Bonus ball the truth


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Please don't target me on this thread with your Spidatribes. I don't have a beef with you, and personally, I really don't care what you think about me. I guess since Lou is absent today from the forum, it's my turn to be your punching bag.

Tony Chohan is a friend of Keith's, more so than me, as Keith knows him from California, but I have gotten to know Tony and Amar from various tournaments, so I like the kid. And I will continue to support him as my friend.

Kevin Trudeau did not harm me and mine. I'm not sure I'd say I support him, but I don't take the same view as you about the IPT. We come from different vantage points.

I don't even know who Larry is, other than from what I have read on this forum. Do you think he colors his hair?


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Silver Member
I imagine when Lee moved out to Vegas to be a REF, he wasn't expcting that after his REF job he would then have to become a Bonus Ball Salesman in order to get ANYTHING out of it. I think that is what is bothering him and rightly so.
I am sure that in Lee's agreement it didn't say After you get done reffing Bonus Ball you will have t sell Bonus Ball Sets for your actual pay. If it did an Lee still went out there he is stupid, HoweverI doubt tha was theway of it.

gr$$n for you, Aussie! bloody well done.





It's not that hard to figure out. You know what he wants, you just don't want to give it to him. He wasn't paid in full by the original agreement, and thats what he wants in place/addition to the ball sets.

I would add that, paying Lee Brett in full, would go ALONG way with fans, and potential customers. That is obvious.

Cash wasn't there and he demanded ball sets instead. So the league agreed. And I am not the person in charge of paying him, just letting people know a little more insight to the situation. To this point, he has been paid in full.


Skee Ball Monster Playa
Gold Member
Please don't target me on this thread with your Spidatribes. I don't have a beef with you, and personally, I really don't care what you think about me. I guess since Lou is absent today from the forum, it's my turn to be your punching bag.

Tony Chohan is a friend of Keith's, more so than me, as Keith knows him from California, but I have gotten to know Tony and Amar from various tournaments, so I like the kid. And I will continue to support him as my friend.

Kevin Trudeau did not harm me and mine. I'm not sure I'd say I support him, but I don't take the same view as you about the IPT. We come from different vantage points.

I don't even know who Larry is, other than from what I have read on this forum. Do you think he colors his hair?

I think he's a member of the Hair Club for Men.


Silver Member
@ Jennie & Dave - redirect!

JAM - if you were out $1400 air/hotel @ 2, would your dog be in this fight?



Silver Member
I don't even know who Larry is, other than from what I have read on this forum. Do you think he colors his hair?

I happen to think someone should embed his veneers into his tonsils for leveraging and pulling thug moves with people who can't leverage back.

People who operate like that eventually leverage the wrong person.


What time is it?
Silver Member
If the IRS investigation is true, at best BB will have an issue for not filing 1099 for the players. At worst, they will be deemed employees (JAM - would you consider an exotic dancer an employee or a person under contract? ) and have to pay double for overtime, penalties for non filing of FICA, etc.

Also, you and others have stated that Bonus Ball is a Canadian company. Do you know that for a fact? The picture someone posted of the checks -- Wells Fargo of Nevada (USA). Larry may be from Canada but incorporated in the US. I don't know but know what I would assume from the picture. Wouldn't the currency exchange effect him if he had the money come out of Canada?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
@ Jennie & Dave - redirect!

JAM - if you were out $1400 air/hotel @ 2, would your dog be in this fight?


I understand you're upset about losing money from reservations, so you and KKK are going after the BB spokesperson on this thread. Truthfully, though, the BB spokesperson on this thread today really doesn't have any authority to help anyone, if you think about it. So he's taking the heat from all those who are angry at Bonus Ball. It's kind of a fruitless exercise to go after him at this juncture. :embarrassed2:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If the IRS investigation is true, at best BB will have an issue for not filing 1099 for the players. At worst, they will be deemed employees (JAM - would you consider an exotic dancer an employee or a person under contract? ) and have to pay double for overtime, penalties for non filing of FICA, etc.

