Any of those cues for sale?
I’ve thought about it but then I just probably go and replace the cue.
And the only cue I’d be interested in getting is a Hercek. I’ve pretty
much given up hope of finding what I am looking for after searching
in vain for way too many years which is how come I kept ordering
more cues to be built. 4 of the 6 cues in the photos were built using
identical specifications and were my personal designs. And the TS
and EP are really scarce cues that are too hard to attempt replacing.
I have 4 children & 8 cues so it’s an even number that divides nicely.
By coincidence, I own 15 guns so I’m trying to figure out which one
I should get next. I mean 4 into 15 doesn’t quite work and I’ve been
thinking about acquiring a Springfield M1A Tanker (.308). Somehow
it always comes down to adding more to round up since the thought
of rounding down to an even number has never come to mind. Must
be a guy thing or it may really just be me. More seems better than less.