Recent content by sparkle84

  1. S

    Beginner player looking for some insight

    As others have stated, addressing problems quickly is essential. In order to do that certain skills are needed. From what I saw I think you'll need to rethink a few things. Correct me if I'm wrong but what stood out the most while observing you play was an almost complete lack of use of...
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    49 Balls & No Rails: The Most Difficult Drill in Pool?

    Gorst has 3 drills on his YouTube that are ridiculously hard.
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    Where's Cocobolo Cowboy?

    Post of the year
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    BHE and FHE English

    Many posts on here about different topics are simply opinions. Lot of gray areas which can be debated. It's the one's like this which are frustrating. When someone doesn't have knowledge of a subject (laws that govern the behavior of the balls) it's virtually impossible to have any meaningful...
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    BHE and FHE English

    Bizarre as in, more accurately, just plain everyday wrong. Pool 101.
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    BHE and FHE English

    Pretty bizarre statements. Especially the last sentence.
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    Which Way Do You Play This Shot?

    I'm very disappointed you didn't mention personal preference. You sir, are a threat to mediocrity.🤣
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    Everyone can look. But only a few can see.

    They are calculating something, it's just not what you think it is. Question is, what might that be? When a professional pool player looks, what does he see? If you ever figure that out, that's when you might become a pool player.
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    left english vs right english

    Are you sure? Maybe he came up with something new. Everyone knows that swooping stuff was beat to death years ago. He couldn't possibly have forgot, could he?
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    left english vs right english

    What are twist english strokes? I hope it's not just another word for swooping.
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    Delfection/Spin Methods

    Seems you're missing the forest for the trees. What you're saying has nothing to do with JJ video. Your sentence about idiosyncrasies contradicts the other assertions.
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    Delfection/Spin Methods

    That's not a system. It's just one person's method based on the feel they've accrued over the years. Very similar to all "systems", they all tend to get you in the race near the starting line but aren't of much use in getting you over the finish line. To the OP, using inside to facilitate thin...
  13. S

    State Open Tournaments?

    You may be familiar with them but have you talked to them? My guess is no. My advice is, talk to them. A good question to ask might be how much money it cost them before giving up. Not to mention the time and frustration.
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    State Open Tournaments?

    Instead of sniping at me, read my 1st (#66) post in this thread. The 2 people mentioned will be more than happy to explain to you what you're up against. Their opinions are worth more than everyone on this forum. They have actually done what you're trying to do.
  15. S

    State Open Tournaments?

    Most of the posts here have pointed out the roadblocks you are sure to encounter. You don't seem inclined, first of all, to acknowledge them, and secondly, have any sort of plan to deal with them. Until you do, you are destined to fail. That's not unsupportive or negativity, it's reality.