Mainstream TV - be careful what you wish for


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Wouldn't it be great to see pool back on TV? Maybe not. Poking around youtube accidentally turned up this, which makes Bonus Ball look like CBS coverage of The Masters:

I didn't watch much, but scrubbing through, after some inane game show antics it looks like there's a more-or-less actual snooker match in the 2nd half, Selby and Ding (!) vs what I guess are Chinese celebrities.

Here's what I presume is a representative sample - which clearly violates Rule 5.09(b)(10)*:

* Borrowed from MLB: "making a travesty of the game".

Positively Ralf

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
ugh...this again? Ok, so they were having fun, such a travesty.

and again, the problem that people have is that they think pocket billiards on TV will attract millions of people worldwide. It will, but that is going to take a long time and work. Look at snooker and how much they had to go through before they started getting the number they do now.

I think it is fair to say that if pocket billiards were on television, the core audience would be more than happy to be relegated to sunday afternoon hours.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Don't really get your point. Millions of people watch snooker in China, and Ding is a megastar. I'm guessing people watch this game show too. It's not like they're broadcasting only this, and not hosting and televising massive tournaments, like the International and the China Open, both of which have $1million+ prize pools.