Gene Albrecht and Perfect Aim


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hey all haven't been On here much lately, but after tonight I have a good reason to speak up. Gene Albrecht has been here in the Quad Cities area for the last week or so. Although I've never been a fan of what I feel may be "gimics" in pool, Genes system is far from that... We actually matched up in the most recent 8 ball tournament a sharkys billiards. While I am not a champion, I do feel as though I should have won the set, but I failed to close racks I absolutely should have. Tonight as Gene came in we began to talk about the previous match, to which I chalked up my loss to playin a great player and having some performance anxiety. I was then told something, I thought was crazy, I was told "my eyes were all over the place" and that was the real reason I was beat. Of course I was in disbelief, because I didn't know what the real problem was. Gene took me aside and changed my whole outlook on pool in less than 5 minutes to which I proceeded to win our weekly tournament tonight. The system he has can make a player at any level improve. I've never seen the line on the ball so clearly. The guy is a class act and has a serious knack for making sense of this game. I definitely look forward to spending some more time with Gene working on perfecting this system, and if you wanna play better you should too!

Ryan "Shorty" Short