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  1. softshot

    Rip Danny Diliberto

    "Don't move balls that don't need to be moved.. Fall on where they Go" Danny Diliberto.
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  5. softshot

    8-ball as a rotation game

    we used to play a wild variation we called cribbage.. you could shoot any ball you want except 8 but the next shot had to be its color twin so if you shoot the 1 ball the next has to be the 9, 2-10, 3-11, and so on, if you missed on the mate the ball you made would be spotted, if you made both...
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    What tip you do you play with?

    I've been playing with a hard triangle, Pressed, for over 20 years I've seen and tried all sorts nothing else is as consistent over the life of the tip. holds chalk easily throughout its lifetime rarely needs a tip tool.. lasts forever because I'm not grinding it down regularly, proper...
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