

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ok i been on for sometime now . And i would like to know how do i put a pictues on the side .like u all got .plz I need to know ..HELP..:eek:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
deadstroke32 said:
Ok i been on for sometime now . And i would like to know how do i put a pictues on the side .like u all got .plz I need to know ..HELP..:eek:

If you've got Windows XP, pull up the "Paint" program. Then bring up the picture file. Click on "Image" button at the top and then click "Stretch/Skew." Change the "Horizontal" and "Vertical" measurements in equal percentages to a lower number, and then save the pic under a different file name.

When you post in AzBilliards, at the bottom of the window, there is an "Attach File" area. Download your new and improved pic file at that time.




AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
i don't have window xp .so do i have to put in a nother site to get the pic out from cyberspace..


Hi there deadstroke, if what you are looking to post is the picture under your posting name to the left of the screen, I think this is what you are talking about?

It is a simple thing to do, once you have the image you want to use go to the "User CP" section of the board, the button for this is right next to the AZBillards title at the top there. Under that lick the "Edit Options" link, scroll down and you will see a section for editing your avatar. If I am right you can upload the image right from your computer, and not need to host it yourself. Keep in mind that the image needs to meet the guidelines set for the board, I think here it is 110px x 110px, not sure what the actual file size is set at though. As for file types... I know that *.bmp files are evil evil evil for web use, *.jpg or *.gif files are the best imo to use, again, this will depend on what file type the board is set up to utilize.

Hope that helps?