When age bites


Pool players have more balls
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Then everything got out of whack, I ended up homeschooling my son, was working 60hrs+ week,
Priorities rule. I commend you for doing what had to be done. I know few that never got the hang of that. And I have no respect for them.
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Pool players have more balls
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My strategy is to refuse to get old, but it's tough going so far.
yes indeed. Getting older is the way to go... just never get to be OLD., I'm still in high school....and sometimes in Jr High School
I am right there with you at age 75. Was never any better than "average", now, who knows?? But awaiting a new Schmelke and bidding on a nice Schon on ebay. My sons and grandson will inherit some nice sticks.
Simply pleasures. Happiness is a new cue(s). Keep enjoying yourself. We only rock once.

David in FL

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't disagree with anything here. I'm 65 years old and looking at cataract surgery in the next month or two along with a bad back and arthritis. Hell, I have tendinitis in my hands from fishing, and I actually pulled a hamstring last year shooting pool. How sad is that?!

Having said that, living with all that beats the hell out of the alternative!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Finish having fun…. Fun to me lately is making a hanger and running 2 balls.
As for learning anything new…. Been there .. it’s trying to remember what I just learned. Maybe I’ll regress and go back to being a clubhouse banger and give advice
Getting older ain't pretty! 😂


AzB Gold Member
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When Age Bites

Playing pool but….. At the stage of life when arthritis is killing the body. Eyesight is not great. Concentration and endurance are not there. Struggling to play like I use to but it’s not happening. Shots are wayyy off. I’m wondering if I should:
Simply quit and get rid of the table & cues
Try to enjoy what’s left regardless
Get the breaks and few balls(1P)
Go to Ask The Instructor
Go to my room
Start drinking and smoking
Join a senior center or old age home league.
Play left handed so I’ll have a better excuse.
played this afternoon, beat 27 year old 150 to 110 in straight. I don't run in the 30's anymore,
but did manage 2 13's and a 15 today. Still fun at 77.

David in FL

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I’m hoping new cats will let me back in. My eyewear looks the Hubble and not as clear as I’d like it.
I've worn contacts for 40 years. Right now my vision is down to 20/60 corrected!

This week I was told that before the surgery I have to pull out the contacts and begin wearing glasses to allow my eyes to adjust so they can get accurate measurements for the lenses.

I can't make a straight in shot right now. 😑


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I haven't played like I used to since I took pool back up about 7 yrs back after about a 35 yr layoff. Im 73 now and my shooting has finally started to improve as I've gotten a little more focused on my practice and form, and added another night out of pool league with different people to shoot against.
Started getting back into it by playing with a senior get together for a couple years, then wife and I joined a league, for more formal competition.
We have a great league, and have gained many friends. My wife has a group of girls she shoots tournaments with and really likes that.
I maybe average a half hr a day practice plus league shooting and probably should do more, but it's what it is. I hope to get a little better yet as I have had a consistent improvement this year, but fishing season starts in another month so I guess it will have to wait till next
year. I will never sell my table, or be without a table again, even if we were to move as any future house would have to have an available space for a pool table.
Seek out some new people to play with, if you are still able to get out.


I assume you have a table at your home. Here's what ya do:

Ya put on Bird, or Diz, or Miles, or Trane, or Ray, or McCoy, or Monty, or Quincy, or Bags, or Wes, or Art, or . . . .

Ya go to the table and you shoot and listen. If the balls go in, great. If the balls don't go in, you're listening to great music. Win, win, win. One hundred years from now it ain't gonna matter whether you made that ball.

Another thought: Age? It's just a number. You know that saying: "You're only as old as (the women) you feel." LOL!!!

Seriously, extract joy outta what you can with the years you have left. It doesn't matter if you're not as good as you were. You're still good. Embrace it, play around your limitations, and just f'ing have fun.


AzB Gold Member
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Goldcrown, I've worked with you for years now and let me tell you straight off, Your stroke is far better than you think.
When you settle down, focus on what you want out of your shot, and allow your muscle memory to execute the shot without getting your mind involved in the "how to", you do just fine. You just have to extend that process more consistently.
Your shot selection and strategy has grown tremendously over the past two years. You are far quicker in determining the right thing to do and from far more complex situations then ever before. It is hard to recognize self improvement because we always are demanding more from ourselves no matter our current level. So feel better about your game. We all have those ups and downs to deal with.
Your main issues will be best resolved with greater experience, adjusting to the errors, and learning to repeat what you know works.
Sounds simple but it takes time and clear thinking. Let's work together on it and build your confidence back up.

