cue under right eye?


New member
As a follow up to my last thread (should cue be under your chin).

Should you have the cue centre of your chin or under your right eye- if you are right eyed, and under your left eye if you are left eyed?


Fearlessly Happy
Silver Member
This question has to do with eye dominance. When I do the dominance test, I see the two distinct images and the actual object I'm trying to cover up is in the middle, so I don't have a dominant eye. I should line up with the cue under my nose (between my eyes). If you are left/right eye dominant, you should have your cue under your dominant eye. It's like aiming a rifle except very few players get their eye that close to the cue. Glen Atwell, a very good player here in the NW of USA, cocks his head to one side and has his dominant eye right on top of the cue. He is pretty unusual in that respect. Most players seem to feel that having their head as low as or, in most cases, within a few inches of the cue is adequate. Every once in awhile you will see a really good player standing almost upright with their head a couple of feet above the cue. Sometimes it is to alleviate back/neck problems that keep them from bending as far over as they would like, other times it seems that it just feels comfortable for them and they have learned to shoot pretty good without having to aim as closely as most. I played a guy last week that barely bent over to shoot. He was fairly young and I doubt he had any physical issues that would have prevented him from bending over farther. He took me to the hill in a race to five (actually had me 4-1) before I could make my comeback.