APA rates going up?


The APA rates in my area for the fall session just went up

Was wondering if this was happening across the whole country or in my area only


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What are your current rates and what are they going to? I doubt mine are going up in the next year because we just had our yearly meeting to start the new year (APA year) and it wasn't mentioned. We're 3 weeks in now and we are paying the same as we were paying before.


What are your current rates and what are they going to? I doubt mine are going up in the next year because we just had our yearly meeting to start the new year (APA year) and it wasn't mentioned. We're 3 weeks in now and we are paying the same as we were paying before.

Single play went to 9 dollars per match (45 per night for each team)
Double Jeopardy went to 8 dollars per match (80 Dollars per night for each team)


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
Likely your LO, not National.

We had ours go to $9 each a year or two ago. Our LO used the extra $1 towards other cash tournaments.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Likely your LO, not National.

We had ours go to $9 each a year or two ago. Our LO used the extra $1 towards other cash tournaments.

Yep, ours has been $9 the last few years. Cash money goes towards City Cup, even though a large portion still goes into the LO's pocket.


During the most recent biannual captains meeting our league just BARELY passed vote to raise dues from $6 to $7 (so next session can afford cash payouts instead of just trophies)


This is my opinion. I'm in the NNJ area. And yes our ratings are going up too! I believe it's b/c the APA came up with a solution to stemming from the fact that membership is down in recent yrs. So they came up with this 3 point scoring system to "stop sandbagging". This is B.S. in my book. They want you to win 3-0 to drive up your S.L. The 4/5 s.l. has the most amount of people in those brackets, so if you 4 goes to a 5 and your 5 goes to a 6 its extremely hard or can't field a team anymore!They are forcing you to split your team to make more teams!! This is one reason why I'm not playing 8 ball. We also have a rule that I've tried to change is that a s.l. 7 can't play in sudden death in the LTC. Most teams throw up a low rank against a 7 now. No challenge anymore!


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
This is my opinion. I'm in the NNJ area. And yes our ratings are going up too! I believe it's b/c the APA came up with a solution to stemming from the fact that membership is down in recent yrs. So they came up with this 3 point scoring system to "stop sandbagging". This is B.S. in my book. They want you to win 3-0 to drive up your S.L. The 4/5 s.l. has the most amount of people in those brackets, so if you 4 goes to a 5 and your 5 goes to a 6 its extremely hard or can't field a team anymore!They are forcing you to split your team to make more teams!! This is one reason why I'm not playing 8 ball. We also have a rule that I've tried to change is that a s.l. 7 can't play in sudden death in the LTC. Most teams throw up a low rank against a 7 now. No challenge anymore!

We've used the three point system for a year now. There have only been a couple people in the 4-5 skill levels that have gone up. With over 100 people in our division.

Of course we could all suck. Or we could all be sandbagging.

Or the system could work as its designed, if everyone plays by the rules and doesn't cheat.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This is my opinion. I'm in the NNJ area. And yes our ratings are going up too! I believe it's b/c the APA came up with a solution to stemming from the fact that membership is down in recent yrs. So they came up with this 3 point scoring system to "stop sandbagging". This is B.S. in my book. They want you to win 3-0 to drive up your S.L. The 4/5 s.l. has the most amount of people in those brackets, so if you 4 goes to a 5 and your 5 goes to a 6 its extremely hard or can't field a team anymore!They are forcing you to split your team to make more teams!! This is one reason why I'm not playing 8 ball. We also have a rule that I've tried to change is that a s.l. 7 can't play in sudden death in the LTC. Most teams throw up a low rank against a 7 now. No challenge anymore!
This is why it is instrumental to draw new players into the league. Theoretically, all teams will have to dismantle and reorganize if everyone continues to improve over time. One issue is that once people are on a team that they like, they want that team to continue to play together forever. This is where I see a lot of sandbagging coming into play.


Call me Grace
Silver Member
At the beginning of the Fall session ours just went to $6. They had been at $5 for at least 3 or 4 years. After reading this thread I feel kinda guilty that we all got pissy about the rate going to $6


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This is my opinion. I'm in the NNJ area. And yes our ratings are going up too! I believe it's b/c the APA came up with a solution to stemming from the fact that membership is down in recent yrs. So they came up with this 3 point scoring system to "stop sandbagging". This is B.S. in my book. They want you to win 3-0 to drive up your S.L. The 4/5 s.l. has the most amount of people in those brackets, so if you 4 goes to a 5 and your 5 goes to a 6 its extremely hard or can't field a team anymore!They are forcing you to split your team to make more teams!! This is one reason why I'm not playing 8 ball. We also have a rule that I've tried to change is that a s.l. 7 can't play in sudden death in the LTC. Most teams throw up a low rank against a 7 now. No challenge anymore!

This has been the business model since day one. If you break everything down and view it as a for profit system, it is quite clear that the APA is a pyramid scheme. You get a group of people together and everyones handicaps work, then 3 peoples go up over the course of a session and now this same group cannot play together so they need to branch off and start a new team. It really is a genius system that they came up with.

