WPA bans......................


Billiards Improvement Research Projects Associate
Silver Member
Anyone have good ideas for how to keep the new promoters in line with payments and keeping players paid on time?

The WPA struggled with it because they don't have a plan. That has not changed.

Imagine you are a non profit volunteer going to a Iranian Prince saying pay on time. Are you thinking what I am thinking?

WPA are basically scared tax collectors.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
I like the "gold ball" idea. The game of 9 ball could be changed in name only, or if necessary change the rules slightly. Just enough to stick it to the WPA. Just for instance, and hypothetically only, the 9 ball could be required to be pocketed last. No early 9 ball wins. If 9 is made legally (such as a 3-9 combo) it gets spotted and player continues.

Matchroom has spent millions on the “nineball” brand. They aren’t giving that up and starting over with a game no one has heard of because of some stupid WPA ban that 90 percent of their top players will ignore.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I like the "gold ball" idea. The game of 9 ball could be changed in name only, or if necessary change the rules slightly. Just enough to stick it to the WPA. Just for instance, and hypothetically only, the 9 ball could be required to be pocketed last. No early 9 ball wins. If 9 is made legally (such as a 3-9 combo) it gets spotted and player continues.
Make payouts a dollar. With a $24,999 appearance fee or donation. Sure Matchroom legal team isn't the least bit scared of the WPA.


Billiards Improvement Research Projects Associate
Silver Member
Matchroom gives out "surprise" bonus for player that makes the "nineball" in special pocket at the end of each match.

Emily needs a way to get more players interested. A bonus nineball in a special pocket that is only known to viewers but not the player, that can be fun to play with.

When the player pockets the nineball in the special pocket, instant celebration.

Or the nineball runout bonus requirements: 3 shots in a side pocket, 2 in a corner and 4 shots the foot side corners. No scratching.

UFC pays more for a TKO. MR can pay more for a proper runout for all sets. MR is setting the standard, best to keep the pressure high on the WPA.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I wonder if they’ll be sanctioning their events.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Fedor said he talked to several of the Asian players at the Hanoi Open. While most of the players have until March to pick a side, the Asian players told him they have until the Hanoi Open to pick a side due to the ACBS bans.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just a (possibly dumb) question: For the players who choose the Matchroom-side, does that mean for them that they will only play nineball from then on? What options are there for them to play in 10-ball, 8-ball, 14.1, onepocket tourneys?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just a (possibly dumb) question: For the players who choose the Matchroom-side, does that mean for them that they will only play nineball from then on? What options are there for them to play in 10-ball, 8-ball, 14.1, onepocket tourneys?
They can do whatever they want. Its the WPA that's doing the banning. They won't be able to play in WPA-sanctioned stuff.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
They can do whatever they want. Its the WPA that's doing the banning. They won't be able to play in WPA-sanctioned stuff.
I guess what I'm asking is: are there enough non-WPA-sanctioned, non-nineball events for the players to compete in?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I guess what I'm asking is: are there enough non-WPA-sanctioned, non-nineball events for the players to compete in?
Way more non-WPA stuff. The pros don't need the WPA. The quality of the fields in the WPA stuff is going to go down during this ban period. In my not-so-humble opinion if you're a tournament organizer/promoter you'd be way better off hitching your wagon to Matchroom.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Way more non-WPA stuff. The pros don't need the WPA. The quality of the fields in the WPA stuff is going to go down during this ban period. In my not-so-humble opinion if you're a tournament organizer/promoter you'd be way better off hitching your wagon to Matchroom.
Oh, no doubt.
But that incites another question: if the pros really don't need the WPA, is that not something the WPA should have known too? Or are they really making a big mistake here, thinking the pros do need them?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Oh, no doubt.
But that incites another question: if the pros really don't need the WPA, is that not something the WPA should have known too? Or are they really making a big mistake here, thinking the pros do need them?
WPA has a long track record of doing stupid shit. Their 'promotion' of the World 9ball was a JOKE. Thankfully MR bought it.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
They maintain their stupidity because the government money (from varies countries) keeps flowing in. There in lies the problem.

And to be fair to the WPA, they are a handful of volunteers with limited or no business backgrounds. It shouldn’t be surprising that they always fail when faced with complex decisions. We AZB railbirds spend more time and energy on these topics than the WPA.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
And to be fair to the WPA, they are a handful of volunteers with limited or no business backgrounds. It shouldn’t be surprising that they always fail when faced with complex decisions. We AZB railbirds spend more time and energy on these topics than the WPA.
They should stick to only amateur/league pool and leave pro pool to PROFESSIONALS like Matchroom.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
And to be fair to the WPA, they are a handful of volunteers with limited or no business backgrounds. It shouldn’t be surprising that they always fail when faced with complex decisions. We AZB railbirds spend more time and energy on these topics than the WPA.
True. There are members here on AZ that are far more qualified.