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  1. E

    Bentley Cases...Opinions?

    I have the BC522 2x4 from Bentley and think its a sturdy case. I have had mine for several years now and its still in great shape. I don't toss it around or abuse it though, looks brand new. I think I got it off ebay for 100 new. A friend got one as a gift from his wife and beat his up pretty...
  2. E

    Made me Smile.

    This made me laugh. lol Reminded me of the time when I was playing league. I put my cue together, placed it on the table and proceeded to rack since I lost the flip. My opponent goes on to tell me "When you get really good, perhaps you can trade that Dufferin in for a really nice cue someday...
  3. E

    Columbus, OH Pool Rooms? Dayton?

    Not to take away from the thread but this is a cool idea! A friend and myself used to travel around the northeast Ohio area one weekend every couple of months to do exactly this. Check out different pool halls, players, etc and end up playing straight pool all night/morning. This was many years...
  4. E

    Shot at places like these?

    Yup, I grew up playing 8 ball in bars in my teens and early 20's that were down right horrible. Bad neighborhoods, nasty people but always lots of pool and action if need be. I grew up in a rough area so I didn't find the bars offensive. Then I moved to Atlanta and realized corner bars did not...
  5. E

    Your Opinions Please

    I was in a well known league here and often was instructed by my captain to dump to keep my handicap down. The captains between teams would also negotiate ahead of time which players on both teams needed help lowering handicaps and then match up/instruct players accordingly. Especially when a...
  6. E

    APA Safety situation, 8-ball

    Those are some creative ways out! In matches like this, it's often the most creative and experienced player that wins. But you need to know what your opponent is capable of before doing something like this. Strong kicker can make or break a game. I hate calling stalemate too. Good stuff ez
  7. E

    Cue Stick Storage

    When I had an extra bed room, all 3 of my 2x4 cases had their own bed with a blanket over top of them. :P Now they are under my bed laying flat. ez
  8. E

    Bar Box Cues...

    I would support this suggestion. My typical cue is a Joss around 19.5 ounces. It always felt like I was forcing that big CB around using my cue so I would switch to a 1 piece, heavier house cue and played much better. I thought maybe playing better had to do with using a 1 piece cue or a little...
  9. E

    What would your keepers be should personal disaster strike

    Our house/neighborhood did flood last summer. Grabbed an emergency services bag, change of clothes and all 3 2x4 cases full of cues. Alot of things were lost or damaged, much of which was not replaced or covered under insurance. Took no chances with my cues. ez
  10. E

    Buying a Pool cue

    LOL No thanks :) ez
  11. E

    Long jacked up draw shots

    From Byrne's book-suggestions Not to beat a dead horse, but last night I pulled out my copy of Byrne's book of 350 shots. Did some skills refreshment and found him discuss basically the same shot. I scanned the cover and the actual page to .bmp format but they are too large to attach as files...
  12. E

    One Pocket Rail-Frozen drill

    Yup, that's the only place I saw it played and at first, I thought it was a goofy practice game but my buddy explained a little to me and thus found out it was Chicago and played alot in the ATL area. ez
  13. E

    Buying a Pool cue

    Buy a $50.00 players SP, gamble with the remainder of the money, double the amount over time and then you will have enough to buy a really nice cue and some change left over for breakfast in the morning. :P j/k ez
  14. E

    One Pocket Rail-Frozen drill

    This game was very popular with mexicans/hispanics down in Atlanta when I was there a few years ago. Not sure if it is still or not. They would put a ball on every diamond and 2-4 people would play. Think it was a point a ball made in the correct corner. They played it all night long, very...
  15. E

    You wish!

    That is creative and funny! LMAO. very cool ez
  16. E

    Spending my b-day at the pool hall!!

    Happy B-day! I have done the same many times.....Until I turned 21 and started celebrating in the bars. :P Just kidding, I did spent many b-day's in the halls though. lol ez
  17. E

    Who's Who?

    I will say my name is Chuck and from the Cleveland area. :) I was a moderator for a very popular PC gaming forum and it was more of a family/first name atmosphere. Still had to watch each other as PC gamers are natural hacks. :P Give it some time here and you will see how friendly and...
  18. E

    Is politics, & other bs killing pool where you live, or pool in a growth mode.

    In my area (northeast Ohio), I think it's lack of players for the pool halls and lack of liquor options. The pool halls are taking a beating around here and the bars with leagues are doing very well. No political hassles that I know of or personal/business hassles, just not that big a market for...
  19. E

    Shorter backswing..

    I tend to agree with others that the longer your back swing is, the more variable you have for miscueing or not getting the desired outcome. I try very hard not to adjust my hand position or back swing for different shots. Except perhaps jumps and masse's but even then, it's minimal. If I need...
  20. E

    Long jacked up draw shots

    Another suggestion for the first shot if there looks to be a slight angle is serious top english. Looks like you would avoid the scratch in the corner pocket. I would try this if the table is playing fast. But either way, it's a tough shot :) Second shot: The masse shot is possible, but like...