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  1. Cicerone88

    So who is buying Matchroom Sports WNT LIVE streaming?

    Waiting for an app before I purchase. Hopefully sometime soon.
  2. Cicerone88

    Forward weighted cue.

    I’m not arguing how much spin is produced, i’m talking about how the cue hits the ball. I think it’s easier to deliver a better cue and decrease your chances of deceleration on soft shots. Helps with cueing off the rail too. It’s subjective of course, but it makes sense why myself and others...
  3. Cicerone88

    Forward weighted cue.

  4. Cicerone88

    WTH is going on?!?!? 😳

    Don’t know about Sky, but Fedor talked about his back issues when he was on the Joe Rogan podcast. It’s been an ongoing thing. I’ll have to rewatch it, but I believe he said it’s because of his height and the wear and tear on his back from his stance. I think he said he has scoliosis 🤔 Edit: @...
  5. Cicerone88

    Forward weighted cue.

    Correct. In the video I posted, Alex mentions that he holds the very back of the cue. And since he’s short, he tends to stretch more than the average player, giving him less of a backswing. Some extra weight at the front probably feels better on his bridge keeping his cue down. As well as the...
  6. Cicerone88

    Forward weighted cue.

    Im not hearing it anywhere it’s my own and others experience. At soft speeds, having a forward weighted cue with a heavier shaft and soft tip feels like it sticks to the ball a little longer (even if its a fraction of a second) and helps push it through the cueball. If I have a really touchy...
  7. Cicerone88

    Forward weighted cue.

    Forward weighted cues are good for touch and spinning the ball at low speed. This helps with finesse shots, allowing for better cue ball control in tight spaces. Good for games like one pocket or straight pool.
  8. Cicerone88

    Your thoughts on outrageous cue prices

    100%. And those guys will be able to take a kia hatchback and lap me in my sportscar. Pros can run racks with a broom stick. So when I see someone like Shaw for example (who’s been through Meucci, Peri, J Flowers, etc) it doesn’t mean much to me when he promotes the cues he uses saying his new...
  9. Cicerone88

    Show us your HOME ROOMS !!

    Friend of mine’s setup. Nice and clean. Freddie if you’re lurking I think you’ll recognize this spot 😂
  10. Cicerone88

    Your thoughts on outrageous cue prices

    Maybe. But as we’ve all seen, players change cue sponsors like underwear. They chose their cues based on who’s the high bidder after their contract is up. Not how good a cue plays. If you ever watch those “whats in the case” videos, 95% of the pros can’t even articulate what they like about a...
  11. Cicerone88

    Your thoughts on outrageous cue prices

    The big cue companies do a great job marketing. Convincing players that deflection is the root of all evil and not using their 1k+ painted cue and carbon fibre shaft is whats holding their game back was just brilliant.
  12. Cicerone88

    ????Original Color of Money Joss Cue

    Post more if you got em!
  13. Cicerone88

    ????Original Color of Money Joss Cue

    Here they are…the real deal.
  14. Cicerone88

    Your 1st Cue, 30 Years Later

    1st cue - Dufferin rainbow series (green) 2nd cues - Falcon VL-1 and AC-20 Jump/Break
  15. Cicerone88

    Pool cue components or styles that you are not a fan of.

    “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.” - Oscar Wilde
  16. Cicerone88

    How Important Is it to Own/Use a Break Cue

    Nobody crushes the break anymore. It’s a medium/medium high speed, controlled break for 10 ball and 8 ball, and a low-medium speed cut break for 9 ball. Magic rack with fast cloth doesn’t require a hard break to get a good spread, so they can emphasize control over power. Sometimes you’ll see...
  17. Cicerone88

    How Important Is it to Own/Use a Break Cue

    Not necessary at all. Especially now with magic racks and cut breaks. Nothing more than a luxury. I have a Jacoby heavy hitter with a phenolic tip that I use on my league night so I can smash my wooden rack 8 ball racks. But all the 9 ball tournaments are magic rack nine on the spot now, so i...
  18. Cicerone88

    SVB Banned from Mosconi Cup

    Bring back the rocket 🚀
  19. Cicerone88

    Are the Volturo Fellini any good?

    I have a GTF (it’s George, ron Thomas, Fellini) 1x2 by John Barton for sale if you’re interested. Similarly priced to the Volturi, but miles apart in build quality and protection.
  20. Cicerone88

    SVB Banned from Mosconi Cup

    Based on Shanes performance record I don’t think removing him creates the void you think it does. If Europe is gunna win anyway, i’d at least want a more entertaining US team to watch. I think with the right team they could put up a good fight and upset some matches with or without Shane.