jsp said:
I also would argue that position play is mostly speed control rather than precise tip placement. Sure there are a handful of position shots that do require very precise tip placement, like stun follow and stun draw shots, but they are not the majority.
I disagree with your assessment for most of us mere mortals.
Efren generally has shots in 9-ball that are about speed control. This is because he thinks ahead, plays intelligent patterns, and always achieves exactly the angle he wanted, which is of course a natural angle to get natural position on the next shot.
However, if I run a rack of 9-ball, there's going to be at least one shot (probably more than one) where I have to use power draw, power follow, hard stun with side-spin, or a very touchy almost-stun, but with enough draw to avoid kissing the 7, but not too much draw or I'll scratch in the corner, and enough running english to get two rails above the 5.
None of these are the examples you mentioned (which don't come up all that often), but all of them are shots that need a lot of precision in your tip placement, or you'll either miss the shot or fail to achieve your position. If you can't hit a long-ish straight shot with no spin consistently, then by the same coin you're not going to execute any of these shots consistently. These shots, usually necessary because you didn't quite hit the angle you wanted and now you have to recover, come up a lot, even for really excellent players. I think if you actually counted all the shots you hit where position play is mostly just about speed control without being very sensitive to tip placement, I think you might find you're mistaken in your statement about what type of shot is "the majority".