Recent content by Kerry Impson

  1. Kerry Impson

    U.S. Open 9-Ball Opinion from Pat Fleming

    What Jam said!!! You handled this with class and dignity, as always. Hope your endeavors continue to be successful!! :)
  2. Kerry Impson

    Little Slice of heaven in Tuskaloosa,Alabama

    Ah, makes me miss my home state.... :sad: (Just for the record, it's spelled 'Tuscaloosa.')
  3. Kerry Impson

    News on Julie Nogiec and Scott Morgan?

    I am so shocked and saddened to hear about this....Julie was a fine player and a fun, kind person. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family, especially her father.
  4. Kerry Impson

    SJM at WPBA Oregon

    Yes, I was very disappointed not to be able to go. :( I am absolutely planning on going to Lincoln City next year, if the WPBA returns. Hopefully our paths will cross then....We sure did have some great discussions in the old days!! Ah, the shot clock - I forgot about that. Now it makes...
  5. Kerry Impson

    SJM at WPBA Oregon

    Hey sjm! That was terrific reporting - almost like being there!! I was planning to come down for the weekend and watch but had a sick child. It sure would have been nice to see you (and all the ladies) again.... One question: I'm surprised that the cell phone caused Karen to miss the six...
  6. Kerry Impson

    Happy Birthday Bill Porter

    Happy birthday, Bill!!! Thanks for always sharing your fab pics.
  7. Kerry Impson

    Happy Birthday Smorgass Bored!!

    Happy, happy birthday, Doug! Have a wonderful day!!! :)
  8. Kerry Impson

    WPBA Pre-Allison

    Although Gerda and Helena may not have played that particular Gordon's tournament (those were invitation only), they were playing the WPBA tour consistently in the 90s pre-Allison. (Gerda won the first Classic Tour stop in San Francisco in 1993.) Also Tiffany Nelson was playing some before...
  9. Kerry Impson

    Minimum wage & The cost of living

    Wow, that's a nice philosophy: Screw them before they can screw you. Is this something like that old inversion of the Golden Rule (do unto others before they can do unto you)? The actual Golden Rule (a very fine principle to live by) seems to have fallen by the wayside these days. Whatever...
  10. Kerry Impson

    Congratulations SJM!!

    Wow, way to go SJM!!!! Congratulations, and best of luck in the event!!! :)
  11. Kerry Impson

    Dave Piona Gone?

    How terrible! Dave was such a wonderful person; what a sad day for pool. :(
  12. Kerry Impson

    Rest in Peace, Rude Dog

    Man, I don't check AZB as often as I should, I guess -- first I've heard of this! What horrible news. :( I didn't know John personally, but from his posts he seemed to truly be a good guy. How wonderful that thanks to the generosity of AZB posters, he was able to play at the US Open. My...
  13. Kerry Impson

    Remembering Tony Ellin

    Shelby is doing fine -- she remarried last year (that's her husband in the link Bluesteel provided, Bruce); Ashley, her daughter with Tony, is now 10 years old and doing fine as well. Shelby plays mostly league now, but is still a fierce competitor. She recently received her Master's Degree in...
  14. Kerry Impson

    Happy Birthday, Randyg!

    Happy birthday, Randy! Hope you have an awesome day.
  15. Kerry Impson

    Video - Hours and Hours 2004 2005 2006 2007

    Hey - how about a pool room?? :D Seriously, I wish I could remember playing you! Sounds like you must've won.....I'll play again someday, when I have time to practice. (Once a pool player, always a pool player, ya know?) :p