Caveat emptor

leon sly

old school maniac!!
Silver Member

You are very correct, after several failed attempts I have yet to capture it.

To all others,

My point was to open a discussion on what responsibilities a cue maker had after the sale. I fully expected the bashing and am prepared to address it if it is on topic or rational.
The cost was and is not the issue, and yet again I reiterate “is a cue maker’s faulty process his responsibility”.


The Grinder
Silver Member
I'd like to point out that your sneaky was probably a full splice blank that was made by someone like Schmelke and then converted by Leon. It is not the same as a Sly custom cue completely built by Mr. Sly except maybe the shaft and custom taper. The price is also a lot different than a Sly custom.


You want the cuemaker to make chicken salad for a chicken $hit price cue.

Not at all

You need to grow up.

That's your best answer to the problem? I see very little if any insightfulness in that answer. Thanks for sharing

Do you also work for free like you expect of others?
"country" Bob

If I made a mistake yes.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
When building a cue for a customer he has no chance of looking at nor playing with the cue as it hasn't been built as of yet. Custom cues are expensive and I feel it is not right to expect some one to invest that amount of money in something that they are not happy with. For this reason I tell everyone whom orders one of my cues to test drive it for a week or two to be sure they are happy with the hit and aesthetics of the cue. If they aren't completely happy just return the cue for a complete refund or for me to correct the imperfection. Now this is for the original purchaser. Any second, third or fourth owner has had a chance to inspect the cue both aesthetically and as far as hit. If they aren't happy with it then the simple thing to do is - to not purchase it as I won't warranty it.

Schmelke blanks, I feel, are a great buy for a cue maker enabling him to assemble full/splice cues at a very reasonable price, however, when using these blanks the builder knows, or at least certainly should know that chances are more effort must be asserted correcting small flaws if he want's to build a good quality product. New centers must be established, points often need evening and there is almost always places where there is glue lacking from squeeze out causing the finish to be sucked in. Sometimes these voids along the splice take a little time to correct but the builder usually want's to correct them. It makes no difference what price you sell the cue for, it still has your name on it and tells buyers just what amount of effort you put into your cues.



The Grinder
Silver Member
When building a cue for a customer he has no chance of looking at nor playing with the cue as it hasn't been built as of yet. Custom cues are expensive and I feel it is not right to expect some one to invest that amount of money in something that they are not happy with. For this reason I tell everyone whom orders one of my cues to test drive it for a week or two to be sure they are happy with the hit and aesthetics of the cue. If they aren't completely happy just return the cue for a complete refund or for me to correct the imperfection. Now this is for the original purchaser. Any second, third or fourth owner has had a chance to inspect the cue both aesthetically and as far as hit. If they aren't happy with it then the simple thing to do is - to not purchase it as I won't warranty it.

Schmelke blanks, I feel, are a great buy for a cue maker enabling him to assemble full/splice cues at a very reasonable price, however, when using these blanks the builder knows, or at least certainly should know that chances are more effort must be asserted correcting small flaws if he want's to build a good quality product. New centers must be established, points often need evening and there is almost always places where there is glue lacking from squeeze out causing the finish to be sucked in. Sometimes these voids along the splice take a little time to correct but the builder usually want's to correct them. It makes no difference what price you sell the cue for, it still has your name on it and tells buyers just what amount of effort you put into your cues.


Very well said, thank you sir.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Very well said, thank you sir.

Did you get the part where he said you had the opportunity to see and use the cue and buy or not based on the actual condition?
IMHO the original owner may have had an issue with the builder. Your issue should be with your choice to buy it.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
When building a cue for a customer he has no chance of looking at nor playing with the cue as it hasn't been built as of yet. Custom cues are expensive and I feel it is not right to expect some one to invest that amount of money in something that they are not happy with. For this reason I tell everyone whom orders one of my cues to test drive it for a week or two to be sure they are happy with the hit and aesthetics of the cue. If they aren't completely happy just return the cue for a complete refund or for me to correct the imperfection. Now this is for the original purchaser. Any second, third or fourth owner has had a chance to inspect the cue both aesthetically and as far as hit. If they aren't happy with it then the simple thing to do is - to not purchase it as I won't warranty it.

Schmelke blanks, I feel, are a great buy for a cue maker enabling him to assemble full/splice cues at a very reasonable price, however, when using these blanks the builder knows, or at least certainly should know that chances are more effort must be asserted correcting small flaws if he want's to build a good quality product. New centers must be established, points often need evening and there is almost always places where there is glue lacking from squeeze out causing the finish to be sucked in. Sometimes these voids along the splice take a little time to correct but the builder usually want's to correct them. It makes no difference what price you sell the cue for, it still has your name on it and tells buyers just what amount of effort you put into your cues.



