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  • Thanks for the link on stress response. Definitely gonna research on that topic since i've been feeling it bog me down recently, in pool and in life i guess.

    What's your approach to simulate pressure when practicing alone? I feel like i'm not practicing efficiently when alone. Doing planned drills and measuring results comes to mind?
    you looked great in that video, i play barefoot often too. We would be a close game, you might be a touch stronger than me-the L drill is very hard for me and you shoot it better. but I been around 25 years and know more than I can execute-try looking at the whole shot and stepping into it, if you lined up a hair better, you would drill me.
    Congratulations on beating Ralf, when I see him next in May I will tease him and remind him of your match. you will never forget that. You made a almost impossible come back from 7-2 with trading breaks, thats just amazing-good for you.

    my very best

    eric petersen
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