Ralph Kramden
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  • Thanks for the message. It is well appreciated.
    Take care & stay in touch... OH... by the way... I love the Honeymooners! Glad to see that there are people out there that grew up on the same wholesome shows that I did.
    Hi Ralph,

    Nice game rules there... Did you invent the "Contact" game, or is it traditionally played somewhere?

    I'm the editor at Pro9 - Europe's No.1 Pool Player Resource. www.Pro9.co.uk

    We kind of came later to the American game of pool, having Snooker and "English Pool" over here taking the front seat, but I'm trying to educate and inform our European audience as much as possible, would it be ok with you to add these rules to our site?

    All the best,
    Big Dave Knight.
    Pro9 - The European Pool Player Resource.
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