Good for the real HER…..

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I was serious when I said the solution is to have XX and XY divisions for all sports. There may also be leagues in certain sports with a mixed division in which case XX and XY play together. Do the same with bathrooms. XX and XY. Family bathrooms already exist that allow,either sex. If people want to insist on changing the meaning of words, this solves the problem. There will be a select number of mental midgets read this and still not understand so let me help the special ones out a little further. Speech, by definition, is not violence. Speech CAN be hate. Scientific/biological facts are not hate. Claiming that not letting 1 person pretending to be a woman compete against women is unfair is the definition of ignorance. One person's mental illness does not trump the rights of every woman. I truly hope anybody who feels out of place in their own body can find peace with themselves. Pandering to and pretending it's not mental illness at the expense of the general population will never be the answer. I do not care how you dress, act, speak, and most of all who you sleep with. The rest of the world is not expected to play along with the delusion, though. I've seen the term intersex and hermaphrodite in this thread, too. There has never, in the history of man been a recorded case of someone having both female and male reproductive organs so that argument is nonexistent
Of course your last sentence is rooted in additional ignorance. Although rare it does exist. Basically you lack the fundamental knowledge and understanding to participate in the discussion. OL suggests you read a book.

In humans, conditions that involve discrepancies between external genitalia and internal reproductive organs are described by the term intersex. Intersex conditions are sometimes also referred to as disorders of sexual development (DSDs). Such conditions are extremely rare in humans. In ovotesticular disorder (sometimes also called true hermaphroditism), an individual has both ovarian and testicular tissue. The ovarian and testicular tissue may be separate, or the two may be combined in what is called an ovotestis.


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
I was serious when I said the solution is to have XX and XY divisions for all sports. There may also be leagues in certain sports with a mixed division in which case XX and XY play together. Do the same with bathrooms. XX and XY. Family bathrooms already exist that allow,either sex. If people want to insist on changing the meaning of words, this solves the problem. There will be a select number of mental midgets read this and still not understand so let me help the special ones out a little further. Speech, by definition, is not violence. Speech CAN be hate. Scientific/biological facts are not hate. Claiming that not letting 1 person pretending to be a woman compete against women is unfair is the definition of ignorance. One person's mental illness does not trump the rights of every woman. I truly hope anybody who feels out of place in their own body can find peace with themselves. Pandering to and pretending it's not mental illness at the expense of the general population will never be the answer. I do not care how you dress, act, speak, and most of all who you sleep with. The rest of the world is not expected to play along with the delusion, though. I've seen the term intersex and hermaphrodite in this thread, too. There has never, in the history of man been a recorded case of someone having both female and male reproductive organs so that argument is nonexistent

With respect, I think you need to do a little homework. It isn't common but it is far from unknown. The most commonly used low number is 1.7%. The lowest number I could find was only a hundredth of that. However, considering that there are 8.1 billion people on earth that still means there are roughly 1,500,000 people who were born with male and female organs. Other claims run as high as one in fifteen hundred births which would mean roughly 5,400,000 people on earth now were born with both male and female reproductive organs.

Not too surprising to find that people with male and female organs exist when we all start off as females.
Although rare it does exist. Basically you lack the fundamental knowledge and understanding to participate in the discussion. OL suggests you read a book.

You are right about it existing of course. Often internal reproductive organs. A surprisingly high number for external abnormalities too though, the low side number seems to be one in two-thousand. Considering that there are 8.1 billion people on earth this morning even things that are rare on an individual basis are substantially represented when considering the entire world population.

I once knew a woman that claimed to have been born with both external organs. As is fairly common with abnormal running gear, the doctors and parents made a decision what the child would be raised as and they were surgically altered soon after birth. Since this is a matter of guesswork and parental preference, there is the potential for error. She appeared to be a woman and functioned as a woman, sleeping with men. Since I didn't know her on that level I have no idea about what she looked or felt like.

Veering towards the original topic of the thread, I knew a trans lady that had many surgeries back in the seventies and eighties. I happened to be sitting near a guy that was quite intoxicated that bragged he had slept with her the night before, I suspect equally intoxicated. Without mentioning why I asked how she was to sleep with. He said she was wonderful. I didn't push it too far. If she was happy, he was happy, why should it matter to anyone else or why should anyone mention to him that she was transsexual.

I did and do think of her as female as she had always dressed and behaved as a lady from the first time I met her. She would work long enough to pay for a surgery, go away to have the surgery, come back and repeat the process over and over. One day when she had just came back to work her boss asked what she was now and casually reached over and pulled out the bottom of her bikini to see for himself. Different times!



AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
With respect, I think you need to do a little homework. It isn't common but it is far from unknown.

It appears you may be correct, though the medical definition is not what people are thinking when they see the term. These people could play in either category of XX XY divisions as I was suggesting
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Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
Feel free to link medical journals supporting the existence of hermaphrodites. You'll find them next to the unicorn category

I learned long ago it was a waste of time to do research for other people. I did my homework before making that post. Now I suggest you do yours.



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Boot Party Coordinator
Silver Member
I learned long ago it was a waste of time to do research for other people. I did my homework before making that post. Now I suggest you do yours.

Let's jump off that bridge when we get to it. I have not heard that the guy referred to in this thread who is stealing the titles from the women, has both organs.
Someone born with both can get an exemption afaic. I wonder if their testosterone levels vary case by case. If that is the case, they may have a difficult time being what their parents chose at birth.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I just watched a video on YouTube last night about a woman who refused to participate in a boxing match because she found out moments before her match that her opponent was a biological male.



Boot Party Coordinator
Silver Member
I just watched a video on YouTube last night about a woman who refused to participate in a boxing match because she found out moments before her match that her opponent was a biological male.

Reminds me of that female fighter from a couple years ago who got smashed in the ring by a guy claiming to be feel like a woman, and allowed to fight actual women.
Her (female) face was fubar and she said she had never been hit so hard in her life.
But yeah, let the guys in wherever they want. smh


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Reminds me of that female fighter from a couple years ago who got smashed in the ring by a guy claiming to be feel like a woman, and allowed to fight actual women.
Her (female) face was fubar and she said she had never been hit so hard in her life.
But yeah, let the guys in wherever they want. smh
I don’t think anyone here has suggested to let the guys in wherever they want.

You seem content to abandon rational conversations to blow every whistle possible.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Reminds me of that female fighter from a couple years ago who got smashed in the ring by a guy claiming to be feel like a woman, and allowed to fight actual women.
Her (female) face was fubar and she said she had never been hit so hard in her life.
But yeah, let the guys in wherever they want. smh
Yep. This is why you can't separate by testosterone level. A lifetime of body development as a male is not erased by hormone therapy. That muscle growth still occurred. Not only that, male muscle development is different in more than just size/amount. XX and XY never change


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Yep. This is why you can't separate by testosterone level. A lifetime of body development as a male is not erased by hormone therapy. That muscle growth still occurred. Not only that, male muscle development is different in more than just size/amount. XX and XY never change
Where do the people who are xxy play?


Well-known member
The lady is drier than dirt and hard to listen to for sixteen minutes. She also seems to reverse herself and go a bit space cadet in the last few minutes saying that all elite athletes are freaks so all should be allowed to compete together.

The first few minutes are most interesting to me because she comes with hard numbers that document my "ox theory". Regardless of testosterone, a transsexual retains most of the advantages of a man in competition. Transitioning before puberty negates much of the advantage. However I don't think a child is sure enough of what sex they want to live as to make decisions they will have to live with lifelong at young ages. I have seen where people wanted to change people as young as four to six. A good move if the person turns out to be a girl, a terrible move if it turns out the child was just a little boy that liked to play with dolls or girls. Later the young man finds out he is a boy with female running gear!
She has a high bar, communicating science to a public that doesn't really want to hear it. However, she does reference a lot of the research. What I found interesting was the references to how the IOC is handling this issue, and wondering if that will apply to anything WPA sanctioned. If those are still the procedures being used by the IOC.

It does take her a while to get to some of the relevant information though.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Harriet is a good player, but not so good that you would think she has any inherent advantages. A quick search of her snooker results shows three 30 breaks and a 40 break in 16 tournaments and over 50 matches. That’s not exactly a blistering standard.
Which is why he/she feels the need to play against females. I have sympathy for those who choose a difficult lifestyle, but absolutely no sympathy for those that try to take advantage because they/them can’t play a sport competitively without trying to garner an unfair advantage.
You can argue all you want about male female advantage in the game of pool, but the facts are that men have traditionally played on a higher level. If that weren’t the case, there would never have been a division between men and women’s competitions.
Has common sense disappeared?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
As soon as that's an actual issue for an athlete, it think it should be addressed
Either having open non-handicapped tournaments for everyone or having open handicapped tournaments where everyone is handicapped accordingly based on their skill level avoids all these issues! The only issue then for the TD is whether everyone is handicapped properly / fairly, which is not an easy task.
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