Billiard University (BU) playing-ability-exam scores and ratings


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I woke up this morning and decided to run through exam 1 one more time before moving on. I scored a 69. I still feel like I'm dogging a lot of shots I normally wouldn't, but it is what it is.

I ran through the masters exam right after and scored a 58, for a total of 127. This was on my home table, which is a GC III with 4 1/4" corners and 4 3/4" sides.
I've added you to the list.

You're only 1 point behind PocketPooler!

I have the videos but my editing program, once again, froze and deleted my exam 1 video...this time after I was completely done editing and tried to save it. :banghead: I'm currently using Widows movie maker, just because its already on my computer and I know how to use it already. I'm about sick of this crap though. If anyone has a better suggestion, preferably a free one since this is all I ever use it for, I'm all ears.
You could break the original video into smaller pieces first, before editing them. That might result is less chances of getting crashes. Alternatively, you could just post the original videos without doing any editing.

I use Pinnacle Studio. It isn't free, but it is fairly cheap and very easy to use, and it allows me to do everything I need to do when I produce instructional DVDs.

Please try to get videos posted after you figure out a way to get it to work. Then I can add you to the $2500 BU Playing-Ability-Exam Challenge page. You would currently be in first place in the Exam II category.

Good luck with the video stuff,


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Here's the latest:

AZB'ers who have taken the BU playing-ability exams (with top scores to date):

BU score (Exam I + Exam II) - User - 10-ball ghost rating [15-ball-rotation rating] {Fargo Rating} - Table size, corner pocket mouth, throat, shelf - Video/post links:

