Modifying a South West - need advise


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Didnt know where to post this exactly. I hope its ok here.

What are your experiences in modifying a South West Cue?
Does this lower the value ???
I have a 2006 South West and was thinking to put a leather wrap on it.
Its my playing Cue and just in case I want to sell it in a few years.
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Ret Professional Goof Off
Silver Member
I don't think that adding a leather wrap will decrease its' value if it is done by SW or a high profile cuemaker.

If you do something that is really radical like changing the joint or having the shafts turned down than I think the value would really drop.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I agree with TheBook, simply having the wrap changed to leather shouldn't decrease the value of the cue. I would have the wrap done by Kenny Koo. His user name here on AZB is Flyingsnail. Kenny put a leather lizard print wrap on my Scruggs and did an awesome job. So good, I can't see the seam.

Good luck.



Silver Member
If the depth of the wrap groove has to be increased i wouldn't do it because it will have to be built back up in the event you, or someone, goes back to linen.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Good point Ribdoner! I specifically asked Kenny about this when I swapped out the linen wrap for the lizard print because I wanted to make sure I could return to linen if I wanted to. The embossed leather wraps from Kenny are the same thickness as linen. The OP should just ask whoever he has do the job if they will be able to do the same.




AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
As somewhat of a collector and cuemaker, I think you will lower the value of the South West by having any one else put a Leather Wrap on it. I have one that was wrapped in leather and whenever I get rid of my cuemaker's laziness I will be changing it back to linen. In collectable cues always remember, pristine original condition is always best.