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  • Dear friend!
    Please go here http://wh.gov/5Jmn to sign a petition to the White House, calling for them to investigate and condemn forced organ harvesting in China. Although the 25,000 signatures have been reached, but some signatures on the petition may come from CCP agents. We just have 2 days more, so your sign is extremely important for us right now.
    Thank you very much!

    Video The Messenger: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUt3A55e_pA
    HI Ira,
    I tried to send you message on facebook, but i forget that we are not friend,so i figure out i send it threw az,

    It was a great event at carom cafe , the streaming was amazing , quality and games of course. I watched for 2 days only, one day one game ( since I am working) but I was able to watch the finals! YOU DID A GREAT JOB.
    NO complains , I believe that $15 is fair price to watch good quality games, But maybe in the prelimaries should be cheaper , this is just an idea , I know you had a lot of expenses and people involved .something to think in the future.

    again good job and thanks

    gilbert najm
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