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  • Hello. Thanks for sending me a friend request. In my opinion, one cannot have too many friends.
    Hi my nane is Elmer. Has anyone talked to Mashall ( Piercyexclusive ) I have been trying to get in touch with him for months.He is a dear friend. Please let me know if anyone knows how to get in touch with him. And hows he doing Thanks You elkey1
    I got ahold of Piercy- he's pretty weak but alive ,and working to catch up. Do you have Jims number ?? or the shop number at Mottey. James pmed me- said he's working Part-time, but I'm waiting on an address to send my Mottey,and Gus Szamboti shaft in. thanks in advance- wishing ya the best!! Mark
    Hello Have you heard from Piercy Exclusive- just trying to gather information Please- Mark
    How have you been? I have been off doing auction a now have time to get back on AZ.
    Hope everything is well.
    Hello Bob not sure of why I got the invite but thanks.My name is Bob Jacobs . I was born and raised in Chicago moved to Phoenix at 51 introduced to pool shortly after. I've been playing for about 5 years .I fell in love with it, practice, league ,tournaments, gambling for a few bucks with my buddies. I like everything about cues, I even worked for a cue maker here in Phoenix for 6 months when I got laid off . Always buying cues and cases until my money ran out.Take care Bob see you around.
    Hi Bob, My name is Larry Myers. Wayne Norcross used to work at my dad's pool hall is Silver Spring, MD . Do you know how to get in touch with him. Wayne was truily a great guy and player. I sure like to say hi to him again. My email is My phone is 240-393-8675........ Larry Myers
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