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  • hey man accept me as your friend on here-you hurt my feelings and I'm gonna have Disco kick your azz!!! ;)

    your baby is triple cute!!!

    let me know whrn your comming to Vegas
    Whats up Eric? Glad to hear things are going better. Its tough as hell out there right now but I know you will come up on top of things. I plan on being at Derby the second weekend. I havent been doing anything but working and hanging out with my son. He turns one in 2 weeks and its amazing. Kind of simplifies life for me. Lets go do a nice dinner at Derby, my treat. Take care.
    hey buddy,
    hope you have been good. I'm ok. thanks again for contacting me that one time-when I was real depressed. that meant alot to me, more than I can explain.

    Your avitar is great, someday were going to have kids. Just not yet. I have to get stableized with biz etc before I have kids. I want to retire first too.

    if your going to be at the Derby that will be great to see you, if not. Next time. you know how to find me. My very best,

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