168 (80 + D:88) - Gerry Williams - 93 [17] - 9', 4 1/2", 4", 1 7/8" - Table, Exam I (part 1, part 2), Exam II (part 1, part 2, part 3)
164 (84 + D:80) - theUBC - ? - 9', 4 1/2", 4 1/8", 1 3/4" - Exam I, Exam II
161 (84 + D:77) - Shane Van Boening - ? {822} - 9', 5", 3 7/8", 1 3/8" - Exam I, Exam II
161* (88 + M:73) - dr_dave - 74 [34 - demo racks] - 8', 4 3/4", 4 1/8", 1 3/8" - Table, Exam I, Exam II
160 (79 + D:81) - scottjen26 - 64 [20] - 9', 4 1/2", 3 7/8", 1 1/2" - Exam I (part 1, part 2), Exam II (part 1, part 2, part 3)
157* (88 + M:69) - Neil - 60 - 7', 4 1/8", 2 7/8", 1 3/8" - Exam I (part 1, part 2), Exam II (part 1, part 2, post)
146* (82 + M:64) - dr_dave - 63 - 7', 4 1/2", 4 1/2", 3/4" - post
143 (78 + D:65) - Marc Vidal - ? - 9', 4 1/8", 3 5/16", 1" - Table, Exam I, Exam II
141 (70 + D:71) - 12squared - 78 - 9', 4 7/8", 4 1/8", 1 1/2" - post
141* (81 + M:60) - Neil - 60 - 7', 4 1/8", 3 1/2", 1 3/8" - Exam I (part 1, part 2), Exam II (part 1, part 2, part 3)
136 (73 + D:63) - bowiebill - 58 - 9', 4 3/4", 4", 1 1/4" - post
135* (71 + M:64) - Mooneye - 49 - 7', 4 7/8", 4 1/8", 1 5/8" - Table, Exam I, Exam II
135* (74 + M:61) - dr_dave - 54 - 8', 4 3/4", 4 1/8", 1 3/8" - Exam I, Exam II
132 (69 + M:63) - Gerry Williams - 73 - 9', 4 1/2", 4", 1 7/8" - Table, Exam I, Exam II (part 1, part 2)
132* (76 + M:56) - BRussell - 51 - 8', 5", 4 1/4", 1 1/2" - Exam I, Exam II
130 (64 + M:66) - sjharr - 68 - 9', ? - post
130 (63 + M:67) - StraightPoolIU - 50 - 9', 4 7/8", 4 1/8, 1 1/4" - post
129 (69 + M:60) - Spimp13 - ? - ? - post
128 (64 + M:64) - PocketPooler - ? - 9', 4 3/8", 3 5/8", 1 1/2" - Exam I (part 1, part 2), Exam II (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4)
127 (69 + M: 58) - peppersauce - ? - 9', 4 1/4", ?, ? - post
127 (67 + M:60) - Okie - 61 {625} - 9', 4 3/4", 4", 1 1/2" - post
127* (65 + M:62) - Mooneye - 49 - 7', 4 7/8", 4 1/8", 1 5/8" - Exam I, post
124 (71 + M:53) - StraightPoolIU - 50 - 9', 4 7/8", 4 1/8, 1 1/4" - post
124 (64 + M:60) - JC - 57 - 9', 4 7/16", 3 7/8", 1 3/8" - Table, Exam 1, Exam 2
121* (63 + M:58) - TheOneGnat - 51 - 8', 4 1/2", 4", 1 5/8" - AZB post and update
118 (63 + M:55) - bowiebill - 58 - 9', 4 3/4", 4", 1 1/4" - Exam I, Exam II (part 1, part 2)
117 (53 + M:58) - RobMan - 46 - 9', 5", 4 1/4", 1 1/5" - post
115 (64 + M:51) - PocketPooler - ? = 9', 4 3/8", 3 5/8", 1 1/2" - Exam I, Exam II (part 1, part 2)
113 (? + M:?) - Eagleshot - 48 - 9', 4 1/2, 4", 1 1/4" - PM
112* (61 + M:51) - gregcantrall - ? - 8', 4 3/8", 4 1/8", 1" - post
110* (62 + M:48) - caff3in3 - ? - 8', 5", ? - post
108 (59 + M:49) - row21097 - 57 - 9', 4 1/2”, 4”, 1 1/2” - Table, Exam I (part 1, part 2, part 3), Exam II (part 1, part 2, part 3)
106 (53 + M:53) - StraightPoolIU - 50 - 9', 4 7/8", 4 1/8, 1 1/4" - post
101* (59 + M:42) - 67tbird - 46 - 8', 4 1/4", 4", 1 1/2" - post
94 (57 + M:37) - BeiberLvr - ? - ? - post
91* (62 + M:29) - SeanChamp - 29 - 8', 4 1/2", 1 1/2" - post
90 (? + M:?) - EagleEye - ? - 9', 5", 3 7/8", 1 3/8" - 2013 BU Summer School Boot Camp
89 (56 + M:33) - mamics - 31 - 9', 4 5/8", 3 13/16", 1 1/4" - post
88 (? + B:?) - DrGonzo - 47 - 9', 4.5", 4", 1.5" - post
87 (49 + B:38) - iusedtoberich - 38 [47] - 9', 5 1/8", 4 1/8", 1 1/2" - Table, Exam I, Exam II
82 (57 + B:25) - krupa - 24 - 9', 4 3/4", 3 5/8", 1 1/4" - post
77* (48 + B:29) - SeanChamp - 29 - 8', 4 1/2", 4 1/2", 1" - post
68 (35 + B:33) - icucybe - ? - 9', 4 1/2", 3 /1/2", 1 3/4" - post
68 (44 + B:24) - pleforowicz - 24 - 9', 11.7cm, 9.2cm, 3.8cm - post
63 (41 + B:22) - SamLambert - ? - 9', ? - Exams I and II

*: not on a 9' or larger table

NOTE - Other scores and videos, for official BU graduates, can be found on the BU alumni page.


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Silver Member
Thank you for posting those. What did you do to fix the problems you were having with your video editing software?

Having gone back and watched the vids, I realized I miscounted. My exam 2 score is 57, not 58. I accidentally counted a made ball on a scratch in the second drill.
Thank you for the correction. I've adjusted your score and added your video links to the list. I've also added you to the $2500 BU Playing-Ability-Exam Challenge page. You are currently in first place in the Exam I category!

