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  • Robin ... Enjoying my Frog jump cue I bouight from you. Now, if I could just get some more lessons ... lol

    Hi Robin! I haven't had a chance to sit down and write to you yet, but I wanted to say that your jumpers are EXCELLENT. They have caused quite a buzz with a couple of demonstrations that I have held before league night, and I think the raffle is going to be a tremendous success. I'm headed to SBE now, and will be looking forward to meeting you. Thank you so much!
    -Adam Morano
    Robin ... There is a thread that asked what the weight of the Frog and the Tadpole are, but your website does not say. Can you tell me so I can post it?

    I see you have shortened the Frog. It was longer orginally, wasn't it? (about 44 inches long) I bought my first jump cue from you in Las Vegas years and years ago ... lol
    Hey y'all wanna hear about the old school gangsters, wild women and the rest of the crazy stufff on the road, order up playas !!! Yup yup !
    i wish you the best selling everything off, i'm doing the same thing and leaving Vegas after a 20 years run here. Time for a change-you said it rightyou never really leave pool, I havent in 25 years, took a break here and there but thats about it. Best of luck, see you around.

    Eric :)
    Robin my email is I would like the cue clip info.
    Hi Robin, kinda funny story but when I started out playing pool when I was like 17 I bought a frog jump cue because I got it on sale, didn't even really think of the name on the side because I knew nothing about pool. It read robin dodson so yeh I play with a girls jump cue :) lol I jump great with it btw. had it for like 6 years almost now.
    Hello Robin please send me the flyer with the prices on the cue clips.. Thanks.. The Dster
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