Recent content by Tommyd1

  1. Tommyd1

    Tim Scruggs Titlist For Sale

    Hey Nick !! Nice cue. Love them titlist and Tim makes a great one.
  2. Tommyd1

    **** richard black bushka ****

    Jim, Sorry its gone. Tommyd1
  3. Tommyd1

    tommyd1 in hospital

    Yea !!!! I'm Back !!!!! Todays my first day back on AZ. Been pretty messed up for a whaile with this MS. Been mostly in the hospital since last April. Had a 14 hour Surgery on my spine and spinal colum. They put all my vertibray in steel cages and my disk, then fused from...
  4. Tommyd1

    tommyd1 in hospital

    Thanks my friends !! You guy's are great Ray J - Darrell, Mike, Jimmy, etc's - Love ya all :) Thanks Tommy :thumbup:
  5. Tommyd1

    tommyd1 in hospital

    Update on me :) Hey Guys and girls ( girls would be nice ), Been pretty sick lately so I haven't been able to get to the pool hall or be on AZ for that matter, but here I am.........................yea !!!! lol, This MS Shit really sucks. Before I found out I had an advanced form of it...
  6. Tommyd1

    Tom Ross medical condition

    I will certainly Tom in my prayers. Stroke can be very devastating, we now have programs that can rehabilitate someone to their Condition before the stroke. I hope Tom is able to participate in this type of therapy. Tommyd1
  7. Tommyd1

    Happy Birthday Kenny Murrell!!!!!

    Hope you have a great day ! Happy birthday !!! Tommyd1
  8. Tommyd1

    8 point putnam with inlays fs/ft

    I've seen this cue. This cue is beautiful and hits fantastic. This is probably one of Shawns nicest cues I've ever seen. Who ever picks this bad boy up will certainly have a lot of complements every time he takes it out of it's case. Tommyd1
  9. Tommyd1

    Gold crown 1 for sale !!!!!

    FOR SALE IS A 1963 GOLD CROWN ONE - this table is in very good condition. Pockets have been shimmed - 1/2 inch, table was recovered approximately one year ago with Simonis 860 cloth. Sale will include a set of ARAMITH BALLS that are in good condition. Nice brass table lights and cover will...
  10. Tommyd1

    1963 Gold Crown 1 for sale.

    For sale a 1963 Gold Crown One. Table is in very good condition. Table is located in Brownstown Township, Michigan. Table sale include a set of ARAMITH BALLS. Lights and cover included. Price is $ 2350.00
  11. Tommyd1

    tommyd1 in hospital

    My update ! Well, I said I'd keep you all informed as to my progress. This past Monday, October 4th I finally found out what this disease does. I woke up and could barely stand up let alone walk. I couldn't open an envelope my hands were shaking so bad. I went to the Social Security Office...
  12. Tommyd1

    Richard Black for Sale w/ Tascarella Shafts

    Price drop !!! Price is lowered to $ 1600 for this cue. If interested PM me and I'll give you the owners phone number. I can vouch for the owner - no problem here. Tommyd1
  13. Tommyd1

    cue reinishing special

    Wow !!! Sounds great. You should display some pictures of your work.
  14. Tommyd1

    Richard Black for Sale w/ Tascarella Shafts

    Butt and shafts separately, now there's an idea ? I'll run it by him tomorrow and get back to ya :thumbup:
  15. Tommyd1

    Richard Black for Sale w/ Tascarella Shafts

    Kickin Chicked, he didn't like the way the RB Shafts hit. :)