Good job,


Instructional Author
Gold Member
Silver Member
Here's the latest:

AZB'ers who have taken the BU playing-ability exams (with top scores to date):

BU score (Exam I + Exam II) - User - 10-ball ghost rating [15-ball-rotation rating] {Fargo Rating} - Table size, corner pocket mouth, throat, shelf - Video/post links:

168 (80 + D:88) - Gerry Williams - 93 [17] - 9', 4 1/2", 4", 1 7/8" - Table, Exam I (part 1, part 2), Exam II (part 1, part 2, part 3)
164 (84 + D:80) - theUBC - ? - 9', 4 1/2", 4 1/8", 1 3/4" - Exam I, Exam II
161 (84 + D:77) - Shane Van Boening - ? {822} - 9', 5", 3 7/8", 1 3/8" - Exam I, Exam II
161* (88 + M:73) - dr_dave - 74 [34 - demo racks] - 8', 4 3/4", 4 1/8", 1 3/8" - Table, Exam I, Exam II
160 (79 + D:81) - scottjen26 - 64 [20] - 9', 4 1/2", 3 7/8", 1 1/2" - Exam I (part 1, part 2), Exam II (part 1, part 2, part 3)
157* (88 + M:69) - Neil - 60 - 7', 4 1/8", 2 7/8", 1 3/8" - Exam I (part 1, part 2), Exam II (part 1, part 2, post)
146* (82 + M:64) - dr_dave - 63 - 7', 4 1/2", 4 1/2", 3/4" - post
143 (78 + D:65) - Marc Vidal - ? - 9', 4 1/8", 3 5/16", 1" - Table, Exam I, Exam II
141 (70 + D:71) - 12squared - 78 - 9', 4 7/8", 4 1/8", 1 1/2" - post
141* (81 + M:60) - Neil - 60 - 7', 4 1/8", 3 1/2", 1 3/8" - Exam I (part 1, part 2), Exam II (part 1, part 2, part 3)
136 (73 + D:63) - bowiebill - 58 - 9', 4 3/4", 4", 1 1/4" - post
135* (71 + M:64) - Mooneye - 49 - 7', 4 7/8", 4 1/8", 1 5/8" - Table, Exam I, Exam II
135* (74 + M:61) - dr_dave - 54 - 8', 4 3/4", 4 1/8", 1 3/8" - Exam I, Exam II
132 (69 + M:63) - Gerry Williams - 73 - 9', 4 1/2", 4", 1 7/8" - Table, Exam I, Exam II (part 1, part 2)
132* (76 + M:56) - BRussell - 51 - 8', 5", 4 1/4", 1 1/2" - Exam I, Exam II
130 (64 + M:66) - sjharr - 68 - 9', ? - post
130 (63 + M:67) - StraightPoolIU - 50 - 9', 4 7/8", 4 1/8, 1 1/4" - post
129 (69 + M:60) - Spimp13 - ? - ? - post
128 (64 + M:64) - PocketPooler - ? - 9', 4 3/8", 3 5/8", 1 1/2" - Exam I (part 1, part 2), Exam II (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4)
127 (67 + M:60) - Okie - 61 {625} - 9', 4 3/4", 4", 1 1/2" - post
127* (65 + M:62) - Mooneye - 49 - 7', 4 7/8", 4 1/8", 1 5/8" - Exam I, post
126 (69 + M:57) - peppersauce - ? - 9', 4 1/4", ?, ? - Exam I, Exam II
124 (71 + M:53) - StraightPoolIU - 50 - 9', 4 7/8", 4 1/8, 1 1/4" - post
124 (64 + M:60) - JC - 57 - 9', 4 7/16", 3 7/8", 1 3/8" - Table, Exam 1, Exam 2
121* (63 + M:58) - TheOneGnat - 51 - 8', 4 1/2", 4", 1 5/8" - AZB post and update
118 (63 + M:55) - bowiebill - 58 - 9', 4 3/4", 4", 1 1/4" - Exam I, Exam II (part 1, part 2)
117 (53 + M:58) - RobMan - 46 - 9', 5", 4 1/4", 1 1/5" - post
115 (64 + M:51) - PocketPooler - ? = 9', 4 3/8", 3 5/8", 1 1/2" - Exam I, Exam II (part 1, part 2)
113 (? + M:?) - Eagleshot - 48 - 9', 4 1/2, 4", 1 1/4" - PM
112* (61 + M:51) - gregcantrall - ? - 8', 4 3/8", 4 1/8", 1" - post
110* (62 + M:48) - caff3in3 - ? - 8', 5", ? - post
108 (59 + M:49) - row21097 - 57 - 9', 4 1/2”, 4”, 1 1/2” - Table, Exam I (part 1, part 2, part 3), Exam II (part 1, part 2, part 3)
106 (53 + M:53) - StraightPoolIU - 50 - 9', 4 7/8", 4 1/8, 1 1/4" - post
101* (59 + M:42) - 67tbird - 46 - 8', 4 1/4", 4", 1 1/2" - post
94 (57 + M:37) - BeiberLvr - ? - ? - post
91* (62 + M:29) - SeanChamp - 29 - 8', 4 1/2", 1 1/2" - post
90 (? + M:?) - EagleEye - ? - 9', 5", 3 7/8", 1 3/8" - 2013 BU Summer School Boot Camp
89 (56 + M:33) - mamics - 31 - 9', 4 5/8", 3 13/16", 1 1/4" - post
88 (? + B:?) - DrGonzo - 47 - 9', 4.5", 4", 1.5" - post
87 (49 + B:38) - iusedtoberich - 38 [47] - 9', 5 1/8", 4 1/8", 1 1/2" - Table, Exam I, Exam II
82 (57 + B:25) - krupa - 24 - 9', 4 3/4", 3 5/8", 1 1/4" - post
77* (48 + B:29) - SeanChamp - 29 - 8', 4 1/2", 4 1/2", 1" - post
68 (35 + B:33) - icucybe - ? - 9', 4 1/2", 3 /1/2", 1 3/4" - post
68 (44 + B:24) - pleforowicz - 24 - 9', 11.7cm, 9.2cm, 3.8cm - post
63 (41 + B:22) - SamLambert - ? - 9', ? - Exams I and II

