Best value table cloth felt (Simonis 860 HR?)

Did a quick search on the topic but didn't see anything actually. Certainly the topic has come up. I inherited this pool table in March of 2008 and I believe it's time to replace the Granito cloth. The cloth has come to have a lot of burn marks. In hindsight, not knowing any better nor doing my due diligence, I believe I did not take care of the cloth regularly and had purchased a cheap set of billiard balls. I recently purchased a set of Aramith Premier Pool Balls and Aramith billiard ball cleaner. Wondering what is the best value cloth out there. Wouldn't mind paying a more for “professional grade cloth” that is going to stand the test of time a bit if I maintain it properly and I certainly want to avoid these unsightly burn marks. My friend / billiard aficionado recommends Simonis 860 HR billiard felt. Thank you.


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AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
I recently replaced my Centenial cloth with Simonis 860, not the HR version. I've been very happy with how well it cleans up. In hindsight, I should have done the HR, and will next time.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
HR stands for high resistance. It's more durable than the 860 and intended more for commercial use, according to the Simonis website.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
We have 860 and average half hour to an hour play per day. It's been three years and still looks great. Should easily go another three years. I do break off a 1"x3" piece of paper towel, and have zero break burns. Balls used, Aramith Premium mainly, some Cyclops use, and some Aramith tmt duramith use. Clean the balls every 2-3 weeks.
What's with the engine display? Is that half scale?


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
I kept a bunch of the scrap cloth and cut into 4” x 4” squares to put down for jumps, masse, and power breaks. Seems to help


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
HR is faster than 860 but slower than 760. Uses same blend as 760 but woven like 860. Great cloth. I like the ANDY988 also. Fast like HR and made well. We had it in our room for a while and everyone liked it. Wore just well as HR too.


It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that ping.
My 860HR doesn't look as pretty anymore after about 3 years, but it's still in great shape. We play a LOT of pool on it, probably average 20-30 hours per week on it. We do not baby it, we use an outsville break pad to break but we masse, jump and such on it with no though to preserving the cloth. I imagine it would play for another 3 years easily but I'm going to upgrade my table soon so I may never know.

It's damn durable stuff. We really truly don't baby it and even teach people to jump and such on it.
We have 860 and average half hour to an hour play per day. It's been three years and still looks great. Should easily go another three years. I do break off a 1"x3" piece of paper towel, and have zero break burns. Balls used, Aramith Premium mainly, some Cyclops use, and some Aramith tmt duramith use. Clean the balls every 2-3 weeks.
What's with the engine display? Is that half scale?
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I love making repurposed art. Had always wanted to make a table out of an engine, it's full scale! Game out great, very pleased with it.


Well-known member
I have Slate gray 860 that is only about three months old and there are a dozen are so small burn dots all around the table.

I too will be shifting to HR when I refelt next year.
I kind of expect them
Oh man. My current felt plays well overall. What's the point of getting new felt then other than the aesthetics?! I'll clean the table and balls more this time around but the burn marks are the number one thing I am trying to avoid with getting new felt. Frustrating.


Well-known member
Oh man. My current felt plays well overall. What's the point of getting new felt then other than the aesthetics?! I'll clean the table and balls more this time around but the burn marks are the number one thing I am trying to avoid with getting new felt. Frustrating.
I'd replace it when it's getting holes in it or worn so much it's effecting play. Then again, I don't mind the burn marks.