Why so much hate for McDermott cues?


D player at best
Silver Member
Hi, yes…..I'm new here to AZBilliards.com. I've been playing pool off and on for most of my life. I'm in my early 50's now but when I was younger, in the late 80's and early 90's I played A LOT of pool. I've never owned my own (nice or should I say expensive) cue. Back then, the people I hung around that had their own cues and they always had or wanted a McDermott cue.

I finally got my own table in my house! When I got the table, I put a McDermott G303 on layaway. I paid $25.00 a week for almost 3 months and FINALLY got my own (in my opinion) nice cue! I've been on here for a while and I see a lot of "hate" towards McDermott cues?!?! I don't get it!

I own my home, I work hard, I have a wife and kids, dogs, cats, etc… I'm very happy with my cue, I looked at a lot of different ones and finally decided on the G303. It seemed like a nice cue and wasn't too expensive. Since I've been on here, it seems as though most people want "custom" cues or anything other than a "production" cue?

Honestly, I guess it's just that I'm a greenhorn or a noobie, but it's weird to hear people talk smack about McDermott cues! Lifetime warranty, good product, made in the USA blah blah blah….

I love my cue, in fact, I'm thinking about getting the G603 for my birthday in July. I love the leather McDermott embossed grip. Oh, one more thing, I've never even heard of a Diamond Table until I came onto this site.

I love to read the threads on here, i've learned a lot. I don't post much…yet…My playing has improved considerably since I got my own table. I love playing pool, I really, really enjoy it.

Are McDermott cues inferior or is it that a lot of people prefer "custom" cues as opposed to "production" cues?

Thanks! I anticipate your responses….

If anyone is in Las Vegas or is coming to Las Vegas, I have a nice Mancave and I'd love to play some people from this site. I'm not that good, but I love the game…maybe I'll learn to shoot better?!?! I'm 20 minutes from the Strip.


Rockin' Robin

Mr. Texas Express
Silver Member
Nothing to worry about whatsoever. You can certainly buy a more expensive cue, but you cannot buy a better cue than a McD.


Gold Member
The consensus among the cue guys I know is that like most American made production cues that built their name in the 70's and 80's McDermott quality and design has fallen off significantly from what made them a big name back in the day.

Cue collectors have very little interest in any production cues though some of the C and D series McD's do have some value. Personally I love the D series cues as those where what was all around when I was a teenager.

All that said if you like your cue it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of it.


rack master ;)
Silver Member
Are McDermott cues inferior or is it that a lot of people prefer "custom" cues as opposed to "production" cues?

I don't think McDermott is inferior. I still own, and occasionally shoot with an old D-26 (the red one in my avatar).

I own a Schon, Espiritu, Joss, Dufferin and that McD. The McDermott is 25 years old and still straight as an arrow with an amazing hit. I'll probably hand that one down to my son.

There definitely is some mystique to the many custom cues out there but all that really matters is that you're happy with your cue. Yes, some "hit" a bit better than others, but that is really subjective from person to person. As long as the general specs are in the ballpark of what you like (length, weight, tip diameter, etc) then the differences from cue to cue are marginal. Low deflection shaft vs. standard maple construction could be a factor, but that's not the issue. I learned here that Shane Van Boening, who is dubbed the best player in North America, uses an off-the-shelf Cue Tech R360 production cue that costs about $200. I played with one tonight and it "hit" fantastic (albeit a bit heavy to my liking) but it felt solid and hit the cue where I wanted it to go.

I say that, in the end, the best cue in the world is the one you're comfortable with and have with you... ;)
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I never hear people hate on them. Their just an inexpensive production cue. I don't think the quality has gone down like mucci but their not going to gain value either. ( at least the current models.). My brother in law needed a break cue. I bought one go there lucky brand cues and added a break tip and it breaks like a bomb going off! Fantastic for a cue that I think with the $20 tip I added cost me $55 lol


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
noone hates McDermott. its only because the market for cues grew so much that there are less people playing with them

especially their Gcore shaft is a great laying shaft (opposed to their I2 :rolleyes: ), quality is still very good.

When someone asks me what to buy for around 200 euros i recommand joss 101, McD G series or a low end pechauer JP usa. they are all in that range (here ;) ) and play very well.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
??? I've been here for a few years now and I don't recall a lot of people putting down McDermott cues. I've always thought they were one of the better production cues. Their quality, like other production cues, may have suffered some in recent years but I don't remember anybody saying they were crap. Meucci cues, yes, I've heard that for years and said it myself but that's my personal opinion and I played with them for several years. And, yes, I'm one of those who prefer a custom built cue. Buy and play with what you like and feel works for you, don't pay attention to what others say. I can't stand cue-tech but there are folks who love them. To each his own. Why the hell am I up so early??:rolleyes:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I have a number of McDermotts, a couple of Schons, and a custom cue. I would sell or trade anything I have except for the McDermott D-19. There's something I just love about that cue. I use to play with it but had it refinished and now just look at it. My player now is a Schon Ltd SC-221.
Personally I would go with the older models and have it refinished. Just saying.