Tommy Tsunami


Pool players have more balls
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Silver Member
I assume you have a table at your home. Here's what ya do:

Ya put on Bird, or Diz, or Miles, or Trane, or Ray, or McCoy, or Monty, or Quincy, or Bags, or Wes, or Art, or . . . .

Ya go to the table and you shoot and listen. If the balls go in, great. If the balls don't go in, you're listening to great music. Win, win, win. One hundred years from now it ain't gonna matter whether you made that ball.

Another thought: Age? It's just a number. You know that saying: "You're only as old as (the women) you feel." LOL!!!

Seriously, extract joy outta what you can with the years you have left. It doesn't matter if you're not as good as you were. You're still good. Embrace it, play around your limitations, and just f'ing have fun.
A new set of AudioEngine 5+ wireless just came in this week... It's starting to give me that Healing Feeling.....


Pool players have more balls
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Silver Member
Goldcrown, I've worked with you for years now and let me tell you straight off, Your stroke is far better than you think.
When you settle down, focus on what you want out of your shot, and allow your muscle memory to execute the shot without getting your mind involved in the "how to", you do just fine. You just have to extend that process more consistently.
Your shot selection and strategy has grown tremendously over the past two years. You are far quicker in determining the right thing to do and from far more complex situations then ever before. It is hard to recognize self improvement because we always are demanding more from ourselves no matter our current level. So feel better about your game. We all have those ups and downs to deal with.
Your main issues will be best resolved with greater experience, adjusting to the errors, and learning to repeat what you know works.
Sounds simple but it takes time and clear thinking. Let's work together on it and build your confidence back up.

Tommy Tsunami
Thank you TRW... I'm in the game... would never leave no matter what... I'm in the re-wiring stage. Reconstruction.... there's only one way out........................ I mean 8ways out


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Bass man, it was really great reading that you regularly play with your dad. I get to play with my son one time a year when he and a friend show up for turkey hunting. I do see him more than that, mainly out fishing, and I truly look forward to those times. My son plays only about 5-10 games a year, and honestly is quite good at it. I can only imagine what could be.
We have a father son team in our pool league, with the father being the same age as myself. They are great people and I really envy what they have together. If it is something you like doing with your dad, keep it up if at all possible. He may not directly tell you how much he enjoys it, but I can assure you he does.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
66 today. Play 2-3 hours every day at home. I have gone from getting 1 break and run a week, to now getting 2 or 3 each practice session. Everything is clicking for me all of a sudden. I’m very happy, and not stopping now.

Guy Manges

I may not play pool anymore , age and life, the love for the game's art will never change... when I started watching pool play I watched to enjoy and still do. My favorite games to watch is Chinese 8 Ball, I'm not a rail bird and I don't sweat out game's. I ( me ) only like watching good pool... I was the same way when I played pool... I liked to play good pool and so much bad pool... I watch Chinese 8 Ball because it gives me all or as close as I can get to the old eight ball games, color of balls, cloth and table, Rules, Respect for the games, Good viewing, where I can get involved... you know I think that I am glad that I can enjoy pool play for some one else as much as I do for myself... We will be dead, But pool will still be... Play good pool ... Guy


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'll be 71 next month and feel like I'm improving still. I quit playing for a few years when I was in my late 50's cause it was getting too hard to get up for work in the morning. I started playing again a couple years ago now that I'm retired. I'm roughly 500 Fargo but lately have been getting 8 ball break & runs much more often, at least 1 every time I play and a few times 2 in a row.

book collector

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
When Age Bites
Have you tried altering your game and using center ball . That should greatly improve your shot making and I am sure Tor lowry put out a video about it , also Dr Dave , I think has a couple, you alter the cueball lines with speed instead of spin. There is an old manual called the Wagon Wheel System by Ted Brown but it's really hard to find. Good luck.