FS: Milk Duds tip


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im selling milk DUDs tip. 1for $7, 2 for $13, 3 for $20, 4 for $25.

i only have 4.
i got two 13mm and two 14mm.
if im not wrong, they are made from elkmaster, soaked in milk then pressed.

the tips play like a soft tip but look like a hard tip. i will not mushroom. very good in holding the shape for a soft tip.

pm me for it. i only have 4.


AzB Silver Member
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At that price?

I don't think so, sorry.

I can get 9 original milk duds 14mm tips for $ 6 plus shipping:

50 14mm for around $ 25


Yes, FIFTY, (50) tips for $25

Are those really the same? The site says medium hard tips... is that the result you get from the milk soaked & pressed elkmasters?

I've never shot with a milk dud, so I really don't know... I'm curious...

My backup plan is the Kamui SS Black

Either way, not very cool to slam prices in a thread - that's best handled in a PM to be respectful to the seller.



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Either way, not very cool to slam prices in a thread - that's best handled in a PM to be respectful to the seller.

.- Sorry.

But those prices are not a secret for anyone, that's why you didn't get any responses.

Poolndarts.com (Mueller) is one of the most popular billiards suppliers in NorthAmerica.
Actually (somebody correct me if I'm wrong) they were the first to offer Milk Duds, the original milk duds, to be more accurate.

And Azbilliards is the most popular billiard site in the world.

A Milk dud is no more than a cheap Elkmaster tip (or any other cheap soft tip) soaked in common cow milk and then compressed with a Vise grip.

I doubt anybody in this forum doesn't know that.

So I didn't think privacy was needed.

Again, I'm sorry, It wasn't my intention to slam on your prices but for you to get a real perspective on what you were selling.


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Milk Duds

I have been pressing Elkmasters for years and they are the only tip I use...however the reports of inconsistencies are due to the poor quality of most Elkmaster tips right out of the box. The last box I got only had 8 good tips out of 50! The spongy "marshmellow" tips that come apart when you shape them cannot be pressed and if you don't know how to pick them out before you press them you'll never know if it's good until you install it and trim it. Soaking in milk does not cure this problem either. It's a shame that Tweeten doesn't address this and correct the problem. IMHO a GOOD pressed Elkmaster will give Moori and Kamui the 8 and the breaks!


♥ Hippie Hustler ♥
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There is a sticky at the top of the Wanted/For Sale section of this forum with the rules for posting in this section. One of those rules is that comments on pricing are not to be made in someone else's FS thread....no matter the reason...period. Your comments were such that you likely killed the OP's chances at making a sale.

Okay...on to the Milk Duds themselves. The original Milk Duds were a little something the Filipinos came up with. Here in the states, I believe it was Mike Johnson of Jensen Cues who first began offering them. Mueller's did not begin offering the Dudley tips until a little better than a year ago now.

I have tried the Dudleys, and another AZ member's version, Milk Dudz...which I personally found to be better, IMHO, than the Dudleys.

But, I prefer the ones made by Mike Johnson which are the Milk Duds. They are more consistent from tip to tip, and I have had zero problems with them. I would suspect that the reason for this is that Mike is taking his time to go through and use only the best of the Elkmasters in each box. His tips go on clean and easy, and are pre-domed for ease of shaping. They absolutely do not mushroom or glaze over. Hold chalk extremely well, and do not flatten out ( I break with my player) like some of the others do. The fact that they help me to move the CB around with ease, with no miscues, is definitely a bonus!

Some people liken the feel and hardness of the Milk Duds as to that of a well broken-in old Le Pro.


nick serdula

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Origional Milk Duds

You are right. Milk Duds were invented by Mike Johnson at Jensen cues. He has made them for decades. He does them better than anyone. His are less than $10 each.
I don't know if Mike ever trademarked or liscenced Milk Dud tips but Mike's tips are imitated by everyone know. The Asian players love them.
You have a fair price for your tips.
Nick :)
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The first time I ever heard of these tips was from John Robinson over 20 years ago...I dont know who gets credit for "inventing" them but I'm glad they did! I play with a Robinson cue and when I first got it it played great...then the tip wore out...I tried every tip I had in the shop and nothing felt like the original...I finally gave up and called John and he said he makes the tips himself by pressing Elkmasters. He send me some and my problem was solved...I'll never play with anything else again. However I did play a full league season (as a favor to Tad) with one of his new layered tips (medium) and found it to be just as good as any Milk Dud IMHO. Your milage may vary...but they are as good of a tip as I have tried.


AzB Silver Member
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I've heard old-timers chat on about how they used milkdud tips in the 40's! They used the idea of soaking these tips to absorb the milk making them harder (mind you balls were way heavier back then) so as not to have them replaced so easily and save a buck.