Here in metro Detroit the weekly fee increased from $8 to $9 a few sessions ago. It caused me to quit and I was pretty upset about the whole thing. In the little memo that was like a blip on the radar announcing the fee raise it stated that since fees had not gone up since 2001 and costs of running the league have increased (bullsh*t) was the reason for the increase. It made ZERO mention of any of that money going towards session payouts or City Cup payouts.

The LO we have here in the area is a crook. Always has been and always will be and I could not in good conscious contribute to the the financial raping of pool players in my area. Never once have I seen him do a benefit tournament for someone in need or give anything back to the area or the sport that he makes his living off of. Some people will try to justify it to themselves and you by saying, hey its only a dollar more. In our area though if you do the math that is going to equate to over 30k dollars brought in by the league over the course of a year. And I know damn well none of it will be going back to the players. Makes me sick.

CB Jones

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This has been the business model since day one. If you break everything down and view it as a for profit system, it is quite clear that the APA is a pyramid scheme. You get a group of people together and everyones handicaps work, then 3 peoples go up over the course of a session and now this same group cannot play together so they need to branch off and start a new team. It really is a genius system that they came up with.

Here in metro Detroit the weekly fee increased from $8 to $9 a few sessions ago. It caused me to quit and I was pretty upset about the whole thing. In the little memo that was like a blip on the radar announcing the fee raise it stated that since fees had not gone up since 2001 and costs of running the league have increased (bullsh*t) was the reason for the increase. It made ZERO mention of any of that money going towards session payouts or City Cup payouts.

The LO we have here in the area is a crook. Always has been and always will be and I could not in good conscious contribute to the the financial raping of pool players in my area. Never once have I seen him do a benefit tournament for someone in need or give anything back to the area or the sport that he makes his living off of. Some people will try to justify it to themselves and you by saying, hey its only a dollar more. In our area though if you do the math that is going to equate to over 30k dollars brought in by the league over the course of a year. And I know damn well none of it will be going back to the players. Makes me sick.

The APA is not a pyramid scheme. If it worked the way you suggest they would have millions of members not 250,000. In my area most members who are let go by their team either find another team needing a player or stop playing league. Rarely would they go out and recruit 7 new players to form a team.

According to the Bureau of Labor inflation calculator $8.00 in 2001 is now equal to $10.74 in 2014. So he is still behind the curve.

In my area my LO does hold some charity events and provides players plenty of additional tournaments. I think this generates a lot of good will. However I believe he is the 3rd largest franchise and has a good operations staff so he isn't doing it all by himself.

Did you ever try and discuss any of your issues with him?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
oh loookeeee here !! another apa thread. lets all jump on the bashing bandwagon and spew out nonsense about crooked lo's... pyramid schemes....and a league full of bangers.

1. every league ahs good and bad lo's.

2. pyramid scheme ? i aint never figured that one out.

3 players handicaps raised. face it fellas ...a new player joins and the more he plays the better he gets. the better he gets the higher his handicap will be. dont see how that is a scheme to break up teams.

in my area we pay 5.00 a match in double jeapordy. i think single format divisions pay 6.00 a match from what i heard. i play free on a bye fill team for 8 ball travel so i honestly dont know.

speaking of free... i agreed to start a bye fill team for fri night 9 ball scotch doubles so i will be playing for free that night also.

there are 15 divisions playing 7 nights a week in the metro memphis area and north mississippi also.

our lo travels to every venue twice each week. once to pick up scoresheets and once again to drop off scoresheets for the following weeks match.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ours in San Diego just went up to $10.00. Looks like we are higher than the rest of the country. Oh well go apa go.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Our fees went up $1.00.

It is funny how people will complain about, as as stripper told me, 4 qwarters.

These LO are not the upper 1% of income earners. As for those that do complain, "Why didn't you have the ambition to organize the league and get the extra cash running the league? Answering all of the ***** calls. The whining from people you don't know. The dealing with the bars/pool halls for table time? Reading all of the BS posts on billiard websites? Reading all of the score sheets. The answering of phone calls, "Mr So-n-So should be a rating higher! Why didn't you put my photo on Facebook.f'ck?, dealing with money, or the fact that some POS didn't pay last week. Getting the score sheets to the right location."Etc, etc, etc.

I find the people who have a problem with APA, or any other league, are just unhappy people. And the only way they'll be happy, is if someone else feels worse than they do!

If you don't want to play in a league, QUIT!

Otherwise, go play "bar room rule", and get into fights with guys that play (PLEASE pardon my pun) guberment rules, and enjoy yourself.

RunOut Apps

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ours in San Diego just went up to $10.00. Looks like we are higher than the rest of the country. Oh well go apa go.

Here's an option..

TAP league on Thursday Nights at NY Joes in Poway $8

Also a new division at On Cue Billiards in La Mesa on Thursdays too for $8


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RIP Kelly
Silver Member
I played APA in East Rutherford NJ. We play double jeopardy, and its $22 a night for both 8-ball and 9-ball. If you only played one, not the other then it's $11. End of the night, its $110 for both 8-ball and 9-ball. The breakdown was $35 for 8-ball, $40 for 9-ball, and $35 green fees to the house.

Ours in San Diego just went up to $10.00. Looks like we are higher than the rest of the country. Oh well go apa go.