What A Great world Championship So Far

Boro Nut

Silver Member
Double-Dave said:
Quite frankly, at this point, could he lose it? I don't think so. But...look at my vcash, what do I know?
Well he's still my bet, but I've been impressed with Mark Selby. He's been the one knocking in the centuries so far and has already matched Ronnie and John's record of six. After a great fightback by Carter he held his nerve in the deciding frame after a terrible kick robbed him of the previous frame. This could just be the boost in self belief that carries him all the way. If Mark Selby is prepared to believe in Mark Selby I'm prepared to believe in Mark Selby.

And if he does win, would anyone honestly have answered 'Mark Selby' if they had been asked who would be the first player ever to win world championships at both pool and snooker?

Has anyone noticed he seems to rock sideways while lining up his shots? Very unusual. But he seems to be a very methodical and precise potter.

Boro Nut
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Anybody ave trouble with the BBC web feed Wednesday?

My screen went blank during the morning interval and I never could re-establish a link to the championship play, although there was nothing wrong with the rest of the BBC site.:(


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
dont know about the BBC feed, I have been watching EuroSport, sorry I cant help you, and thanks again for all the links,

Boro Nut

Silver Member
If Mark Selby is prepared to believe in Mark Selby I'm prepared to believe in Mark Selby.
I may have spoken too soon. He looked nervous in that first session against Murphy and was lucky to only be 5-3 down. I wonder if he's mentally settled for being a semi-finalist.

Still waiting for Murphy to really catch a gear.

Boro Nut


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Murphy may have used alot of mental energy on that monster come back(the one I called :cool: :D ), i have came back from spots like that and to keep playing is tough, but he does have the luxery of playing over a couple days.

i still like Higgens so far, i'll be in Koln when the finals start and wont be here to post my pick at the begining of the finals, but I will when i can-I'll be honest I have no reason not to be, this is a fun thread and watching all the matches is something I dreamed of for years.

Maguire looks a bit like a 9 ball player, he has so much power etc.. I know he isnt but I'd wage him to win in a 9 ball tournment with the same field, I dont think he will beat Higgens,
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
something i have noticed today is maguire is getting alot of kicks/skids that are affecting his position, more so than the other players, his cueing is fantastic and he is playing well despite this problem, is it him or the equipment since they moved the table last night and recovered it? just trying to learn as much as I can in this wonderful 2 weeks. thanks

BTW many years ago 1988 my best break was a 53 or 56(cant remember) on a 12' American snooker table, with pockets slightly tighter that the TV tables, it wasnt a great accomplishment as the balls were laying very nicely, I dont remember any other breaks, probably a hand full in the 40's, nothing special. but its awalys been my favorite cue sport game to play, sadly I never had the oppertunity when I was 18 to be in the right spot and have the lessions, now I'm 40 and just started playing again, i'm good for a 25 break,,,,maybe;)

next year when my back is fixed I'm comming to the UK and playing for a while, its been a dream of mine since i was 18, I should be able to equal my best break, even if I dont, it dosent matter i am ther to have fun not win anything or prove anything.

any advice would be appericated, thanks in advance. BTW, i'm the least amreican;american you'll ever meet, i just happened to be born there, and it ends there.
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Boro Nut

Silver Member
Fatboy said:
BTW many years ago 1988 my best break was a 53 or 56(cant remember) on a 12' American snooker table, with pockets slightly tighter that the TV tables, it wasnt a great accomplishment as the balls were laying very nicely
Don't denigrate yourself. It's no mean feat.

next year when my back is fixed I'm comming to the UK and playing for a while, its been a dream of mine since i was 18, I should be able to equal my best break, even if I dont, it dosent matter i am ther to have fun not win anything or prove anything.
You will have a ball. You will find anybody is happy to give you a game (especially if you're paying the table) and wont try anything but give you a pasting fair and square. But don't worry, there are just as many hopeless players as good ones.

By the way Fatty, what did you think of that second session between Higgins & McGuire? Twenty-odd minutes without potting a ball in one frame eh! Did you find the excellent safety battle as gripping as the big breaks? It's not something you see in pool so I'd be interested in your perspective.

That last session was tip-top entertainment for me. It's a match worthy of the final itself. Great safety and back to back 130+ breaks. McGuire looks like he's on a mission, but don't count your chickens just yet. Higgins has fallen ever so slightly from the standard of earlier rounds, but don't write him off.

My current feeling? Selby-Mcguire final.

Boro Nut


Developing cue-addict
Silver Member
Darn this work thing, and then a birthday. I came in at 10pm, caught the final frames of Maguire-Higgins. Both players seemed to be playing very well. I have to say, Higgins in those final frames looked very determined to me, and certainly is far from surrendering. I still like him for the title. Murphy last night seemed unstoppable for the first six frames, I thought Mark did very well to win the last two frames, and then complete his comeback in the second session levelling it at 8-8, I think he will have the edge in this one.

gr. Dave


Developing cue-addict
Silver Member
Higgins is on FIRE. He just made another century to go 15-14 down, first to 17. Amazing.
Higgins tied the match at 15 all, and seems in control in frame 31 with a lead of 30 points.
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Developing cue-addict
Silver Member
Higgins just went 16-15 up. Maguire has that deer in headlights look on his face. A deciding frame would surprise me at this point.
Maguire finally gets a decent chance and scratches...John only made 6, misses and snookers Maguire on pretty much all reds. Now he's getting the rolls too.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Goooooooooooo Mark gooooooooooooo:cool:
This was THE best snooker match i have ever seen in my life.It couldn`t been better.Mark was 15-14 down and then it all began.Mark needed 2 snookers and snookerd shawn on the last red.Red was on the cusion tied with the pink.shawn hit the pink and got 6 penalty.Mark potted the brown and went around the table for the blue.He got too far and eventually lost the frame.It was 16-14 and he needed 3 frames in a row and he got it.It was awesome.oh my ****ing god what a match.It really is a shame that the final almost certanly wont be the best match.its just not possible.aaaaaaa:eek:
Those who didn`t watch it missed the part of the history:p


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
i didnt think he was going to come back after he missed the blue and hung his head down, he was pretty emotional bwtween frames after that miss, wow that was a strong come back wow!!!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Boro Nut said:

By the way Fatty, what did you think of that second session between Higgins & McGuire? Twenty-odd minutes without potting a ball in one frame eh! Did you find the excellent safety battle as gripping as the big breaks? It's not something you see in pool so I'd be interested in your perspective.

My current feeling? Selby-Mcguire final.

Boro Nut

i had to go to the netherlands last night/this morning but I was lucky enough to catch that frame of 20 min with out potting a ball, I like that better than watching a 135-break, awalys have. and the last 6 frames last night

I thought Shaun Murphy would beat Stevens before they played, I had that one wrong, I have liked Higgens since I first posted it. Its been great!

I got my back zapped and I cant play right now I'll know in a week if i'm sorted, its been bad for 2 years, the last year i've spent more time in bed than anything,