Also, you and others have stated that Bonus Ball is a Canadian company. Do you know that for a fact? The picture someone posted of the checks -- Wells Fargo of Nevada (USA). Larry may be from Canada but incorporated in the US. I don't know but know what I would assume from the picture. Wouldn't the currency exchange effect him if he had the money come out of Canada?

Those are all questions I don't have the answer for.

As far as the 1099s go, they're not due to the players until January 31st, 2014.

Most exotic dancers fall into the same category as a hair dresser who gets tips in a hair salon. They're ICs in the majority of cases.


Skee Ball Monster Playa
Gold Member
People who operate like that eventually leverage the wrong person.

Hopefully people get what they deserve. In reality though, life is often not fair in that regard.

The punishment people get for being A-holes is they have to be A-holes. Being the stellar, non-A-hole guy I am, I often look at them and think that is punishment is enough. The history of the world is guys with a little bit of leverage, abusing those with little. To me, thinking the way they do is punishment enough.



Silver Member
Cash wasn't there and he demanded ball sets instead. So the league agreed. And I am not the person in charge of paying him, just letting people know a little more insight to the situation. To this point, he has been paid in full.

Here's some insight for you>>>

You're saying.... "We're not paying you...we have no cash....but take these crap balls as 'payment in full.' " the meantime, you're acquiring new funding and paying for Michaela to fly in from another continent.

What about telling Lee "We can't pay you now, but we'll pay you in a few weeks plus interest?"

Do you REALLY think you're "whole" with Lee??? BB made zero effort to extend Lee ANY options beyond WE'RE NOT PAYING. Lee needed basic daily living money, so you gave him balls and forced him to sign a paper saying payment in full. That's CREEPISH. Never did BB say, "We feel terrible, we want to pay you -- we just need more time." You guys made Lee to be the azzhole when he freaked out after you air-barreled him.

If I was remotely affiliated with BB and had any play in it, I'd TRIP over myself to undo the raw fvcking your team has put on him because it's the right thing to do.

Immediately after that, I'd call Mike Howerton up...ask him what's owed...and clear that off. As of now, you're chirping nonsense on a forum that BB has owed money to for ages.


I understand you're upset about losing money from reservations, so you and KKK are going after the BB spokesperson on this thread. Truthfully, though, the BB spokesperson on this thread today really doesn't have any authority to help anyone, if you think about it. So he's taking the heat from all those who are angry at Bonus Ball. It's kind of a fruitless exercise to go after him at this juncture. :embarrassed2:

That is correct sir. I sure wish I could help and I don't have the answer to a lot of people's issues with what has happened. Again, just wanted to offer a different side to Lee's post.


Skee Ball Monster Playa
Gold Member
Most exotic dancers fall into the same category as a hair dresser who gets tips in a hair salon.

Are you saying Pink Lady is an exotic dancer? Do you know what club and what her next shift is?




Taught 'em all I know
Silver Member
I worked 6 weeks for bonus ball and all I got was a lousy BB T-Shirt (but it has a cool logo of The Canadian Crawfish on it)

Are we having fun yet?


Silver Member
I understand you're upset about losing money from reservations, so you and KKK are going after the BB spokesperson on this thread. Truthfully, though, the BB spokesperson on this thread today really doesn't have any authority to help anyone, if you think about it. So he's taking the heat from all those who are angry at Bonus Ball. It's kind of a fruitless exercise to go after him at this juncture. :embarrassed2:

He deserves to get heat. He thinks Lee was made whole in regards to his pay.

If BB (for once) made an effort to do the right thing, maybe their cronies wouldn't take heat.

Still LOOKING for those scanned pay stubs, V! Let's see exactly how much cash BB paid Lee for those 6 weeks worth of work. Let's see if you can then defend BB on being "whole" with Lee.


Best Tips For Less
Gold Member
Silver Member
I spoke with a BB player last week. He was playing, getting paid and very happy. He said from his mouth to my ear he does not understand why people are so negative.