Is this a shark tactic?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I play a few tournaments a week. Every once in a while I'll come across a player who doesn't even know the rules or proper ettiquete of the game. So I'm thinking this person can't shoot. One guy didn't know whether it's ball in hand or in the kitchen. Another guy would stand next to the table while I'm shooting. They can't have much tournament experience if they are doing these sorts of things.

So I relax a little. I don't check the rack, don't play as tight as I would against a worthy opponent and make a few careless mistakes. I don't want to just kill this guy and then he never comes back to play again. He's just a rookie.

So now that I'm not trying my hardest I lose a game or two cause this guy can actually make a few balls. Before I know what hit me I'm about to lose the set cause it's only a race to 3 or 4(I usually give at least one game away in a race to 4).

Do people act like this on purpose just to rattle their opponents? Or is it just someone who has played a little bit of pool but only at a bar or at home? Guess I can't let my guard down for anyone. Play the table not the opponent.


I play like a girl
Silver Member
mnShooter said:
Do people act like this on purpose just to rattle their opponents? Or is it just someone who has played a little bit of pool but only at a bar or at home? Guess I can't let my guard down for anyone. Play the table not the opponent.

I think it could be either/or. I have seen guys that just don't know the proper behavior for playing, because they got decent at shooting leaning on bar tables or in bars. Also, there are those guys who try to get into your head by doing that type of stuff. They want you to do exactly what you did...let your guard down, and not shoot like you usually would!

There's no tellin' what your guy was doing!


Playing Style: Wu Tang Fu
Silver Member
Try to see this stuff as 'all part of the game' and don't let it bother you when it happens. You can politely ask a guy to step back from the table and he should comply if he is not a complete jerk. You should also not judge ability on questions someone asks... And relaxing a little.... just never do it with anyone!

My guess is that the particular instances you describe are not sharking... and you can take them out of the equation by rolling with it. Try harder to develop your killer instinct and concentration. Make it a fun challenge to retain your focus when this crap happens... Like 'Ok, stand next to me, Dufus, but I am still going to make this ball and run out.' It will actually become a motivational tool for you and you will bear down.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Some people do not know how to act around a pool table when a tournament breaks out. They may be accustomed to shooting with Friends, family, etc. where doing things like standing behind the pocket while your opponent is shooting.


Playing Style: Wu Tang Fu
Silver Member
Exactly! And you need to nicely ask them to move or shoot through it. Just don't use it as an excuse to miss....


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I've seen this type of behavior a lot in bar patrons (bar league players tend to be a little better). Some do it on purpose, but the majority just don't know any better.

One night I was out drinnking with my friends. None of us could play worth a damm, but we enjoyed drinking and playing. I was playing this one dude that was totally pissing me off. Every shot, he would stand right in front of the pocket and stare straight down into it. He was literally hovering over the pocket. I told him numerous times as nicely as I could not to stand in front of the pocket. He just wouldn't listen. At this point I was ready to beat the shit out of the guy. Instead, I lined up my next shot which was a straight in. *WHAM* I jump the cue ball and hit him right it the nuts. I don't think that guy ever stood in front of a pocket again. :D


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't mean anything derogatory by it, but i've noticed that many hispanic players and central american immigrants often do it. i could take a guess and say that it's because they play a lot more snooker than u.s. players. since the snooker table is so huge, they tend to have a lot of people just lean up on the sides of it to see what's going on. so when they get on a regular pool table, they just have a habit of standing right up against the table.


Playing Style: Wu Tang Fu
Silver Member

Haha! I had a girl watching every shot like that when I was at a bar one time... Really offensive beeotch! I jacked-up and jumped the cueball off of my object ball and whizzed it by her head. The look on her face was priceless and she was much nicer after that.


Not sure you are on the right track with the snooker reason behind the 'latino table-lean'. People here have a different idea of personal space and will stand much closer to you than people in The States. Also, I think they just are used to playing a more casual game, as some previous posters said. I actually have not seen a snooker table on this island...


Angelic Hotdog
Silver Member
I don't think it was a shark tactic. I have never played in a tournament and might make some of the mistakes your opponent made if I did. As for being taken out of your did that. You should have either ignored it or offered friendly, polite advice. If it happened again after that, then it would likely be sharking.



Playing Style: Wu Tang Fu
Silver Member
I was at another bar where the pool table was near the dance floor. Some girls stood by the corner of the table and started talking. One of the girls leaned on the pool table and put her fingers in the corner pocket. I could not resist and shot two shots to get position on a ball into that pocket. I let it rip and smacked her hand pretty hard. I felt bad about it later and ended up saying I was sorry about 5 years later. She did not remember the incident, so I felt a little better. I am not that much of a jerk any more... constant improvement, that's my motto (and my life).

Terry hit the nail on the head too....


Still crazy after all these years
Silver Member
Njhustler1 said:
I don't mean anything derogatory by it, but i've noticed that many hispanic players and central american immigrants often do it. i could take a guess and say that it's because they play a lot more snooker than u.s. players. since the snooker table is so huge, they tend to have a lot of people just lean up on the sides of it to see what's going on. so when they get on a regular pool table, they just have a habit of standing right up against the table.

