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  • Hey there Mr Hann Sir.

    My better half sent you an e-mail but you did not get back to him, guess you are busy. We will not bother you again. Guess you are right why come back if you are making more money out of what you do now and you never really enjoyed it. For what its worth we miss watching you play and wish you and your family all the best for Christmas New year and the future. Hope you find the same happiness we have - I promise not to pester you to make a come back anymore - perhaps some things are better left in the past.

    If you ever do decide to play in something over here for fun though let us know and we will pop along and cheer you on.

    e-mail -
    Hey Chamillionare, Cashrider here dropping to say hello, and one of your young lovely ladies has escaped across the border...her name is Brittany Bryant ...19- gorgeous and hits em real good [ snooker-style] ...she's from toronto ...was here for the Denver Open and was telling about my Canandian buddy[at least online] Chamillionare , but could think of your name .. give a call 720 -233-3456...or text me with your name so l can pass it along to Brittany well and holla back... Dan Gibbons aka: Cashrider.
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