your paying too much for cues


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
300 tops for a strictly top of the line made and hitting playing cue.

ill go to 500 for some that have to add things.

anything over that is fluff, or name brand value that has nothing to do with its playing.

go ahead and blast me or agree
You can say that about everything in life. Clothes , cars , golf clubs , food. The list goes on and on. Pool cues are like art. It’s worth what someone’s willing to pay for it


Well-known member
And this is a same guy that probably wants $20 an hour for minumum wage. But bitches when his Big Mac meal is $15. You want a decent cue you need to to pay a craftmans decent wages hence the higher price.


Well-known member
300 is way over the mark of a top playing cue to begin with
what a sucker


$300 is too much. I play with a $100 one right now and I'm bitching about it too.

That link is right up my alley if I want a shooter with a hint of exoticness. LOL


from way back when
Silver Member
that was my point that the thick headed ones missed as usual.

a good playing cue can be very affordable. and the added craftsmanship is fluff. concerning the play ability of the cue.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
nitty picky on typing and grammar says a lot about someones character.

speech is only as effective as its ability to get your point across understandably all else is wasted.
My wife’s grammar is top shelf, so is her character. Me, I’m a pool player so my grammar sucks🤣 Getting your point across can become fuzzy with horrible grammar.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't disagree a good playing cue can be affordable. If all you want is a standard maple shaft and decent playability I think something can likely be found for $100-200 easy enough. If you want really solid quality that isn't just a basic sneaky or a painted piece of plain maple then going up to $500 opens lots of options including some with low deflection probably.

Good playing cues don't have to be expensive.

But, sometimes people want artistry or craftsmanship or performance features (carbon shafts, screw on extensions, specific tips, etc) that drive up the cost. Nothing wrong with that either. Doesn't have to add to the playability to be a viable reason for selecting a more expensive cue in my opinion.


Nudge is as good as a wink to a blind bat.
Gold Member
Silver Member
Heh. I bought an OB 10-12 years ago that people said was too much, 600$ for it back than, still a great cue today. Than met somone who had a carmeli for sale that looked and played great. i got at a steal of a price but was told the carmeli was too much cue for me back than. The carmeli sold for almost double a few years later.

There are always going to be people complaining somone else has nicer things. Personally, I dont care what people spend their money on. Spend what you are comfortable spending, enjoy your toys no matter the cost.

I tell people all the time this a hobby for most. Enjoy it. None of us are getting rich playing a league or a tournament. Sure, we might come out on top sometimes but all said and done i happy to have a fun hobby that i can enjoy and usually not cost me much overall due to being in the money now and than.

Yes i have pricey cues, and i have cheap cues. Its a hobby. I enjoy it.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Do people need to drive an expensive luxury car? Nope, it’s what you want not what you need .. go for it, enjoy!


from way back when
Silver Member
never criticized for what you pay or buy. get what you want. i do.

just said basically is that the first 100 to 300 to maybe 500 determines the play ability of the cue the rest is fluff.
how hard is that to understand without jumping on me.

this is not an intellectual forum so i try to spell out things clearly, but some still have problems understanding simply put things.
and feel they need to attack the messenger for their lack of mental acuity.