Cue Author...Sometimes
Gold Member
Silver Member
I have a Nitro Cue distributed by McDermott. It's prolly made in China and it still has its price sticker on it: $35. It's one of the best playing cues I own.

I have two McD's from the 80's. One is a C-9 and the other is the H-D Eagle.

My only complaint about the two older cues is that the joint is ~0.820 so if I want to try out any aftermarket shaft, it's not going to fit right. The Eagle for some reason has bigger 3/8th-10 as well. Oh well.

Freddie <~~~ no hate here


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
For a short while, I was collecting the EB6-JWs and Sledgehammers and had recent less-than-pleasant experience with a "Jamie" fellow there when I sent one of my cues for a full restoration service.

Long story short - they had to re-do the entire cue and then when I finally received it...

He had the nerve to send me this!? :mad:

The forearm has a finishing flaw. Not sure how this was sent to me without an inspection but it is absolutely NOT a dent but a flaw in the restoration.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The older D series McDermott's are some of the best hitting cues ever made. They have a great hit and stay straight. Well made and a great value for the money.


Gerbil Jeff
Silver Member
I agree with the consensus that I don't think there is a lot of McDermott hating on this site. Meucci...yes.... McDermott...no, not really. Maybe one or two people have said something but overall I think most of us who know cues appreciate McDermott as being a very good cue.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If you already have a G303, the G603 you want will play the exact same. Why pay twice for basically the same cue unless you want to start collecting them? You can get a cue maker to put a leather wrap on your cue for under $200 if you are just looking for a leather wrap.

Sure the G603 is fancier, but keep in mind that those cues will drop in value fast, for the $500 or so that thing will cost you, you can get a cue from a true custom cue maker that will play the same or better and hold it's value over the years.

You already have a $300 nice cue from McD.


Silver Member
Are McDermott cues inferior or is it that a lot of people prefer "custom" cues as opposed to "production" cues?

I love pool, I enjoy this forum and the info it holds. The one topic that really makes me nuts is pool cues.

There is a difference between ( what some people consider) collectable cues and production cues. I don't put down anyone who enjoys custom cues, I'm not one of them, but I think they are wonderful to marvel at.

What does piss me off is the arrogance of some custom cue owners who believe these cues are something more than "one off" custom designed cues.

This hits good ... that hits good .... Bah ... change the tip, sand down the taper and you'll change your hit. You don't have to have a custom cue to achieve that.

Now, you can bet one man shop custom cue builders can't buy like McDermott can. Even if they think they are getting the best wood, money talks and bull$hit walks. McDermott has the buying power to dwarf any custom builders pocketbook.

Now put yourself in the place of the company that sells the woods to cue builders. Are you going to hand pick the best wood for a custom cue maker that may represent 1% of your annual sales at the risk of not having that wood available to a multi million dollar company that may represent 90% of your annual sales?

I think that would be a stupid thing to do as a wood vendor. The custom builder definitely gets hold of the best wood that he sees, but not the best wood he doesn't see. Believe me,money talks, you take care of your premium customers.

There aren't many moving parts on a cue either, what the hell is going to explode?

Now Does Glue seep into the seems of a custom cues wood better than any other wood on the face of the earth?

Maybe this guy can answer that .... LOL

McDermott cues will win and loose pool games no different than any other cue. They are a quality cue and have equipment that custom builders can only dream of owning.

Now, that being said .... I'd never buy one, only cause I'm Italian and I can't deal with that Shamrock. :thumbup:
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Joint Diameter

The only problem I have with McDermott is the joint diameters.

You can't take one shaft from one cue and put it on another.

Seems each shaft is made for that one butt only...on the 3/8-10 joints.

Out of all the production cue makers, McDermott is the worst for joint diameters.


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
When I went to buy my cue, I had a lot of factors to deal with. Biggest was, of course, my limited budget. My geographical location being what it is, there were no places within driving distance that actually stocked cues at that time, to see and try in person.

I tried the AZB Wanted/For Sale forum, but that isn't a place for someone on a limited budget like mine.

I read everything I could online about various production cues that I could order online. Turned out someone at my pool room was a Mueller distributor, and could get me a better deal than I would get online, by a little, so I went through their catalog.

I decided on McDermott. I really like mine. No regrets, great value for the money.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I like all my mcdermotts no problem with any of them.with that being said I hate the lucky line