Turning Stone Classic XXXVI


Well-known member
I don't understand how people are accusing Shaw of rack manipulation. Sky literally broke and ran 5 racks on him to tie up the match. At no point did he try to slug Sky. All I've seen from Shaw is great sportsmanship and a love of the game and competition.

I don't see the evidence even for a personal suspicion, and certainly not for public slander. Just my opinion.
I agree. Of all the players I have seen in pro pool, Jayson is a very honest and stand up guy. He has integrity.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't understand how people are accusing Shaw of rack manipulation. Sky literally broke and ran 5 racks on him to tie up the match. At no point did he try to slug Sky. All I've seen from Shaw is great sportsmanship and a love of the game and competition.

I don't see the evidence even for a personal suspicion, and certainly not for public slander. Just my opinion.

His rack when Fedor was on the hill was quite suspect imo. Saw no issues in the Sky match.


Silver Member
His rack when Fedor was on the hill was quite suspect imo. Saw no issues in the Sky match.

if it was slug it may have been un-intentional

in any event the breaker can, and should inspect the rack to insure his/her satisfaction


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
That was a tough roll for Sky. If the spot hadn’t altered the path, he wouldn’t have been tree topped. And honestly clean cueing would have let him play easier shape for the ball he missed.

It was interesting seeing him setup the shot he missed and rattle it again. And then Jayson set it up and show him how it goes in more easily rolling it in with top rather than spearing it to stun over.
I think that roll by the spot really unsettled Sky. Could clearly see his composure change when it happened. He did not seem ready on the six ball and just shot a bit too soon and the rest is history. Sure was a great comeback, all in all .


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
so if everyone else changed their racking rules (that would be TO opponent racks), he will change his racking rules FROM opponent racks? he's quite a character
I think he means 9-on-the-spot, the smaller break box, and template/ref rack. But the point is well made how he’s an outlier already with opponent racking. It’s pretty clear he was being disingenuous.


Gold Member
Silver Member
It was a entertaining finals to say the least , Sky stringing racks effortlessly was cool to see.
Wish he would of walked around the table, or took a pause prior firing at the 6 , possibly could of calmed the nerves.
Either way both played good.
D.c.c. is right around the bend, definitely looking forward to that .


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I think he means 9-on-the-spot, the smaller break box, and template/ref rack. But the point is well made how he’s an outlier already with opponent racking. It’s pretty clear he was being disingenuous.

yep, the lack of a break box isn't the most notable feature of this tournament


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
On the stream the consistent negative narrarive from viewers was on the racking situation: taking forever for the opponent to rack and then another minute for the breaker to look at it, then discuss the rack. Sometimes that was followed by the rackers re-racking followed by another look and discussion. Is there a reason they don't have refs do the racking like most other big tournaments?

There were some great matches on the stream and the final was fantastic. Great start to 2023!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Jayson is a great player. However, based upon his behavior at the Mosconi he is not a good person!