What Is Your Pool-Related Superstition ?


Older and Wiser
Silver Member
The great Jack Colavita used to say "if you live clean, you'll get a few more rolls." I've always bought into this superstition.


Ret Professional Goof Off
Silver Member
No superstition but I believe in Karma. If I know that I fouled and don't acknowledge it Karma will take over make it right causing me to lose not only that game but the match.


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
just some carry over

Just some carry over superstition from stock car racing, never have any peanuts around, particularly in the shell. Never wear anything green either.

I never felt either one was unlucky but I never felt any need to push my luck either! I wore a green shirt to work one day, got tied up and didn't get home to clean up and change before going to the races. The next day I threw away every green shirt I owned. Never wore green again for over thirty years. Had to buy t-shirts in an assortment about a year ago and some were green. When I think about it, things haven't been going too good. I think it's time to hunt down those damned green shirts and throw them away again!



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
An old pro told me this secret.....

"Never make love to a super model right before a big match"

So far, I have never been in danger of breaking this rule :D


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
.... I also don't like to wish my opponent "good luck" before the match. I'll usually reply with a "let's have a good match".

Neither do I. Always say "Play well".

I don't like anything like apiece of chalk on the rail in my peripheral vision. Always sliding cubes to the corners.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
All chalk on the table needs to be facing upright. I will correct any chalk that is turned down before I shoot. It's probably half superstition and half etiquette.
I also don't like to wish my opponent "good luck" before the match. I'll usually reply with a "let's have a good match".


I also do this as well with the three cubes only all upright, and after yu miss don't take the chalk back to your table, leave it on the friggin rail!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I have to wash my hands before playing, it's disrespect to the table and cue to play with dirty hands.

Penalty for not washing......crummy playing.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just a couple for me :

Always make the first ball with a new cue, and/or a new tip, any ball is fine. I pluck a ball from any pocket (I do favor the 8), and with BIH, set up a shot I will make very easy, gotta teach it the first time!

Another one, is I do always call "heads".

Lately, I've been getting a kiss before/during my match from my wife.

Also Karma, Karma, Karma!! being true to myself and others, gets me more 2nd chances, and them less wins!! :grin:

Sarnia Shorty

He's going to the bag
Silver Member
I always call tails on a flip and if the game permits I always rack the 3 ball as the head ball.

The angry 3 ball will get you every time :thumbup:


14.1 & One Pocket Addict
Gold Member
Silver Member
I like to have 3 cubes of chalk on the rails. Anywhere spread out. not 1 or 2 must be 3. Any brand pretty much -just has to be 3.
If there are 4, I take one off.

Sounds like the "Holy Hand Grenade" scene from Monty Python:


BROTHER: "And the Lord spake, saying, 'First shalt thou take out the Holy Chalks of Measureman. Then, shalt thou count cubes to three, no more, no less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shalt be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then placest thou thy Holy Chalks of Measureman upon the rails, who being very particular in my sight, shall spread them out.'"


WO double hemlock
Silver Member
I always call tails on a flip and if the game permits I always rack the 3 ball as the head ball.

The angry 3 ball will get you every time :thumbup:

The THREE ball????:angry:
That is totally disgusting, Shorty....EVERYBODY knows the one-ball
should be in front, just like rotation.

pt..<..knows people that put the 4-ball in front at one-pocket....
...with the 12-ball right next to it ( with the stripe facing the breaker )


Broom Handle Mafia
Silver Member
...knows people that put the 4-ball in front at one-pocket... with the 12-ball right next to it ( with the stripe facing the breaker )

Sneaky people ... but just like rack-twisting, switch pockets.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
First an for most,I must wear my justins..rubber soul shoes,I feel comfortable an confidence I'll not slip when I'm over the table.

When folks tell me nice shot,or great set..I say thanks,but I really got lucky most of the time,yes skill is involved,but rolls help..I don't want my ego jinksing my game..lol

And I never place my chaulk on the table,people take it...
Damn chaulk thieves...that or folks are cheap..this what goes through my head,so the chaulk stays in my pocket.


I'm not sure if it's a superstition exactly, but I can't have anything in my pockets while playing.

If I do and I miss a shot I instantly blame the stuff in my pocket and remove it.