*: not on a 9' or larger table

NOTE - Other scores and videos, for official BU graduates, can be found on the BU alumni page.


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Silver Member
I was trying to keep the entire video intact and just fast forward through the dead space, but it seems Windows Movie Maker doesn't handle it well if you try to do it that many times in one vid. So instead of fast forwarding, I just cut the dead space out all together and it worked fine. :)
FYI, when I've had similar issues with doing too much in one file, I usually break the video into smaller pieces, edit each piece separately, output the edited video pieces to new video files, and then reassemble the new video files to output the complete video, edited as desired. That's a little extra trouble, but it works.

I'm glad you found an easy fix; although, the fast-forward approach is better so nobody can doubt whether or not the exam was a complete and continuous run.

Catch you later,


Instructional Author
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Silver Member
I took exam one again and scored a 71 this time. I'm still having lots of issues with the video. I tried breaking it down into smaller pieces and it almost worked this time. It was about halfway done saving before the program crashed and, again, deleted the whole video.

I guess I'll just upload the whole thing. I hate to do that's so long. The only other issue is that I only have 59 min of memory on my camera and I hit the limit right in the middle of the second to last shot on the position drill. The last 2 shots were good though.

I'll upload the full, uncut vid and take the doctorate when I get some more spare time.
Sounds good (except for the stupid software treating you so poorly). My software also gave me some trouble with my recent post because of the numerous fast-speed clips and large number of edits. I had to break the file down into some really small pieces which I later reassembled (after first exporting them all separately).

I look forward to seeing your videos.

Good luck on the Doctorate version of Exam II. It's tough, but there are also more points available.

Catch you later,


Instructional Author
Gold Member
Silver Member
I'm glad you had a video-editing success for a change! Good work ... and nice shooting.

Now let's see how high you do on the Doctorate Exam II. I am very curious to see how your Exam II Doctorate score compares to your recent Exam II Masters score. We haven't seen many (if any) examples like this, where somebody close to the Masters-Doctorate cutoff tries both versions of Exam II.

Catch you later,

Here's the 71.

A funny thing happened. I set the full length vid to upload to YouTube and left. 5 hours later I get back home to realize my network adapter stopped working while the vid was was 95% complete before it stopped. :mad: I went back to my editing program to get the full-length vid and start the upload again and, low and behold, my edited vid that disappeared when my program crashed earlier is back! It doesn't make any sense but I thought, why not try it again? The edited vid actually saved this time around and I was able to upload it to YouTube...16 min and some change compared to the hour-long unedited version. The entire vid is intact, just sped up 16x normal speed in the dead space. This one is much more watchable. Again, the vid ends during the second to last shot due to my cameras video capacity, but the last 2 shots were good.

It's clear where I need work. I'm consistently bombing the stun, position, and wagon wheel drills. The big surprise to me is the shotmaking drill. As of yet, I still haven't done overly well on that one and shotmaking is usually one of the stronger aspects of my game in competition.


