Elephant Ball/Draw Stroke Analysis


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Please direct me & others as to where you provided a reason why you went back & erased what probably amounted to thousand of your posts.

Please provide what it was that I said about TOI that YOU & you say Randy sees as false in your opinions.

AND why was that not specifically stated or asked about rather then the extremely simplistic & completely vague reference made by Randy?

I did not know that you could speak for Randy. but if you can then perhaps you would not mind providing an explanation as why he is no longer on the PBIA board?

Best Wishes to ALL.

PS1 ALL you seem to EVER do is Play BS Games.

PS2 All I did was to ask a simple question that very well could have had a very simple answer.

So now you are trying to copy what you feel Bieberlvr did earlier, yet you state you aren't just playing games. :rolleyes: Just more deflection and no answers. :boring2:


Silver Member
Go ahead! In the arena of ideas you were caustically seeking information to support an ad hominem attack. Probably at the top of the list of logical fallacies. Support your ideas with reason and you will hear nothing from me.


The number of individuals on AZB that seem to see themselves a GOD & Omniscient rather amaze me.

Firstly I was just simply curious & have an inquiring mind.

Then... when 'attacked' for asking the question, I provided my thinking as to why I see it as a relevant question.

RandyG & others have used this site to promote & advertise that 'business entity' to the members & visitors of AZB since it's inception.

Hence, the founder or one of the founders all of a sudden no longer being on the board can certainly be of interest to those that have paid for lessons in the past from that entity or are thinkig about doing so now & also to anyone that supports the BCA with any monetary consideration.

All I did was ask a simple question that could well have had a simple answer.

It has now sort of been turned into a 'scandal' because of how I have been vehemently 'attacked' & even red rep reported for asking what could have been a simply answered question.

As always the general readership can & will make their own determinations.

How is it said in the media? The cover up is very often worse than what is being covered up.

I am NOT saying anything is being covered up, as I certainly do not know, & that is why I asked what I thought was a simple question.

But.. as I have also said, not providing a simple answer to what seemed the be a simple question can foster speculation that may or may NOT be accurate.

It is NOT my fault that that situation has been created. It is the refusal to provide a simple explanation that has created that possibility.

God is Omniscient & God does not make mistakes. Anyone that thinks that they are omniscient certainly makes a mistake & certainly is NOT God.

All Best Wishes for You & Yours & All.

PS I've said that Randy finally coming out & saying that he is not going to give any explanation, at least not for now, has basically closed the matter, unless someone else opens the door again...

But... it seems that the very ones that have gotten upset about the simple question are the ones that will NOT let the matter close.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What happened to MY original topic? That being the chalk mark always being to the right on the black strip of the elephant ball.

Can we dispense with the bull and get back to the topic at hand, please.


Scott Lee

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I was thinking the same thing Mike. Anytime English enters a thread (which is nearly EVERY thread), you can be certain the original topic will be derailed into oblivion so that Rick can further his own intentions...which is to up his post count, and make believe that he is actually contributing anything informational. I, at least, answered your question. I hope Steve Boyer can help you.

Scott Lee


Silver Member
So now you are trying to copy what you feel Bieberlvr did earlier, yet you state you aren't just playing games. :rolleyes: Just more deflection and no answers. :boring2:

You play games in a single sentence.

I am NOT playing games but...

until this statement I did not state I was not playing games.

THAT is more of your twisting & distorting matters for your own twisted motives & agenda.

What about directing me & others to where you gave the reason for going back & erasing what I would guess was thousands of you posts?

AZB does not allow me to say a few things regarding you.

But I will say & I think a management member will agree with me that AZB was a much better place for three(3) months.

All Best Wishes for You & Yours & ALL.

PS You were warned by Mr. Wilson almost right after your return. It seems that you have ignored his warning.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I was thinking the same thing Mike. Anytime English enters a thread (which is nearly EVERY thread), you can be certain the original topic will be derailed into oblivion so that Rick can further his own intentions...which is to up his post count, and make believe that he is actually contributing anything informational. I, at least, answered your question. I hope Steve Boyer can help you.

Scott Lee

I believe I am heading to Evansville next Saturday, the 7th, to spend about an hour with Steve. Might be just the thing. Hopefully with trained eyes and a video showing what I am doing wrong I can start to correct the issue regarding straight in shots.

I don't really have much of a problem elsewhere now. Other than my new 4.25 inch pockets are making the game very difficult for me.



Silver Member
i was thinking the same thing mike. Anytime english enters a thread (which is nearly every thread), you can be certain the original topic will be derailed into oblivion so that rick can further his own intentions...which is to up his post count, and make believe that he is actually contributing anything informational. I, at least, answered your question. I hope steve boyer can help you.

Scott lee

-------------------Bunkum & Balderdash----------------------


Silver Member
What happened to MY original topic? That being the chalk mark always being to the right on the black strip of the elephant ball.

Can we dispense with the bull and get back to the topic at hand, please.


Hi Mike,

I spent 7 hours at the Hall Monday & 6 hours Yesterday.

Before that I had not hit a ball in about 7 weeks due to health & family matters.

What Gene Albrect told me certainly rings even more true to me now even though it rung true when he actually told me.

Yesterday, when I went down on a long straight in shot that I had set up & knew to be straight, I actually saw about a 2 or 3 degree cut to the left.

If I just shoot it, then the ball goes straight into the pocket. If I adjust for it to look right, then the ball misses right.

IF I do what Gene has told me to manually do, then the shot looks right. But... if I go off of that & allow my right eye to come into play then it's off.

I'm just posting about this again to hopefully have you keep it in your mind.

