Recent content by jason777r

  1. jason777r

    Banking without diamonds

    Thank you very much:D
  2. jason777r

    What do people really want from a pool room?

    This is a great thread by the way. 1. Clean and safe is at the top for me. 2. Good and well taken care of equipment with plenty of seating and room. 3. Have a staff that is friendly and knows pool etiquette. I can't stand it when you're down on a shot and the waitress is trying to speak to...
  3. jason777r

    Banking without diamonds

    Sounds cool, but I don't see the pic. Is it just me?
  4. jason777r

    Question about last-pocket 8-ball

    I get your drift. I like last pocket 8 ball, BUT when that situation comes up either don't run your balls out and try to position one of their balls in front of the eight, or jar it out if it's possible. Playing one pocket is the game to practice to know if you can jar the 8 ball out. Good...
  5. jason777r

    she started the trash talking first!

    Been practicing about a 9-10 months. I'm the same jason777r that posted on your youtube channel the other day. I hate to say it, but I kick my girlfriend's butt. She is only a 3 in APA though. She is catching on quick though. Keep up the great videos:D
  6. jason777r

    she started the trash talking first!

    POW!!!! At least we got to see your wife shoot a little. Great job. My girlfriend and I make bets all the time too while I shoot j/u. It's a blast:thumbup2:
  7. jason777r

    Kamui Chalk

    LOL!! I know I'm new to the site and I'll probably get bashed for my post, but this is some crazy s@!t. Kamui is making a killing, but only to those who are weak minded enough to think that just because you pay between $25 to $50 for a piece of their undersized chalk it will GREATLY reduce...
  8. jason777r

    Challenging people when you dont agree with them

    I LOVE saying "You wanna BET???" but only in person.
  9. jason777r

    What is the most balls made on the break?

    I've made 6 on the break in 9 ball on an 8ft once. I've made five many times on 7,8 and 9ft. It comes in streaks it seems though.
  10. jason777r

    Madman tips new, new, 3 layer tips

    PM with prices/options please. Who out there has been using them? For how long? Thanks, Jason
  11. jason777r

    FS: BCM Olivewood and Cocobola Beauty!!

    I wish I had the cash. I already play with a BCM. The best hitting cue I've owned. Plus, Bryan is AAA to deal with. Good luck with your sale bud. Jason
  12. jason777r

    How to test speed of a table

    That Stimpmeter in a need gadget. I understand that many tables play different speeds and that's ok to me. What really ticks me off is playing in a tournament and all of the tables play totally different. I play in a Sunday night nine ball tournament here in Longview, TX at the only pool...
  13. jason777r

    Try this game

    This idea sounds fun and entertaining, but how is the player that is trailing say 45 to 33 supposed to catch up? By this time the game has changed to banks. I've always liked playing combination races though. We mainly do 9ball, 8ball and banks or 9ball, 1p and banks.
  14. jason777r

    Blue Diamond chalk price

    I agree 100%. I was in a little 9 ball tournament last sunday night, and when I walked up to the table to warm-up for my second match their was 6 peices of chalk on the table. I politely removed all but one peice so my opponent would have one. Pretty crazy I thought.
  15. jason777r

    Who Makes the Best Sneaky Petes

    I love my BCM cue. Hits solid and is well priced. Bryan is a super nice guy to deal with too. Jason