Cuemakers Inside Pool TV Contest


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Below is a press release about our upcoming cuemakers contest.

Inside Pool Cuemakers contest 1-17-18

PRESS RELEASE 1/17/2018:

Announcing the InsidePool.TV ICA CueMakers Contest Sanctioned by the International Cue Makers Association. This Live TV Show format has several exciting features that will explore and broadcast the artistic and technical elements of the cue business throughout the year with the Live TV Show Finale in the fall of 2018 where the judges and public fans will vote for their favorite cues. Watch as the story develops on and the Billiard Channel.

Here is a link to the first promo video:

1: First Category (Traditional Points Masters) Cues with Traditional points that are V-Groove, full splices, or other points that look similar.
2: Second Category (Butterfly Points Masters) Cues with the rounded points that are often called butterflies.
The butterfly and traditional point cues can have additional inlay work or no inlay work.
3: Third Category (Artistic Inlays Masters) Inlaid cues without traditional points that have extensive inlay work.
4: The ICA leadership will decide which category the cues belong into. Each cuemaker can enter up to one cue into each category. (No decal cues allowed)
5: Quality film of the cues will be filmed at the Super Billiards Expo in April 2018 and at other live Inside Pool TV events. The cuemakers retain ownership of their cues. Inside Pool TV retains all rights to the film of the cues or cuemakers interviews.
6: Everyone submitting a cue to be filmed must be a member of the International Cuemakers Association.
7: Entering a cue in the contest does not entitle the cuemaker to any royalties or ownership in the final televised or DVD production.
8: The exposure that the ICA and members get is all we expect to get in return for submitting cues for the contest.
9: Inside pool will establish the rules for voting on the cues at a later date and voting will probably be done mostly by participants in their other live events. Some judging may be done by a panel of judges on the show also.
10: Cues will be filmed without any logos shown in order to allow the cue to stand on it’s own merits and not brand name. The brand name of the top three cues from each category will be revealed to the public in the final episodes.

If you want to enter a cue bring it to the ICA booth at the expo on Saturday afternoon.. This should generate a lot of exposure for cuemaking and our association.

God Bless and Happy Cue Building!
Chris Hightower