WRISTS - The "hidden power catalyst" of a great stroke or "just along for the ride"?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You must need to read the story again, and again, and again....LoL I was hanging out at my pool room "CJ's" behind the bar of all places. I"...........???? :confused:

Very clever way of stating the obvious, when someone points out your unbelievably bad posting style ! ...BTW, you are way overdue to thrill us with your pics and stuff, about your ESPN title..
(for the 3,000th time !).... And it has been a while, since you've talked about your amazing plans for 'rescuing' pool :cool:

PS Also, all the bangers are dying for another look at your 'newspaper clipping' collection.AGAIN
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Patrick Johnson

Fish of the Day
Silver Member
You must need to read the story again, and again, and again.......LoL
Actually, being spammed 8 or 9 times with the same verbatim cut-and-paste self-promotion post is plenty for me, thanks, but I'm sure your customers... er... fans can't get enough.

Is the limit on marketing bumps the same here as in the For Sale forum?


His Boy Elroy

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
hey there fella....

Your many detractor's go off on you so often and you often appear to encourage their actions...

CJ's a pool coach. When I played hockey in high school I had a habit of skating with one hand on the stick. My coach didn't like it. When someone would pass me the puck I'd suddenly have to put my second hand on the stick before receiving the pass. If it was a fast pass sometimes there wasn't time and I'd end up unsuccessfully trying oo catch the pass with one hand on the stick. Eventually I started skating with two hands on the stick. It was because my coach PUMMELED ME TO DEATH ON THE SAME SUBJECT!

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
Very clever way of stating the obvious, when someone points out your unbelievably bad posting style ! ...BTW, you are way overdue to thrill us with your pics and stuff, about your ESPN title..
(for the 3,000th time !).... And it has been a while, since you've talked about your amazing plans for 'rescuing' pool :cool:

PS..Also, all the banger's are dying for another look at your 'newspaper clipping' collection..AGAIN

Thanks for pointing that out, Dad. :thumbup:

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
you know it's possible to NOT open my threads once in awhile. LoL

Actually, being spammed 8 or 9 times with the same verbatim cut-and-paste self-promotion post is plenty for me, thanks, but I'm sure your customers... er... fans can't get enough.

Is the limit on marketing bumps the same here as in the For Sale forum?


Maybe you should take a break from reading ALL my posts over and over and over and over and over.....you know it's possible - once in awhile. LoL


CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
"the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher""the Game is your Teacher"



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thanks for pointing that out, Dad. :thumbup:

(CJ)-> "Dad, when I grow up, I want to be a pool player."...(SJD)->"Son, you can't possibly do both ! ..Next you'll be wanting to change a light bulb, all by yourself !" :rolleyes:.....CJ., Being as you have dropped your 'billboard sized' logo, (finally)..you may want to consider a sales promotion, like I'm getting ready to offer !..I can see you would already have at 2 or 3 sales 'locked up' !....Aloha ;)

Tee Shirt, and 3-DVD set, detailing many of
my tournament and gambling victories...$89.95
(only one per customer, please)

View attachment 385393
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
CJ's a pool coach. When I played hockey in high school I had a habit of skating with one hand on the stick. My coach didn't like it. When someone would pass me the puck I'd suddenly have to put my second hand on the stick before receiving the pass. If it was a fast pass sometimes there wasn't time and I'd end up unsuccessfully trying oo catch the pass with one hand on the stick. Eventually I started skating with two hands on the stick. It was because my coach PUMMELED ME TO DEATH ON THE SAME SUBJECT!

'Pummeling' is only necessary with people who are extremely slooooow to catch on ! (ie; ALL 'Coach CJs' fan's) ;)

PS..Most of us hockey player's learn very quickly, that we are NOT Gordie Howe ! :eek:
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And on and on and on and on it goes..........*GAG*

This sounds eerily familiar...
Man, are you really that obsessed with CJ Wiley's postings?
You've gone through page after page of past posts to come up with this???
And for what?
I swear, mister, you really need to get out more. Get some exercise, sunshine, and watch the world pass by.
Just my opinion.

cookie man

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
'Pummeling' is only necessary with people who are extremely slooooow to catch on ! (ie; ALL 'Coach CJs' fan's) ;)

PS..Most of us hockey player's learn very quickly, that we are NOT Gordie Howe ! :eek:

You are the one that keeps saying you don't understand it,lol.
Let the pummeling continue for SJD.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You are the one that keeps saying you don't understand it,lol.
Let the pummeling continue for SJD.

It's obviously not what CJ says that's the problem. It's that he's saying anything at all. These threads keep getting bumped to tear CJ a new one and be the guy that finally got his goat and chased him off.

I can say thank you to all the disgruntled minions (all 12 of you) for keeping these threads on the front page. The constant blitz is great entertainment despite the best attempts to derail the discussion. You have to ask yourself...Am I pissed off when I hit the submit button? Or am I really interested in having a discussion about the current subject? :D



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's obviously not what CJ says that's the problem. It's that he's saying anything at all. These threads keep getting bumped to tear CJ a new one and be the guy that finally got his goat and chased him off.

