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  • Mr. Flynn,

    I have a chance to buy one of your cues 2nd hand.

    I tried to e-mail you pictures but the address got kicked back.
    Do you have a different e-mail address?

    I just want to be sure it is worth the price asked.

    Thank you,

    mchnhed (Scott)
    Hello, the swirly brazilian is incredible. I totally like the full length PH core of your cues. How much will be a cue with either rosewood or ebony forearm and butt and another nice wood for the handle ? I like forward cues with BP of 20 and firm very responsive hit with no weight bolt. Also, I saw the break cue with spliced ebony in to the PH, seems a very neat idea !!! Can you gave me a quote on that, with a ph break shaft and a PH handle ?

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