Search results

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    World Pool Masters 2019

    You must be real fun at parties
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    Mosconi Cup week 2018

    Anyone else notice the laser pointer on the table when Shane shot the nine?
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    Mosconi cup on espn3

    Is the Cup on espn3 again this year?
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    Anyone going to the Mosconi Cup?

    Myself and my girlfriend will be there all week, comming from montana so I dont know anyone else going, thinking I will probably get the itch to play some after watching the cup all day. So if any info on weekly tourneys or anything like that comes up, I am in for sure.
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    Anyone going to the Mosconi Cup?

    Just wondering if anyone going to Vegas for the Mosconi cup plans on playing any weekly tournaments, and where the weekly tournaments are in Vegas.
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    Try again, Str8-shots giveaway.

    sarah rousey
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    TAR 36 Who Will Win Giveaway

    Md 27 js 25 js 27 md 24 js 27 md 22
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    World Cup of Pool

    I cant get the stream on my computer, says no playable sources found. Any ideas?
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    World Cup of Pool

    do they stream all 3 of the midday matches?
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    Looking for Jimmy Mataya

    lol OK because I was about to post and ask for his info also
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    Looking for Jimmy Mataya

    Does this have anything to do with the Cole Dickson memorial tourney?
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    TAR 25: Hatch vs Dechaine Presented by OB Cues sponsored by Simonis Cloth and CSI

    Just another reason TAR is the absolute best in the biz.
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    TAR 25: Hatch vs Dechaine Presented by OB Cues sponsored by Simonis Cloth and CSI

    Can count me in for the stream of this, great match-up tar. Cant wait to watch Mike rack for 20 mins. lol
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    What's your pool hustler name?

    Not sure I like being "the crooked sniper the 4th" but at least 3 other guys played just as bad
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    action challenge prizes

    I did not mean to come off as impatient was just curious if something was said on the stream and I missed it or something.
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    action challenge prizes

    I could be wrong but I thought the top 5 finishers in the action challenge were recieving prizes. If so is there anywhere that the prizes are posted? And how do we go about getting these prizes. Thanks for any info
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    2003 Jensen cue for sale

    ok i will try, im taking any decent offers, thanks again yally
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    2003 Jensen cue for sale

    i need to sell this stick
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    2003 Jensen cue for sale

    bump to first page
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    2003 Jensen cue for sale

    bump bump bump