I can say thank you to all the disgruntled minions (all 12 of you) for keeping these threads on the front page. The constant blitz is great entertainment despite the best attempts to derail the discussion. You have to ask yourself...Am I pissed off when I hit the submit button? Or am I really interested in having a discussion about the current subject? :D


Mike or Cookieman, I am not 'disgruntled' nor do I 'hate' CJ, although his endless "morality issues" are really hard to take sometimes ! And NO ONE drifts 'off-topic', any more than he does !...I am also often aggravated with his relentless attempts at rationalizing his "all over the place" agenda re; stroke, TOI, etc. !.. Especially as it is usually the complete opposite of everything I have ever learned, or experienced ! :rolleyes:

My efforts are not to "drive him off the forum", but simply to enlighten those who think he makes ANY sense at all !..I think the recent poll, bore out the fact, that I am far from the minority in thinking that way !..If he gives up and quits, it will be of his own doing !..Whats the old saying ?.."Give a man enough rope, and he will hang himself" !..IMO, he only has a few feet left to go ! :sorry:

PS..Since he has finally, after much adverse PR, taken down his 'billboard logo'..I shall refrain from any more 'Wiley Coyote' cartoons ! (as appropriate as they may be :eek:)

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
Dad, don't crush my dreams again!

(CJ)-> "Dad, when I grow up, I want to be a pool player."...(SJD)->"Son, you can't possibly do both ! ..Next you'll be wanting to change a light bulb, all by yourself !" :rolleyes:.....CJ., Being as you have dropped your 'billboard sized' logo, (finally)..you may want to consider a sales promotion, like I'm getting ready to offer !..I can see you would already have at 2 or 3 sales 'locked up' !....Aloha ;)

Tee Shirt, and 3-DVD set, detailing many of
my tournament and gambling victories...$89.95
(only one per customer, please)

View attachment 385393

Please, Dad, don't crush my dreams again!

Why are you so obsessed with seeing your son fail, will it really make you happy?

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
What I'm doing is giving players a short cut to learning quicker

Man, are you really that obsessed with CJ Wiley's postings?
You've gone through page after page of past posts to come up with this???
And for what?
I swear, mister, you really need to get out more. Get some exercise, sunshine, and watch the world pass by.
Just my opinion.

He's been doing this for years now.

He got banned for 2 years and still read all my posts, planning how he was going to "get the CJ" when they lifted him from his "az bondage".

Meanwhile, he still knows nothing about the techniques I share except they don't work for him......maybe he's not working for them? There is no "magic bullet" or lightening going to come down from the sky to turn a "C" player into an "A" player overnight.

It actually takes practice on a real pool table to improve. What I'm doing is giving players a short cut to learning quicker and more efficiently. It's not me, it's the game that is the teacher, however, we still have to be good students to learn the deeper levels of the game.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Please, Dad, don't crush my dreams again!

Why are you so obsessed with seeing your son fail, will it really make you happy?

Thinking he wants your fame??

I have no 'obsession' !..Like most of your erroneous claims, I enjoyed only a 3 month vacation, not two years as you said ! :rolleyes:..Sadly for you, with all your faulty, misguided beliefs and extremely unstable people like Mr.Rose cheering you on, you are pre-programmed for failure !...Its just a matter of time! :sorry:

PS..Like I heard honest Abe say once, "You can fool some of the people, part of the time...etc." :cool:
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Timothy Rose

Silver Member
I have no 'obsession' !..Like most of your erroneous claims, I enjoyed only a 3 month vacation, not two years as you said ! :rolleyes:..Sadly for you, with all your faulty, misguided beliefs and extremely unstable people like Mr.Rose cheering you on, you are pre-programmed for failure !...Its just a matter of time! :sorry:

PS..Like I heard honest Abe say once, "You can fool some of the people, part of the time...etc." :cool:

I am guessing continuing this flame war with CJ is your way of hoping the pool world will notice you?

I will try and help you....Have you played against anyone some what famous that some of us may have heard about and may make you some what legit?

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Tramp Steamer

One Pocket enthusiast.
Silver Member
I just noticed that you guys quit talking about wrists a long times ago and that made me wonder what in the hell you were talking about. I looked, and here your are bad mouthing each other once again. What the hell! Can't we all just try and get along? We're all pool players for crissakes.
Granted some are better players than others, but we do share a common interest here and that is how do we make pool better for ourselves and others. How to keep it alive for the generations to come. Our progeny. Our seed. Come on everyone, let's bury the hatchet somewhere other than CJ's forehead, or Dick's back.
Let's all look to the future together and forge a new horizon. A new world order where pool players can come and go as they please without angst, hatred, or prejudice. Where One Pocket players can sit down with Rotation enthusiasts and share their hopes and dreams.
God willing, we can do it. All it takes is a smile, a handshake, and a firm belief in our fellow man. :)