USBA Championship


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
In two days (3/16) the USBA championship begins in No. Hollywood at Million Dollar Billiards. Pedro Piedrabuena is the 8 time champion. Mazin Shooni, the new USBA president has arranged that the tournament will be live streamed. I'm very surprised that there has been no mention of our greatest annual event. All of your support is very important to the continued existence of the sport we all love. Go watch the event, tune in the live stream and entertain a series of conversation about it.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Firstly, thank you Chris for mentioning the most prestigious event (USBA Nationals) held each year to establish the best U.S. player in 3C. Daniel Bush is an excellent streamer and I hope many tune in. Insoo Park is one of the best carom table mechanics we have in this country. He is doing the installation so the tables will play well. Good luck to all the players. One of my favorites is Mercedes Gonzales. Play well girl!


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POV Pool
Silver Member
2016 USBA National Championships
Live Coverage on
Finals to take place over the next two days!

Rankings after the Semi-Finals:
1st Jae Hyung Cho
1st Pedro Piedrabuena
1st Young Gull Lee
2nd Carlos Palafox
2nd Miguel Torres
2nd Hugo Patino
3rd Ricky Carranco
3rd Vicke Pineda
3rd Carlos Alvarez



AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
USBA National Championships!
Watch it LIVE on

First Match:
Pedro Piedrabuena vs. Jae Hyung Cho

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This was a great match. Cho came out of the gate swinging and averaged about 3 when he had 20. Pedro stayed in it and came back with the help of two runs of 7 to finally take the lead by one. Pedro won 40 - 36. Pedro's 40 was in 20 innings, Cho's 36 was in 19 innings. What a game.

Pedro showed a lot of heart.


POV Pool
Silver Member
USBA National Update!!!
Final Round of play in 30 minutes!

Pedro Piedrabuena, Hugo Patino and Jae Hyung Cho are all tied for FIRST PLACE with 1 loss! Piedrabuena will face Patino on the Feature Table! If Cho wins, he will face off against the winner in a PLAY-OFF MATCH!!!

Watch them battle it out on