Would you have done a free refinish on this cue?




AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

Would you have done a free refinish on this cue?



As I said:"Any second, third or fourth owner has had a chance to inspect the cue both aesthetically and as far as hit. If they aren't happy with it then the simple thing to do is - to not purchase it as I won't warranty it."




AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Sometimes these voids along the splice take a little time to correct but the builder usually want's to correct them. It makes no difference what price you sell the cue for, it still has your name on it and tells buyers just what amount of effort you put into your cues.


I did read your previous highlighted quotation. It sounded like from this one that you may would fix it due to your name being on the cue. I was just curious.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I've had three sneakys. Two builders and three different woods. They both seemed to have the "raised points" after awhile. It was with Coco,Purple heart and Bocote.

just my opinion:
I never thought it was a case of crappy work. It's just part of being a sneaky. It never was an issue with my game. I do know some who had same issues and it mentally drove them insane. The cue all of a sudden couldn't make a ball...:)

***go feel some of your local bars house cues's not as uncommon as some may think.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
finish suck

This doesn't sound like Leon...I'm sure if he was responsible he'd take care of the problem and not make it worse. Maybe all is not known here?


Let me see if I understand this! The cue is about 1 yr old, has not been abused, has been resold. The new owner is unhappy with the quality of the finish. If this is correct I take offense that people believe it is ok to accept that a cue maker does't need to stand behind his work because it is a sneaky pete. If this cue cost $2000 from what I've read he would not have to refinish the cue either? How many people would agree then. I have found my self in this same situation and always just refinished the cue no questions asked. It is my work and I always stand up and have pride in whatever I sell. Imo this is a serious mistake. If he had just accepted that the cue needed a basic refinishing he would have a loyal fan. Instead he has a mess, and this person may carry a bad feeling for him for a long time. How many lost sales may this attitude cost?? Always, always stand with pride and support your work and your customers. They support you!!!
Mike L.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I dont think anyone should be offering warranty work on 2nd or third party transactions. If so, there would be dishonest people taking advantage of it all the time and the cuemaker would be working for free.

I think that if I knew there was a problem to begin with, I would tell my buddy to get it handled then we can deal.

leon sly

old school maniac!!
Silver Member
i'll get right to the point...i have a 6 month warantee on all new cues to the original owner ...the second owner want's to post this beware!!..the cue maker because he didn't get his way witch is a free refinishing job! the second owner is a flip flop & a snake he knows what i'm talking about there for the refinishing is priceless...have fun with your bashing pops get a life grow up! i'm done with this bst.


cue accumulator
Silver Member
It resides in the same environment that more than 50 custom cues are subjected too every day and they are showing none of the aforementioned problems.
Following in you same vein of satire, the cue was inspected by several cue makers.

So you and all these cuemakers have inspected all 50 of the custom cues that reside in this environment?
50, wow, thats a lot.
Who are all of these cue makers that inspected the cue?
I would like to hear from just one of these inspectors.

We are talking about a used sneaky that needs a refinish, and Leon Sly offered to refinish it for 50-bucks.
I can't imagine any respectable cue maker taking your side on this issue.


cue accumulator
Silver Member
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Joe Barringer

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

This thread should have never been replied to. The OP is BS. The cue is over a year old, he's the second owner, he set this up that it's always been environmentally protected so as to avoid that issue being brought up and any culpability. You can read into this; the thread was extortion and blackmail. Leon offered a reasonable fix and this joker didn't get his way so he tried to denegrate Leon in a public forum.

The more we reply to threads like this, the more poeple will use them for ulterior motives.

This thread should end with this post.
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cuesblues !! Be careful how you state your opinion! I'll be damned if you or anyone not regard me as highly respected and reputable in this industry. I find that your remarks hold little to no validity at all. For Leon to state he has a 6m warranty is a slap in everyones face. I have been doing cues for 20 + yrs. and have always stated lifetime warranty on my cues. This covers everything , regardless of price, as long as there is no abuse. And I don't care if it the 1st or 30th owner. I stand behind my work for the life of the cue!!!
I guess CAVEAT EMPTOR is appropriate.
Mike L.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
To understand what the industry overall standard has been for warranty on cues just get a Blue Book of pool cues out and read the various warranties. Many say lifetime limited warranty to original owner against manufacturers defects not including finish, warpage and abuse. So most do not cover finish issues at all.

I know some have recently come out with lifetime warranties on warpage. I am not sure if any cover finish lifetime or not.

Various woods move at different amounts and points and forearms are usually two different woods and being able to feel the points is very common on cues. Especially the v-groove and full splice types. $50 for a refinish was a very good gesture. I doubt he would do it for twice that now.