Search results

  1. Danimal

    Old (defunct) NYC pool hall?

    When you’re at ABC you should ask Master Kin about that location, he told me that he used to play around there back in the day.
  2. Danimal

    Van Nuys 70’s Pool Room

    I came across an online album of pictures from Van Nuys, California during the 70’s. Anybody recognize the pool hall on the left of the old Capri Theater? Can’t seem to find any info on it anywhere…
  3. Danimal

    Favorite Poster?

    john schmidt in his time provided some crazy content. AZ was a like a different world back then.
  4. Danimal

    The Ginky Memorial 2024

    The Ginky Memorial was Tony Robles’s product, which he partnered for years with at Steinway. Tony moved to Florida, and as mentioned above, Steinway is no more. I believe the first memorial tournament was held at Amsterdam Billiards in Manhattan in 2012, and and the next 6-7 or so were held...
  5. Danimal

    Cues that have won Major Tournaments

    Kevin Cheng won the US Open using his ebony SW with flamed maple points (no veneers).
  6. Danimal

    Predator table review, 2024 Expo

    Which room are you referring to that was in Englewood, NJ?
  7. Danimal

    Tokyo Pool Rooms/Stores

    Nice Daytona on the wall lol. In fact, nice everything you got there.
  8. Danimal

    Easier way to boost the US Mosconi Cup team?

    Any US team needs to get the wild 8 from Europe at this point.
  9. Danimal

    Player’s room in Sarasota Florida

    Livingston’s also has a couple of open tournaments during the week going on. OP check their social or give them a call
  10. Danimal

    Just for fun

  11. Danimal

    Deleting Posts

    The former was Neil. Everything turned into dots
  12. Danimal

    Why are Viking cues so often overlooked?

    Ronnie Alcano is pretty big. He won a major title with his cue and afterwards got the Viking logo tattooed on his forearm!
  13. Danimal

    Have you used carbon fiber and went back to wood?

    They put some type of steel bolt in the middle of a Revo to add weight to it. Take a magnet, hold it around the middle of a Revo shaft and voila! - you’ll be surprised.
  14. Danimal

    Are we seeing the end of wood cues?

    I agree, OP, just like we saw the end of the use of wooden violins and guitars. I hated keeping those things properly humidified and in good shape, anyways. I’m sure most professionals feel the same as you do!
  15. Danimal

    why is there background music at Matchroom events?

    Turning Stone has always had background music playing, and it’s typically classic rock. No complaints.
  16. Danimal

    Pool fads?

    Cheqio performance drink and vitamins!
  17. Danimal

    Vasectomy and pool

    TIL more poolplayers than I thought would stop at no lengths to drop their pool games a coupla balls 😝
  18. Danimal

    Steinway Billiards Closing

    According to the development plan outline, it looks like the ol’ Riviera Club across the way will be spared!
  19. Danimal

    Good players using TAD cues?

    Several years ago I watched Uchigaki play Ko Pin Yi on the TV table at the US Open in VA. Big Ko shot at a .950 TPA and still lost hill-hill to Kenichi (!), who was all dressed up, button down shirt, vest and all. I’ll never forget watching him with that fancy TAD run out that last rack for...
  20. Danimal

    billiard tables in famous objects like castles, palaces etc.

    Many of us dreamed of having both a full size pool table and a 3 cushion table in our homes. And to think, we would only have to have been born a Hearst to achieve it :LOL: