Instant gratification for aiming techniques...


Flip Strokin' since 91
Silver Member
I've been away from az for awhile and recently caught up with some of the more hotter topics that have been thoroughly talked about. I recently came across a couple of threads on the aiming technique that Shane uses on angled/cut shots. I couldn't help but comment on the fact that so many new comers ( and a few of the oldies ) are looking for the instant fix that will solve all their problems in pocketing balls. They try one and if it doesnt work instantly, it's on to the next best thing etc etc. If any of the rookies payed attention to what shane was saying during the demonstration he gave in the TAR interview, is that he developed his method over years and years from hitting millions of balls and from that, he knows how to adjust for certain shots using his aiming method to the point that it has just become automatic. He even went as far as saying that when he started shooting with his cuetec cue that he had to make adjustments because the shaft was different than the shaft on his schon cue ( whippy to stiffer ) So you see, he has a thorough understanding of his technique for shooting and how his cue equipment performs with it and how to adjust for it. I'm not saying his method won't work for you, you may hit a set with phenomenal results but will you fully grasp it and be able to shoot like shane consistently on every type of shot that comes up!? Maybe when you shoot as many balls as he has then yeah, but for right now I'll say no. The main point is, EVERY aiming method works to a degree for EVERYONE, BUT each aiming method isnt going to be AS effective for you as it is for the person who has been using it for x amount of years compared to a person who's been toying around with it for a couple weeks to even a couple months..hell, even a couple years. Just pick an aiming method that YOU feel most comfortable with and stick with it till you know it inside and out. There's nothing that replaces years of practice and understanding...