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  • Hello , I really enjoyed watching your pictures of your restoring of the GC . I have question for you . I see you had your trim and I guess your pocket castings buffed out to a chrome like shine . Well I did the same , but what I found was it scratches very easily . Have you noticed that yet ? How are you protecting the castings and trim from scratching ? Thanks again Frank
    Hi there,
    Are you talking about the GC4 restore where I removed the chrome plating and polished the castings to a shine.
    If so the only way to protect it is to apply a clear finish.
    Having said that next time I'll get everything chromed as I've now found a quality chrome plater. Cheers
    your GC3 restored is gorgeous, where are you located? how long did this take? I am currently shopping around for a GC and this is the exact same paint job my wife and I are looking at but didnt think it was possible or maybe mechanics do not dare.
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