McDermott Enters the Glove Game


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
With what appears to be the same supplier as Kamui and Molinari.

McDermott Glove

Good for them for expanding.
Nonetheless, personally, I think pool gloves are ridiculous (not the players using them).
Although they serve to work around sweaty palms and provide a smoother "flow,"
there is a certain tactile dynamic that is diminished.

I don't begrudge those who utilize gloves. It's a free country. Let's keep it that way.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Looks like they're rebranding Molinari gloves, which if they are is a good choice! Great gloves, I keep one in my case.

I don't use a glove often, they make my hand hot and it's slippery when bridging on the rail and things like that...but I do appreciate the consistency is provides and it definitely helps when my hand is really sweaty, which is why I always keep one handy.