.
Let's get real here. Pool play is boring as hell to watch. Either in person, or on television. Back in the day, men's 9-Ball was televised via ESPN, right? Well, why 9-Ball? Why not One Pocket, or Straight Pool? Because a game of 9-Ball was about all the audience could take before they began looking for something else more stimulating to watch. At least the ladies's have lasted longer, albeit for obvious reasons. They're a lot more pleasant to look at.
I think we should all be thankful that we still have our own places to play. Even if they do call them sports bars and grills. :smile:


Ready, fire...aim
Silver Member
Obscure Sports

But, poker will fade in time, as well.
Let's get real here. Pool play is boring as hell to watch. Either in person, or on television. Back in the day, men's 9-Ball was televised via ESPN, right? Well, why 9-Ball? Why not One Pocket, or Straight Pool? Because a game of 9-Ball was about all the audience could take before they began looking for something else more stimulating to watch. At least the ladies's have lasted longer, albeit for obvious reasons. They're a lot more pleasant to look at.
I think we should all be thankful that we still have our own places to play. Even if they do call them sports bars and grills. :smile:

I really don't see poker dying. The casinos will continue to prop it up because it is still a big draw and you can edit a 12 hour final table into a dozen exiting hands, which you cant do with pool. Plus the skill in cards is less obvious and luck is still part of the game. Kids today love the idea of a pile of money waiting for them on the table like a lottery ticket. In pool, the better player usually wins. To the uneducated eye, the difference between the 1st and 100th best pool player is imperceptible but that uneducated person realizes that they wouldn't stand a chance in a single set of 9 ball with either one.

Basically, we have all hitched our wagon to an obscure sport/hobby that is viewed as shady and lower rent, which is also probably why we like it so much. In reality, our pro's don't sweat and bleed like the other sports mentioned and they already knew going into it that we weren't going to have a big payday. If there was one, the talent pool would be even deeper and you would see some scary good "athletes" playing the game.
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Texas Carom Club

9ball did to billiards what hiphop did to america
Silver Member
But, poker will fade in time, as well.
Let's get real here. Pool play is boring as hell to watch. Either in person, or on television. Back in the day, men's 9-Ball was televised via ESPN, right? Well, why 9-Ball? Why not One Pocket, or Straight Pool? Because a game of 9-Ball was about all the audience could take before they began looking for something else more stimulating to watch. At least the ladies's have lasted longer, albeit for obvious reasons. They're a lot more pleasant to look at.
I think we should all be thankful that we still have our own places to play. Even if they do call them sports bars and grills. :smile:

I dont think pool playing is boring to watch when its people who are pretty good
I enjoy the hell out of it, 9ball straight pool 8ball 3c all of it is very interesting to me

Texas Carom Club

9ball did to billiards what hiphop did to america
Silver Member
1 pocket though I just cant stand, but thats because I dont know what the hell they are trying to do


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

You can make more than that unloading boxes off trucks at the post office, fedex, or UPS. You can make that much being a flagger on construction sites. Hell, that's like $12 or $13 an hour or something for a full time worker? Good god, that's pathetic. I know pool is a dying/dead sport and there's no money in it...but for a top 10 guy to make $30k? He'd be better off bartending at the pool hall instead of playing. Yikes.

Good luck with that.


Go away Hillary
Silver Member
I used to enjoy visiting the AZ forums. But I stopped because there are several posters anymore that look for any reason to jump all over someone for what I would consider ridiculous reasons. I visited today for the first time in months, and I see nothing has changed....instead of a constructive conversation there are a few that jump all over the poster about plagiarism and other silly things. REALLY? who gives a rats ass. I thought it was a good post, and I could care less if it was borrowed.


Club a member
Silver Member
Anyone know how much those undercover monsters, Arizona & New York made??



Go away Hillary
Silver Member
I used to enjoy visiting the AZ forums. But I stopped because there are several posters anymore that look for any reason to jump all over someone for what I would consider ridiculous reasons. I visited today for the first time in months, and I see nothing has changed....instead of a constructive conversation there are a few that jump all over the poster about plagiarism and other silly things. REALLY? who gives a rats ass. I thought it was a good post, and I could care less if it was borrowed.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I used to enjoy visiting the AZ forums. But I stopped because there are several posters anymore that look for any reason to jump all over someone for what I would consider ridiculous reasons. I visited today for the first time in months, and I see nothing has changed....instead of a constructive conversation there are a few that jump all over the poster about plagiarism and other silly things. REALLY? who gives a rats ass. I thought it was a good post, and I could care less if it was borrowed.

It's useless canned crap if you ask me. I question the knowledge and judgment of anyone who would borrow and post it unedited to begin with- not to mention not attributing it.

As it has been pointed out-The content doesn't even match the title. The author doesn't even know what a salary is. Glad you think it was a good post.
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