Instructional Author
Gold Member
Silver Member
Here's the latest:

AZB'ers who have taken the BU playing-ability exams (with top scores to date):

BU score (Exam I + Exam II) - User - 10-ball ghost rating [15-ball-rotation rating] {Fargo Rating} - Table size, corner pocket mouth, throat, shelf - Video/post links:

168 (80 + D:88) - Gerry Williams - 93 [17] - 9', 4 1/2", 4", 1 7/8" - Table, Exam I (part 1, part 2), Exam II (part 1, part 2, part 3)
164 (84 + D:80) - theUBC - ? - 9', 4 1/2", 4 1/8", 1 3/4" - Exam I, Exam II
161 (84 + D:77) - Shane Van Boening - ? {822} - 9', 5", 3 7/8", 1 3/8" - Exam I, Exam II
161* (88 + M:73) - dr_dave - 74 [34 - demo racks] - 8', 4 3/4", 4 1/8", 1 3/8" - Table, Exam I, Exam II
160 (79 + D:81) - scottjen26 - 64 [20] - 9', 4 1/2", 3 7/8", 1 1/2" - Exam I (part 1, part 2), Exam II (part 1, part 2, part 3)
157* (88 + M:69) - Neil - 60 - 7', 4 1/8", 2 7/8", 1 3/8" - Exam I (part 1, part 2), Exam II (part 1, part 2, post)
146* (82 + M:64) - dr_dave - 63 - 7', 4 1/2", 4 1/2", 3/4" - post
143 (78 + D:65) - Marc Vidal - ? - 9', 4 1/8", 3 5/16", 1" - Table, Exam I, Exam II
141 (70 + D:71) - 12squared - 78 - 9', 4 7/8", 4 1/8", 1 1/2" - post
141* (81 + M:60) - Neil - 60 - 7', 4 1/8", 3 1/2", 1 3/8" - Exam I (part 1, part 2), Exam II (part 1, part 2, part 3)
136 (73 + D:63) - bowiebill - 58 - 9', 4 3/4", 4", 1 1/4" - post
135* (71 + M:64) - Mooneye - 49 - 7', 4 7/8", 4 1/8", 1 5/8" - Table, Exam I, Exam II
135* (74 + M:61) - dr_dave - 54 - 8', 4 3/4", 4 1/8", 1 3/8" - Exam I, Exam II
132 (69 + M:63) - Gerry Williams - 73 - 9', 4 1/2", 4", 1 7/8" - Table, Exam I, Exam II (part 1, part 2)
132* (76 + M:56) - BRussell - 51 - 8', 5", 4 1/4", 1 1/2" - Exam I, Exam II
130 (64 + M:66) - sjharr - 68 - 9', ? - post
130 (63 + M:67) - StraightPoolIU - 50 - 9', 4 7/8", 4 1/8, 1 1/4" - post
129 (69 + M:60) - Spimp13 - ? - ? - post
128 (71 + M:57) - peppersauce - ? - 9', 4 1/4", ?, ? - Exam I, Exam II
128 (64 + M:64) - PocketPooler - ? - 9', 4 3/8", 3 5/8", 1 1/2" - Exam I (part 1, part 2), Exam II (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4)
127 (67 + M:60) - Okie - 61 {625} - 9', 4 3/4", 4", 1 1/2" - post
127* (65 + M:62) - Mooneye - 49 - 7', 4 7/8", 4 1/8", 1 5/8" - Exam I, post
126 (69 + M:57) - peppersauce - ? - 9', 4 1/4", ?, ? - Exam I, Exam II
124 (71 + M:53) - StraightPoolIU - 50 - 9', 4 7/8", 4 1/8, 1 1/4" - post
124 (64 + M:60) - JC - 57 - 9', 4 7/16", 3 7/8", 1 3/8" - Table, Exam 1, Exam 2
121* (63 + M:58) - TheOneGnat - 51 - 8', 4 1/2", 4", 1 5/8" - AZB post and update
118 (63 + M:55) - bowiebill - 58 - 9', 4 3/4", 4", 1 1/4" - Exam I, Exam II (part 1, part 2)
117 (53 + M:58) - RobMan - 46 - 9', 5", 4 1/4", 1 1/5" - post
115 (64 + M:51) - PocketPooler - ? = 9', 4 3/8", 3 5/8", 1 1/2" - Exam I, Exam II (part 1, part 2)
113 (? + M:?) - Eagleshot - 48 - 9', 4 1/2, 4", 1 1/4" - PM
112* (61 + M:51) - gregcantrall - ? - 8', 4 3/8", 4 1/8", 1" - post
110* (62 + M:48) - caff3in3 - ? - 8', 5", ? - post
108 (59 + M:49) - row21097 - 57 - 9', 4 1/2”, 4”, 1 1/2” - Table, Exam I (part 1, part 2, part 3), Exam II (part 1, part 2, part 3)
106 (53 + M:53) - StraightPoolIU - 50 - 9', 4 7/8", 4 1/8, 1 1/4" - post
101* (59 + M:42) - 67tbird - 46 - 8', 4 1/4", 4", 1 1/2" - post
94 (57 + M:37) - BeiberLvr - ? - ? - post
91* (62 + M:29) - SeanChamp - 29 - 8', 4 1/2", 1 1/2" - post
90 (? + M:?) - EagleEye - ? - 9', 5", 3 7/8", 1 3/8" - 2013 BU Summer School Boot Camp
89 (56 + M:33) - mamics - 31 - 9', 4 5/8", 3 13/16", 1 1/4" - post
88 (? + B:?) - DrGonzo - 47 - 9', 4.5", 4", 1.5" - post
87 (49 + B:38) - iusedtoberich - 38 [47] - 9', 5 1/8", 4 1/8", 1 1/2" - Table, Exam I, Exam II
82 (57 + B:25) - krupa - 24 - 9', 4 3/4", 3 5/8", 1 1/4" - post
77* (48 + B:29) - SeanChamp - 29 - 8', 4 1/2", 4 1/2", 1" - post
68 (35 + B:33) - icucybe - ? - 9', 4 1/2", 3 /1/2", 1 3/4" - post
68 (44 + B:24) - pleforowicz - 24 - 9', 11.7cm, 9.2cm, 3.8cm - post
63 (41 + B:22) - SamLambert - ? - 9', ? - Exams I and II