Canadian pool halls tend to have a lot of snooker players. I've never seen this type of activity during a snooker match. In fact, at the pool hall I frequent, there are much better chairs between the snooker tables than by the 9' tables, and the snooker players use them.


Andrew Manning

Aspiring know-it-all
Silver Member
Njhustler1 said:
I don't mean anything derogatory by it, but i've noticed that many hispanic players and central american immigrants often do it. i could take a guess and say that it's because they play a lot more snooker than u.s. players. since the snooker table is so huge, they tend to have a lot of people just lean up on the sides of it to see what's going on. so when they get on a regular pool table, they just have a habit of standing right up against the table.

I think BillYards is right about it being a matter of culturally-defined "personal space". In a lot of cultures, people just don't pay as much attention to how close somebody may be standing, whereas we Americans are made very uncomfortable by someone who stands very close who is not already a close friend.

Also, the pool halls I go to get a lot of groups of hispanic men who come in to shoot, and it seems like in many cases they often consider playing pool a much more group-oriented activity than my friends and I do, and I often see two or three guys who aren't even playing in the current game standing right up next to the rails talking about the game or just socializing with the players. It reminds me of when I play pool with my family at my uncle's house, which is always done with a very different attitude and a lot more bourbon than when I play with friends in a pool hall.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Yeah I asked the guy to quit following me around the table while I am shooting. I'm only 25 mind you and he was probably around 45. It was like I was telling a kindergartener to go sit in the corner. :D

He was talkin to this girl sitting next to us about how he knows how to rattle me now. I thought that was pretty funny.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
BillYards said:
I was at another bar where the pool table was near the dance floor. Some girls stood by the corner of the table and started talking. One of the girls leaned on the pool table and put her fingers in the corner pocket. I could not resist and shot two shots to get position on a ball into that pocket. I let it rip and smacked her hand pretty hard. I felt bad about it later and ended up saying I was sorry about 5 years later. She did not remember the incident, so I felt a little better. I am not that much of a jerk any more... constant improvement, that's my motto (and my life).

Terry hit the nail on the head too....

I would have loved to see that. Stupid b****. Get away from my table. Can't you see we're playin here.


Playing Style: Wu Tang Fu
Silver Member
It actually sounds funnier than it was... I felt bad about it... I hit the ball in at mach 10 and she sagged at the knees with her hand shaking by her shoulder and mouth open in pain... It was not pretty.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Same Problems

I play league a couple times a week and have the same problems. Some guys are just a-holes and do little stupid things to try to get into your head. A couple weeks ago we were playing a good team that had a few masters on it and I was shooting well. Anyhow, I'm in the middle of a practice stroke when this guy on there team lifts a chair over the side of the table right in my line of site like he needed another chair for someone at his table. I shook that off but was irritated as anyone would be. Well a couple games go by and I am in the process of running a rack against him and his partner (doubles league). I get down to the 8 and it was a straight on shot just off the rail into the corner...easy money. Well, I'm in mid stroke...again and he walks up and takes a piece of chalk off the rail about 2 inches away from the cue ball I'm about to hit. I made the shot anyway but was really pissed off that he got right in my friggin face when I was in mid stroke on the 8. I told him if he got out of his chair again while me or anyone on my team was shooting, I'd smack his f*cking face off and I meant it. I was pissed. This guy is a master and plays in all kinds of leagues and tournaments and I just couldn't believe he tried pulling cheaps shots like that.


I think this pocket hovering issue isn't as much a matter of sharking or cultural difference as it is just a matter of amatuer players not understanding table etiquette. I play in several local leagues,(APA,VALLEY,BCA) and that is rarely an issue in a match. However, when playing in the bar on a Friday night it is a common problem.


Angelic Hotdog
Silver Member
Here's one to give you guys perspective on sharking as relates to skill level, professionalism and age. Told to me by a young Filipino (sp?) world beater.

The young teen A.P. is matching up for the first time with a great close to forty year old champion I'll refer to as E.S.
A.P. wins the lag and prepares to break from the side.:)
E.S. sitting far forward in chair says to A.P. who is in warmup stroke "move the ball back!".:eek:
A.P. shocked says "sir?", E.S. gets up ,walks over and says "the ball is over the line, move it back!".:eek: :eek:
A.P. meekly says "yes sir".:(
You never know who is going to shark you!;)



Will queue for cues
Silver Member
Tbeaux said:
Here's one to give you guys perspective on sharking as relates to skill level, professionalism and age. Told to me by a young Filipino (sp?) world beater.

The young teen A.P. is matching up for the first time with a great close to forty year old champion I'll refer to as E.S.
A.P. wins the lag and prepares to break from the side.:)
E.S. sitting far forward in chair says to A.P. who is in warmup stroke "move the ball back!".:eek:
A.P. shocked says "sir?", E.S. gets up ,walks over and says "the ball is over the line, move it back!".:eek: :eek:
A.P. meekly says "yes sir".:(
You never know who is going to shark you!;)


From what I've heard on here E.S. is always trying to shark


Angelic Hotdog
Silver Member
zeeder said:
From what I've heard on here E.S. is always trying to shark

Yep! But the former guppy A.P. is now a killer whale!!!:D