I went through the mechanics questioning & all, but why should any of that have been my issue as I have been playing quite well for over 48 years.

Gene knows the what & why of which he speaks.

Good Luck with Finding YOUR Solution &

Best Wishes for You & Yours & All,
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You want some of this?
Silver Member
You play games in a single sentence.

I am NOT playing games but...

until this statement I did not state I was not playing games.

THAT is more of your twisting & distorting matters for your own twisted motives & agenda.

What about directing me & others to where you gave the reason for going back & erase what i would guess was thousands of you posts?

AZB does not allow me to say a few things regarding you.

But I will say & I think a management member will agree with me that AZB was a much better place for three(3) months.

All Best Wishes for You & Yours & ALL.

PS You were warned by Mr. Wilson almost right after your return. It seem that you have ignored his warning.

I bet that just burns you up seeing that you were posting on this site for about 14 hours yesterday!:eek:

You really need to take a break from this online world and interact with people IRL.

Of course then it won't be as easy to insult them. Would it. :rolleyes:


You want some of this?
Silver Member
I want to know what pool hall, and who you played with. Perhaps someone may pass out some information that might not be correct in terms of your activity that day.

Not saying that it would happen.

Hi Mike,

I spent 7 hours at the Hall Monday & 6 hours Yesterday.

Before that I had not hit a ball in about 7 weeks due to health & family matters.

What Gene Albrect told me certainly rings even more true to me now even though it rung true when he actually told me.

Yesterday, when I went down on a long straight in shot that I had set up & knew to be straight, I actually saw about a 2 or 3 degree cut to the left.

If I just shoot it, then the ball goes straight into the pocket. If I adjust for it to look right, then the ball misses right.

IF I do what Gene has told me to manually do, then the shot looks right. But... if I go off of that & allow my right eye to come into play then it's off.

I'm just posting about this again to hopefully have you keep it in your mind.

I went through the mechanics questioning & all, but why should any of that been my issue as I have been playing quite well for over 48 years.

Gene knows the what & why of which he speaks.

Good Luck with Finding YOUR Solution &

Best Wishes for You & Yours & All,

Scott Lee

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You may not get it Tony. It's been more than 8 hrs since Rick posted at all. He was online for a couple of hours this morning...and then, I think, El Kabong! Seems unlikely that he could stay away from posting, if he was able. :grin-square: I have to say, the silence is peaceful.

Scott Lee


You want some of this?
Silver Member
I don't think the gong was struck, his status does not show that. I have noticed this is a pattern with him, when ever he raises the ire of a mod he goes away for a little vacation on his own. This way he doesn't inflame the situation further which would cause a ban.

I am afraid he will be back in a day or too. Then it is rinse and repeat.


p.s. but you are correct, isn't the sound of silence wonderful!

You may not get it Tony. It's been more than 8 hrs since Rick posted at all. He was online for a couple of hours this morning...and then, I think, El Kabong! Seems unlikely that he could stay away from posting, if he was able. :grin-square: I have to say, the silence is peaceful.

Scott Lee


Pool players have more balls
Gold Member
Silver Member
I think someone deserves his own FORUM. Ask YOU KNOW WHO. Anything can be discussed, resolved and reduced to the lowest common denominator. Anything can be challenged, argued and debated. A cage match, no holds barred kind of open forum. I wonder if we appealed to the administrators they would consider giving him a private channel. He earned it and deserves it. Could call it YOU KNOW WHO's CORNER.

I'm very curious why YOU KNOW WHO commented on "Ask The Instructor".

Best of Everything to ya's...and God Bless SPF
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Pool players have more balls
Gold Member
Silver Member
If there is anyone out there that got why RandyG's position with the PBIA has changed based on his response to me, can you please restate it in a manner that I & others might understand.

All I got from it was what he was not, was, & may have been.

US folks do not need, want to, or challenge Randy. He does a lot for the pool community. Why do you care, What are you trying to prove to US. You should not be posting instructional matters here as you are not an instructor. When you do get a degree feel free to start you own Ask An Instructor thread, Until then US's are ok with the Scott's, Randy's. Dr Daves', Tony_Md...
Why are you so fixed on Randy. Us wants to know.

Best To Us
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I prefer the term 'release stroke.' It's where you release your grip on the cue as it's moving forward to where the cue actually slides through your grip hand, hitting the cue ball without the interference of your grip hand.

Do any of the top pro's use that type of stroke anymore? If I remember correctly, Mosconi used the slip/release stroke.


Indiana VNEA State Champ
Silver Member

I believe I am heading to Evansville next Saturday, the 7th, to spend about an hour with Steve. Might be just the thing. Hopefully with trained eyes and a video showing what I am doing wrong I can start to correct the issue regarding straight in shots.

I don't really have much of a problem elsewhere now. Other than my new 4.25 inch pockets are making the game very difficult for me.



Trying to get your thread back on track... I think we found some good observations. Please let us know after a few weeks how it's going.

Others: be respectful, "someone" isn't trying to politic but actual enjoy the game. Please take the derogatory crap to another thread and bash away. Yes this is a public forum but good lord imagine what your mothers would think with the childish activities. More posts does not equate to more content.

No, I'm not pointing fingers. Mike deserves to be able to look at his thread and see some valuable content without scroll on several pages.


Steve Boyer

P.s. If you aren't the OP, think if your post benefits those involved or if it needs to go elsewhere. Thanks!


Silver Member

Post #13 by RandyG started this thread off of the helping the OP road.

I'm interested in hearing what it was that is thought to be the issue.

ALL Best Wishes for ALL.
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