*: not on a 9' or larger table

NOTE - Other scores and videos, for official BU graduates, can be found on the BU alumni page.


Silver Member


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Dan White

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
A funny thing happened. I set the full length vid to upload to YouTube and left. 5 hours later I get back home to realize my network adapter stopped working while the vid was was 95% complete before it stopped. :mad:

Let me know if you've solved your file size problem. I found software a few years ago that converts the file and drops the size about 90% without losing nearly any noticeable quality. If you need it I'll send you the info and procedure for converting. Pretty easy once you know the steps.

Dan White

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Dave - great work! I just came across this discussion and have two questions. I apologize if these have been answered already somewhere in the morass of 72 pages or on your website.

1. For video submissions, is there a requirement that all the Exam I drills be done on the same video, or can each drill be a separate video? If I am allowed to submit a separate video for each drill, then that allows me to cherry pick my best results for each one. That seems a little like cheating, but maybe not?

2. Does BU provide any safe rooms to protect me from hateful pool room speech?



Instructional Author
Gold Member
Silver Member
Dave - great work! I just came across this discussion and have two questions. I apologize if these have been answered already somewhere in the morass of 72 pages or on your website.

1. For video submissions, is there a requirement that all the Exam I drills be done on the same video
Yes. Each Exam video must be continuous with no interruptions.

or can each drill be a separate video? If I am allowed to submit a separate video for each drill, then that allows me to cherry pick my best results for each one. That seems a little like cheating, but maybe not?
This would definitely be "cheating." If this were allowed, any decent player could easily post perfect scores on both Exams. That wouldn't be any fun, nor would it be very useful.

2. Does BU provide any safe rooms to protect me from hateful pool room speech?
... only imaginary rooms; and, unfortunately, the walls are not very thick. :grin-square:

If you decide to try the Exams, please consider posting scores (and videos if available), as many other have. And if you do really well, you might be able to win some money via the $2500 BU Playing-Ability-Exam Challenge.

Good luck,

PS: Everything you need to take the Exams, including detailed instructions, can be found here:

BU Playing-Ability-Exam Resource Page