Search results

  1. Danimal

    Van Nuys 70’s Pool Room

    I came across an online album of pictures from Van Nuys, California during the 70’s. Anybody recognize the pool hall on the left of the old Capri Theater? Can’t seem to find any info on it anywhere…
  2. Danimal

    Vid test

  3. Danimal

    Skyline Billiards (Brooklyn, NY) Weekly Thursday Night 9 Ball

    Jennifer Barretta and Gmac’s room in beautiful Brooklyn, NYC. Every Thursday night, free practice @ 7PM. Come early or call in as we’ve been getting full fields and have been selling out! Always a game to be had at Skyline if you’re looking to do a little sumthin’-sumthin’.
  4. Danimal

    Filler hit em’ with the RAM shot

    First of all, congrats to Filler on winning the 2019 US Open championship. But notwithstanding an untimely foul by Wu at the end of the match, in the parlance of Karl Boyes, it has to be said that with the score 10-8 and with the mighty Wu mounting a comeback, Filler definitely hit em’ with...
  5. Danimal

    Image test

    Test image
  6. Danimal

    Memorial Tournament

    This weekend is the big show. Good luck to all the players coming out and participating in memory of the Ginkster.
  7. Danimal

    What lurks behind a Bk3 tip?

    A friend of mine broke his Bk3 for the second time. His layered leather tip chipped on a bad break shot and I offered to replace it with a Samsara. When I chucked it up and went to cut off the old tip, to my chagrin the whole tip flew off along with the plate that is connected to the ferrule...
  8. Danimal

    Did Shane catch a bad skid?

    Shane’s missed 8 ball was a real dagger yesterday. Does anyone think he was the victim of an untimely skid? It was kind of hard to tell since it was a stun shot that was hit at speed. I’m only postulating because the first thing Jayson did when he jumped out of the chair was to ask the ref to...
  9. Danimal

    New 9-Ball Tournament-Thursday Nights-Queens, NY

    Weekly Handicapped 9Ball Starting up Thursday, Dec. 7th Spin City Billiard & Cafe in Woodside, NY (Just steps from the 7 train) Regular appearances by the infamous William Finnegan
  10. Danimal

    Funny Bartable video

    A humorous short featuring Dave Matlock running out and a young Johnny Archer racking for him. Miz sits in the peanut gallery and cracks some jokes at poor Johnny's expense.
  11. Danimal

    Pattern Puzzles - A Zero-X Billiards Book

    Who should use this book Maybe I resemble you as a player. You’ve had success in pool on a league level. You’ve won some tournaments, maybe even a regional tour stop. Your mechanics are decent and you can runout fairly consistently, and when the stars align, you’re hot enough to beat anyone...
  12. Danimal

    Doug Carter's StrokeTrainer

    Who has one of these in good shape that is taking up space that you'd like to get rid of?:thumbup: Pm me
  13. Danimal

    2017 Expo is already sold out

    I don't recall the Open being closed out so early before.
  14. Danimal

    Kid Delicious on the Empire State Championships stream

    Playing Zion on the stream now don't call it a comeback
  15. Danimal

    Mosconi vs. Darts

    For anyone whom would like to compare, check out ESPN 3's coverage of the Wold Darts Championship currently airing. Same arena and same Matchoom production as the Mosconi Cup, however, it must have 5x the audience that the Mosconi did. The format is familiar to what we watched last week but...
  16. Danimal

    Earl and Jayson - The Next Pool Rivalry?

    This weekend was another incendiary installment in these fellas' enduring bitter saga. Many may remember it all started a several years ago at the Ginky Memorial, when Earl bested Jayson and aggravated him to the point where Shaw snapped his jump cue at the conclusion of the match. While I...
  17. Danimal


  18. Danimal

    We miss ya, Ginky

    RIP to George "Ginky" SanSouci, gone way too early 5 years ago today. Thinking of you today, my man. Who has a good story about the Ginkster?
  19. Danimal

    A Solution to the 9-Ball Rack: Spot the Balls.

    Let’s bring back the big break shot in 9-ball. It makes the game exciting. We all want pool to be treated like a sport, but since the move away from the power break, the sporting aspect of the game has been diminished. One pro famously lamented that the break was the one last athletic move in...
  20. Danimal

    Peter Vitalie table, "Le Mieux"

    9' "Le Mieux" model with 4.5 inch pockets, in excellent condition. Almost all of these tables have 6 legs, but this one is rare possessing only 4. It was also the personal table of pro player Zion Zvi, and has been a practice table for none other than Mika Immonen and Jayson Shaw. Located in...