Can this disagreement be settled? I was shooting on the 8 ball and called the corner pocket. Just to the side of the pocket was my opponent's ball. Two possibilities loomed; Either make a clean shot in the pocket or clip the opponent's ball with the 8 ball on it's way into the pocket. My opponent says if I clip his ball it's a foul even if I call the clip and make the shot. I say it's not a foul as long as the pocket is called. I say the 8 ball in the pocket off his ball is legal even if I don't call the shot off his ball. If it is a foul and illegal, what's the penalty? The BCA rules I saw states "A combination shot can never be used to legally pocket the 8-ball, except when the 8-ball is the first ball contacted in the shot sequence". This seems pretty clear to me. Other 8-ball rules I looked at were a bit vague on this or not addressed at all. As it turned out, I made a clean shot into the pocket. Are there varying opinions on this?