Maybe not new question but why woman not as good as men in certain sports?


Pool Addict
Silver Member
First let me say that men are Inferior to WOMEN.
Love you dear. :bow-down:
Can I go out and play now.

I think that talking is cheap !!!!!
I don't care what the excuse is why Women aren't better.
They just aren't.

When in the History of Pool has a Women been the top player in the Men's World.
How much more time do they need?

I don't see a women in the near future, who is gong to dominate like Shane Van Boening or Francisco, (he has been on a run lately).

I agree it theoretically could happen, but not in my lifetime.

Damm, I've been grounded.... :eek:
Sorry Dear. :crying:

By your logic black people can't play 9 ball either. I mean since when in the history of pool has there been a black US open 9 ball champion? How much more time do they need?:thumbup:

Race, ethnic background and gender make no difference in my opinion.


Pool Addict
Silver Member
This study on why men dominate chess over women may be applicable to pool as well:

This is what I was talking about on page 1 of this discussion. When the amount of men participating outnumbers the women 10 to 1 (or more most likely) than it stands to reason that there would be mostly men at the top.

But in no way does that mean that the men are superior. The only thing that is factually superior is the number of men vs women playing the sport.


Honestly, I'm a liar.
Silver Member
I think people are missing that it's all in the numbers. It's not that a woman cannot play on the same level as a man, it's just it's not an equal playing field. It's just all in the numbers. There are just way more men playing pool. Hell, most of the men who play pool cannot beat anyone... because it's in the numbers. Even with hard work, most people just can only get to a certain level.

If the first 10 people that show up at a concert get a free tshirt and of the first 100, 90 of them are men... it's a good chance only men would get tshirts. It's the same thing.

Pool isn't a physical game. It doesn't take strength or speed. A woman CAN be just as good, we just havn't stumbled on that woman yet.

Ak Guy

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

I am not aware of women winning against men in very many sports that require physical strength. They seem to do pretty good in automotive, shooting events and pool. A lot of physical strength is not required for that. They excell at ice skating and look good doing it, but they are not gliding across the ice holding some guy in the air with one hand. When we list and argue over the top 20 greatest pool players of all time I never see a lady listed. Same goes for boxing, wrestling, cage fighting, weight lifting, running, basket ball, foot ball, etc. So yes, men are some times beat at sports by women. But if you take the best of the best and have them compete against each other, how many gals you betting on? I can beat any body in a game of 8 or 9 ball if I break and run out, that does not mean I am as good as they are. Trust me on this, if they could do it they would do it.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
any man top 100

Take top 100 men, pick 1, pick ANY women player. Let Shane break for
the woman 10 ahead 9ball,10ball. Who likes the gal and against which
one (name him). Any one of them would crawl through broken glass
naked to play this game for the cash. jmho


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Take top 100 men, pick 1, pick ANY women player. Let Shane break for
the woman 10 ahead 9ball,10ball. Who likes the gal and against which
one (name him). Any one of them would crawl through broken glass
naked to play this game for the cash. jmho

Who would be man #99?

Tramp Steamer

One Pocket enthusiast.
Silver Member
My Uncle, who was a bachelor all his life, once told me that a woman is a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke.
Did I mention he was a bachelor? :)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My Uncle, who was a bachelor all his life, once told me that a woman is a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke.
Did I mention he was a bachelor? :)

Bill Clinton snookered Monica with his cigar....smokin!:smile

But he didn't his balls into that tight pocket....they say. so it wasn't sex...he said.:thumbup:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Cryden Men come in many COLORS


I grew up in a black neighborhood.
My parents were farm workers.

I remember when I was in First grade, my best friend was Tom.
The kids in my class got on my case and asked me why I played with Tom.
I was puzzled, what is wrong with Tom, I asked?

They told me he was BLACK, I just didn't understand and left.

Later on I saw Tom and noticed, he was Black.
Tom is still my best friend today, and to me he is Tom.

I grew up with Willie Munson, Bugs Rucker and Cliff Joiner.
I am not sure if they were US Open Champions but I am proud to have known them.

I went to the Derby to see my old friend inducted into the One Pocket Hall of Fame Bug's Rucker.

Semper Fidelis

the kidd

Silver Member
Bobby Riggs

Remember Bobby Riggs against Billy Jean King? But then again Kim Bassinger should have been the "Female".

I talked to Allison Fisher about this recently and I personally believe she (and other women) can beat any man on the planet. At some point I'm going to dedicate some time to prove this is true, and I'm very confident what the results will be.

Women are better martial artists than men, they need to be trained at pool as if it's a martial art, not a "sport" or a "game" as done it the past. 'The Game Will be the Teacher'


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Riggs VS King

Yea Riggs the old tennis hustler dumped it to King and really put womens
tennis on the map. Woman's pool is a lot more popular to the masses
than mens, so maybe we could find some old broken down woman
player to dump it to Shane on tv, and mens pool is on the way.


I think it depends on the sport, as there are some where men clearly have a physical advantage. However, it is hard to remove ingrained stereotypes. It is accepted that women play at a lower level than men, female versions of sports provide less opportunities to play for pay (removing incentives for more females to play) and I believe it will take years for women to get on level ground. If the same number of women played pool as men, I think you would see more female champions.

the kidd

Silver Member
Hum!! What's hot now? Then it was lesbians now what's the new?
I got it........

QUOTE=jackpot;4086095]Yea Riggs the old tennis hustler dumped it to King and really put womens
tennis on the map. Woman's pool is a lot more popular to the masses
than mens, so maybe we could find some old broken down woman
player to dump it to Shane on tv, and mens pool is on the way.
Last edited:


Europe - TD, TL & Ref
Silver Member
Reminder - Ouschan Shocks Straight Pool World at Predator World 14.1 Championship

When the amount of men participating outnumbers the women 10 to 1 (or more most likely) than it stands to reason that there would be mostly men at the top.

But in no way does that mean that the men are superior. The only thing that is factually superior is the number of men vs women playing the sport.

This is precisely the case.

We should look back into 2008 World Straight Pool Championships, where and when a significant piece of history was made.

Top places:
1. Niels Feijen
2. Francisco Bustamante
3. Nick Van Den Berg
3. Jasmin Ouschan

Some links:

Hope it adds to the discussion on a serious note :)